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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. F-86F-30FB 2Sqn SAAF Korea

    F-86F-30 Sabre, No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, Korea, 1953.


    No.2 Squadron "The Flying Cheetahs" served throughtout the Korean War, attached to the USAF 18th Fighter-Bomber Wing. Intially flying F-51D Mustangs, they were converted onto Sabres in January 1953.


    This is a rebadged stand-alone of the F-86F-30 Sabre contained in the package put together by USAFMTL, David Zurawski, Jimmy Bib, Fubar 512 and Tazkiller; please read the enclosed "Original Read Me" for details of credits. My only contribution involves decalling, some nationality tweaking and hangar/loading screens.


  2. Go to downloads, select add file, select the category under which you'd like to upload your work, and then follow the prompts. You do not have to create a thumbnail for your file, simply post a regular screen shot (5 mb max size), and the system will automatically resize it to a thumbnail, on the uploaded file's page.


    Thanks! Sounds simpler than some I've known. Good news.



    Edit: All done. :good: SAAF rebadge of the late model Sabre...

  3. I felt like doing a mod of the F-86F-30 Sabre for No.2 Sqn South African Air Force, in Korea - not for release until I get permission, if I could figure out quite who to ask!


    But - as you'll see from one of the screenies, I'm getting linear bleeding along the fuselage, and underneath, in the form of heavy black lines. Is there some way to fix this? I also had it from the squadron insignia, just aft of the guns, so I had to place it in the bmp instead of using a decal.


    Thanks for any help!

  4. Getting there - new decals, serials and codes, but I'm getting bleeding on the nose section and fuselage - thick black lines along and underneath the fuselage, caused by the large individual letter. I got the same thing for the squadron insignia on the nose, so I had to fix it into the skin, instead.


    Is there a known work-round for this? It is my first SFP1 mod, so be charitable!


    And then - who can give me permission to upload, please?

  5. Since we're on the subject, there is a further Korean War Sabre I'd have liked to see - No.2 Sqn South African Air Force, the Flying Cheetahs, who formed a part of 18 Fighter-Bomber Wing. Initially on F-51Ds, later on F-86s. Bit of exoticism. If anyone is interested in the idea, either I can scan a few photos - got lots - or I learn how to make up decals and nationalities correctly! Although the huge fin flash - the entire height of the fin - would ideally be done on the photoshop layered file before exporting. Much easier than fooling round with a decal. The present SAAF markings are incorrect for the period, as they used an RAF-style blue and white circle, but with a leaping orange springbok replacing the inner red circle, ek se, ek se.


    Any interest?


    Edit - The fin stripe is similar to the one in the 67FBS skin - a quick once over in photoshop to adjust the colours and it's bang on. Getting closer!

  6. :good:


    I paid about 5 pounds - say eight US Dollars - for SF Gold just a couple of months ago, and with all the patches and add-ons, which so far all seem to be compatible (though sometimes need basic tweaking), it's brilliant value. The entire series seem essentially compatible, so all in all, you pay for the basic engine, and go from there. SF Gold has the desert terrain as default, BTW. Recommended!

  7. But make sure you have enough space left on your harddrive!

    After my 15th install, i noticed i was unable to install any addon aircraft, as my partition "Games" had only 2 MB left. :blink::haha:


    Oh, do I know the problem! And I've just looked - my SF install is 18GB! My (multiple) CFS3 installs are between 5 - 8 GB each, and I thought that was bad; I'm one of the Desert Rats team, developing the Mediterranean Air War add-on, and the Battle of France team too, so it all piles up and up... 18 GB, though, grief, it goes quickly! I only got the game at Christmas time!


    I think I need another hard-drive...

  8. If you are using SF Gold with the last patch then the previous weapons editor should work dated 240406 - so not sure why yours isnt. You havnt got 2 weapondata.dat files in the objects folder in different subfolders have you?


    Open up the single weapondata.ini which should be in your SFG "weapons" folder - check all your weapons are listed - then hit save.


    that should create the new weapondata.dat in the weapons folder.


    Any problems then I would expect a dll error - have you tried different jets to see if they come up with any of them?


    Well, I did have two weapondata.dat files, but I found them; that was one of the first things I looked for. And when I tried to use the new one, in the weapons folder, as you said - nothing good. Yet AFAIK my patches are up to date. Mystery. With the newly generated one, half the loadouts are missing - including basics on stock aircraft, such as the Sidewinders on Phantoms!


    No dll errors yet despite trying a number of aircraft, but occasional CTDs, probably caused by the game trying to spawn a plane which is not correctly installed. With Bunyap's weapondata.dat, things seem to work correctly, so I supsect an install problem in one or more aircraft files.

  9. I've tried the ones which came with the weapons packs - both Bunyap's and the Mirage Factory's are dated 24/04/2006, and one I found here from 11/08/2004. Neither worked correctly, and left me with semi-functioning data.dat files. The latest version does the same thing. The screen comes up, it all looks like it should (set to W98 environment under XP Home SP2), and an apparently correct WEAPONDATA.dat is generated. Go and see, and half the weapons are missing.


    Now the WEAPONDATA.dat which came ready-made with Bunyap's package functions perfectly well, so there must be a way to get it working; can anybody please point me at the solution?

  10. Cheers - off to look. I think you've got the answer there.


    No joy. I tried the one which came with the weapons packs - both Bunyap's and the Mirage Factory's are dated 24/04/2006, and one I found here from 11/08/2004. Neither worked correctly, and left me with semi-functioning data.dat files.


    Back to the one which came with Bunyap's Weapons Pack. It may not be 100% up to date by now, but at least it works the way it should! Thank goodness I'd backed it up...


    BTW, I'm fully patched up to date - if that means things should work. And they say CFS3 is complicated!

  11. That is the point i guess. Like i thought, you are using the LATEST weapon editor, wich should be ONLY used with WOI or FE.

    Get the weapon editor wich comes with either Bunyaps or the Mirag Factory weapon packs. The new one will work with WOE,WOV or SFP1 once the patch is out, i assume. Until then you´ll need the pre-WOI version for the rest of the series.


    EDIT: SF Gold had some issues with patching, i believe. Need to grab some info there before i suggest something on this.


    Cheers - off to look. I think you've got the answer there.

  12. The game is SF Gold. That might explain it. Suggestions? I've got a fair bit of stuff to add.


    Zingaro is up and running in Nations.ini, with full decalling as for standard nations.


    Off to try Paki Sidewinders! - Good idea there...



    Kevin - It worked, so I now have a MiG with Sidewinders, except that I had to change the nationality in MiG-21MF_RZAF_DATA.INI to Pakistan... So now my decals don't work! But it shows the principle, and all I now need to do is sort out this thing with the Weapons Editor.


    Reassuring though - I now know I had correctly understood how it all dovetails, and it was only a problem with the tools (said the workman!)


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