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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. Seafire MkIII, No.887 NAS, Fleet Air Arm, 1945

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    Seafire MkIII, No.887 Naval Air Squadron Fleet Air Arm, HMS Indefatigable, Okinawa, April 1945 - Japanese Coast, August 1945.


    It is a little known fact that aircraft of the Royal Navy British Pacific Fleet fought at Okinawa and participated in the final air attacks on the Japanese mainland.


    All serial numbers included in this package correspond to Seafire MkIII aircraft which served with 887 NAS at some point between late 1944 and the end of the War. Where possible, known individual numbers have been allocated to the correct aircraft. These are marked with an asterisk in the loadout menu.


    Alternative lower resolution (1024x1024) skin files are included.


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.


  2. KeyboardChap here has and it worked for him (just above Stary's post) - http://combatace.com...post__p__558088 - you could try PM'ing them for more info on his setup.


    Thanks - he mentions DX9 but not his OS. Worth following up in any case.


    Hi ndicki


    Yep I did, installed it with all my other SF2 games, and my results so far. SF2NA will not start up, when I bought it I was half hoping/expecting it would start and run like a dog but I don’t get anything.



    Bad news...Even with ForceDX9=TRUE?

  3. tasked with well behind the line strikes in an A-10 is a massacre if you don't stay really low. My wingmen are getting into all kinds of trouble because they won't join me NOE. I assume if it could be done, I'ld have heard about it, but figure I'll ask anyhow. Didn't see anything helpful in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI either.


    Not at all my thing, but I'd have thought that fiddling with these parameters would help:





























    From the A-10 data.ini.

  4. This one is taking longer than usual, as the panel lines on the squadron codes and letters are not being co-operative... It's an HF.MkVIIc flown by S/L James O'Meara, OC of 131 Sqn, based at Colerne in early 1944. W/C Pete Brothers commanded the Wing at the time.


    The pointed wingtips had generally been replaced by standard ones by this time. Most HF.MkVII aircraft were eventually repainted in the standard Day Fighter Scheme as the high altitude threat failed to materialise.


    And if anyone can tweak the flight dynamics, that'd be even better!


  5. Spitfire PR.MkXI, RAF, 1943-45

    Spitfire PR.MkXI, RAF, 1943-45


    The unarmed MkXI photographic reconnaissance Spitfire came into service in early 1943, and was basically a modified MkIX airframe with a MkVIII retractable tailwheel and fittings for three cameras. Further modifications included leading edge fuel tanks and a larger oil tank in an enlarged chin fitted below the Rolls-Royce Merlin 61, 63, 63A or 70 engine. Early aircraft kept the original rounded rudder, while the second production batch had the later pointed type.


    The serial numbers included in this pack correspond to early production MkXI aircraft with the rounded rudder, all built during late 1942 or early 1943. As such, they can be used for missions dating from February 1943 until the end of the War. As PR Spitfires did not carry squadron codes, any PRU/PR Squadron may be represented.



    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.


  6. Spitfire MkIXe, 107 Sqn, IDF/AF, 1948-50s

    Spitfire MkIXe, No.107 Sqn, Israel Air Force/Defense Force, 1948-1950s



    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  7. Spitfire MkIXe, 105 Sqn, IDF/AF, 1948-50s

    Spitfire MkIXe, No.105 Sqn, Israel Air Force/Defense Force, 1948-1950s



    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  8. Spitfire MkIXe, 101 Sqn, IDF/AF, 1948-50s

    Spitfire MkIXe, No.101 Sqn, Israel Air Force/Defense Force, 1948-1950s



    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  9. Spitfire MkIXe, 105 Sqn, IDF/AF, 1948-50s (GB)

    Spitfire MkIXe, No.105 Sqn, Israel Air Force/Defense Force, 1948-1950s


    Aircraft were delivered in the standard RAF Day Fighter Scheme of Ocean Grey, Dark Green and Medium Sea Grey. The Ocean Grey uppersurfaces were quickly repainted using household paint to a more effective brownish sand colour.


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  10. Spitfire MkIXe, 101 Sqn, IDF/AF, 1948-50s (GB)

    Spitfire MkIXe, No.101 Sqn, Israel Air Force/Defense Force, 1948-1950s


    Aircraft were delivered in the standard RAF Day Fighter Scheme of Ocean Grey, Dark Green and Medium Sea Grey. The Ocean Grey uppersurfaces were quickly repainted using household paint to a more effective brownish sand colour.


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  11. Spitfire MkIXc, IDF/AF, 1948-50s

    Spitfire MkIXc, No.101 Sqn, Israel Air Force/Defense Force, 1948-1950s



    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  12. Spitfire MkIXe S-89, Czech Air Force, late 1940s

    Spitfire MkIXe S-89, 10th Air Regiment, Czech Air Force, Praha-Kbely, 1949


    When the Free Czech squadrons of the RAF (Nos. 310, 312, 313) returned to Czechoslovakia after the end of the War, they took their aircraft with them, specially repainted in Czech colours before their departure from RAF Manston. These aircraft were supplemented by a number of others bought from Britain, but with the arrival of the Communists in power in 1947, the S-89 as the Spitfire was known locally fell out of favour and was phased out in favour of Soviet types. Many Czech Spitfires were sold on to the new State of Israel.


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model and Flight Dynamics by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    Skin, decals, data.ini modifications by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


    This is my rather limited way to saying thank you to Monty CZ for all the fabulous aircraft he makes for us!



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