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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. Well, it's a weapons editor problem. When I use the 2006 WEAPONDATA.dat file that comes with the weapons pack, everything which is in it seems to work correctly. Well, more or less, anyway. However, when I use the newly regenerated WEAPONDATA.dat file created by the Editor, it does funny things. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes certain types of weapons are unavailable - at the moment, the stock F-4s have got no Sparrows! - and so on and so forth. Also, it doesn't save the .dat file to the same place; the working one was in objects\weapons, while the new one is in objects.


    It is the very latest editor, running in W98 mode on XP SP1, for what it's worth. AAAAARGH!

  2. Thasnks - that is in fact what I've already done, to all intents and purposes.


    Take a look:




    TypeName=RZAF AIM-9P-5

    FullName=AIM-9P-5 Sidewinder









































































    Zingaro is a fully functioning nationality, as I mentioned above, so IMHO, it should work... Odd game, this. I'm having similar trouble with Kfirs which won't do as they're told, either, and I didn't mess about with them!

  3. I'm trying to put together a fictional African air force (=ENEMY), flying MiG-21MFs, but using Sidewinders and selected NATO weps rather than just Soviet. The nationality functions, with full decalling, etc, so that is not the problem.


    I've created nationality-specific versions of the NATO weapons I want to use, and changed the attachment type to WP to correspond to the aircraft. I've edited the loadout.ini to use these weapons. Dates of service correspond.


    And it doesn't work. The loadout menu does its own thing, and loads them up with the Soviet junk I'm trying to avoid. And my versions don't even show up as selectable. Of course, while I can control my own aircraft and at least choose from what is on offer, my wingmen still get what they're given, so I'd like to see my selected weapons working the way I want!


    I'm using the latest weapons editor, and my modified weapons show up in WEAPONDATA.dat. I promise I've read the tutorials!


    Obviously I'm missing something, but...what? :dntknw: The game does seem to do its own thing sometimes...

  4. I grew up there and noticed your badge from my youth there. I served in the Rhodesian forces and have a book coming out soon on the Rhodesian war. It is a revised edition of a co-authored book I wrote some years ago. It has stuff on the Rhodesian air force, including a transcript of the Green Leader cockpit tape from one of the RhAF attacks into Zambia. I live in England now.


    There is probably enough stuff in this series now, bar skins and an Alouette III model, to replicate some of the bush war in southern Africa.




    Which unit? One of my best mates was a VR chopper pilot with 7 Sqn, got out to SA, then back to the UK. Having a braai in the middle of England?


    I've got the Green Leader recording somewhere, and (I'm afraid to say) the rather excessive John Edmond song about the Op, too! Your book sounds like it might be well worth reading.


    Well, I've got the Hunter F6 - I don't have WOE, so I haven't got the FGA9 - the Canberra, Dak and Vampire. No Lynx, Trojan or Alouette. And for pre-UDI days, there's a Harvard and a Spit 22 around, as well, although if you want my honest opinion, CFS2 and 3 are far better than SF for piston engines. I'm actually in the middle of dressing the Mirage Factory Kfir up as a Cheetah C; if it goes past quickly enough, nobody'll notice the difference! A Bucc would be useful for the SAAF, too. Back to work!

  5. Well, as a newbie who's starting to get the hang of modding things and generally messing about, I'd like to start by thanking everybody who has put together any of the mods and addons I'm enjoying so much at the moment!


    Then, a question - does anybody know of an Su-25? There was one in the works, I saw from a thread from December last year, but there is nothing more recent.


    And two more I couldn't find anything any more recent about - the Su-24 and the Blackburn Buccaneer. The Buck was greatly appreciated during the Gulf War (v1) as the target designator aircraft for the Tornado.

  6. To be going on with, I'd suggest this:




    DisplayName=Rhodesian Air Force














    Although I'd rather do a specific Rhodesian names list, to reflect the (South African) origins of a sizeable minority.



    And that bit about "=ENEMY" explains why the loadouts weren't working. Got there in the end!

  7. In CFS3 I've often complained about the clueless so-and-sos, but I have been shot down more than once by my own winger having a squirt at the same target I'm on! That seems pretty unlikely round here...


    I've upgraded all levels of ability to "ace", so let's see what thjat does. If it makes the enemy any better, though, it'll make life challenging... I'm not much cop with missile evasion! :fie:

  8. Rhodesia an ENEMY? Training POOR? Who put this together? And African names? Hardly!


    The only time Rhodesia might have been an enemy was when Harold Wilson thought - very briefly - about invading, shortly after Smithy (RIP) declared UDI. He had the intelligence to realize it wasn't a clever idea. Start with the fact that most Brit servicemen would have refused, and those who didn't would have found themselves wishing they had!


    The RhAF was in many ways SUPERIOR to the RAF; vastly better morale and motivation, and a level of training which was identical, reinforced by lots and lots of practical experience. Aircraft availability on the Hunter FGA.9 (No.1 Sqn) and Canberra B.2 (No.5 Sqn) was HIGHER than that of the RAF, despite the arms embargo and the resulting inavailability of spares and supplies. Starter cartridges for the Hunters were a major problem; they were obtainable only from Britain, and Britain wasn't selling; the RhAF developed a far cheaper, local alternative which also placed less strain on the engine during starting. The Canberra has problems with its perspex nosecode cracking; the Rhodesian "Dimple Haig" cone solved the problem and was far more effective than the original.


    No.1 Sqn's favourite trophy was the "Jungle Dustbin". Try strafing a household dustbin from a Hunter, and you get the idea.


    Poor training? Aikona!

  9. What are wingmen for? I go burning into a decent-sized slice of Blitz, bang off a few, run out of ammo and get out, mission accomplished or not. Meanwhile, my wingers are fannying around getting torn to bits, and when I've exited and gone to look at the report, not one has fired a shot despite being up to their necks in targets.


    Is there somethingI'm not doing? Shouyld I be giving them orders, as in CFS? If so, I couldn't find the button. Or are they there just to get in the way and give you one more thing to worry about?


    Any help appreciated!

  10. Cheers, Wrench - I think I've already got them, but as I've been adding things a bit haphazardly, I'm not quite sure...


    I have modded the loadout.ini, and I honestly can't see what the problem is. Having said that, other aircraft which I haven't modded, such as Marcfighters F-4E Kournas, do the same thing. Perfect loadout changeability in "Create Mission" mode, but no weapons available, and none loaded, in "Load Mission" mode. It may be something to do with the formatting of the mission file. I bet it is, in fact. I've tried comparing mine to the stock ones, and nothing springs to mind, but...!


    Edit: The Hunter works perfectly in the stock missions, with fully editable loadout, etc. So it's the mission file that's to blame.

  11. The skins for MiG-21s are there in howling1's IAF MiG-21(Type 96, 96B) pack. The IAF MiG-23MF skin is there in howling1's IAF MiG-23MF "Rakshak" Mod. I never released those MiG-21PF & Su-7 skin as it was meant for a project.

    The MiG-29 skin was for wpnssgt's MiG-29 and it should be in the d/l section here at CA.


    Thanks, Ghostrider. Off to look...


    Any advice on my other prob, of loadouts not being accessible in a "written" mission?

  12. Next fun problem is that the new weapons menu shows up perfectly in Create Mission mode under Loadouts, but when I load a mission I made with Le Missionneur, I don't get the loadout options - they just say "Empty". That stays the case when I switch for a stock aircraft, such as an F-4, for example. ???? What am I doing wrong? :haha:


    Ghostrider, those look like they're very nice skins you've got there - if I can download them, I think I'll have to make stand-alones for the Indian versions of the MiGs and Sukhois - I don't want them coming up as Enemy unless I'm on the wrong side... :blink:

  13. Yes, you're all right - they were designed before the technology was on the market, and upgraded by a number of users - it was Britain's most successfully exported post-war fighter after all!


    The one I really want to put together is actually a Rhodesian Air Force version; strictly speaking, this would be an FGA.9, but I don't have the model, which in any case is visually identical to the F.6. RhAF Hunters were not equipped with Sidewinders - but you've got to make the odd concession!


    The Hunters were retired in 2002 after serving for some 40 years!


    The Air Farce of Zimbabwe has replaced them with 17 Chinese F-7M MiG-21Fs, 2 F-7 Trainers, 3 MiG-23s delivered by Libya. Other types include BAe Hawks and K-8 trainers. The Hawks are falling into disrepair owing to minimal maintenance over the last 20 years and the inavailability of spares. Zimbabwe is now high on the "Not Nice" list owing to President Bob Mugabe's predictable anti-social behaviour, so nobody will sell him the bits. The Hawks were a sort of "Independence Present" from Britain, and were in fact practically taken out from one day to the next by the SAAF, who were unhappy to see newly-independent, hostile Zimbabwe acquiring more modern aircraft. Of course, the fact of having the aircraft didn't actually amout to much - most of the (white) ex-Rhodesian Air Force pilots and techs had taken the gap and gone to South Africa (or a variety of other places) anyway. Time has proven them right.


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