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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. I was going to suggest that, but expected you would have needed to reboot anyway, after updating DX. Glad you got it working! :good:


    I hope you have a good-sized hard disk for all those downloads and parallel installs :biggrin:


    You mean on top of my half-dozen installs of CFS3, each at some 5-6 GB each! But I confess to being a "developer" as well as a user...


    Lots of good things to discover and fiddle with here, too!


    Funny thing is, SF still goes into sulk mode now and again - rebooting gets it back to normal.

  2. Hmm, I dont have that program at all, so I'm still at square one.


    Glad yours works though.




    Anything similar? It's a registry/cleaning/maintenance tool which runs permanently in the background. Whatever it is, you probably won't find it in the taskmanager under "Applications" but on page 2 under "Processes". Worth checking it all out, bit by bit... Have you got an HP printer installed?

  3. Found the problem. Iolo System Mechanic. It has a monitor program which runs in the background, called

    SMSystemAnalyzer.exe. If you go into Task Manager/Processes, you'll find it - it's enough just to click on End Process, and it'll stop. No damage should be done to anything, despite the Windows "It's not going to like this" comment - but don't blame me if...!


    Anyway, mine now runs perfectly, so that's one problem solved.


    Should this be moved to the knowledge base? It seems to be something we didn't know! :biggrin:

  4. I have the same problem on my laptop. Posted the problem here, but no replies. Let's see if someone can pinpoint this.




    UPDATE I just D/L'd it from Checksix and had the same result. I'm wondering if I'm missing an XP update or something as this hasnt happened before on any of my other computers.


    I d/l-ed it from here and Check Six - both seem to react the same way, so unless the master file has a problem, it is not a case of corruption. It's possibly a conflict with something on my rig, but I can't imagine what - and a lot of people seem to have the same trouble.


    AFAIK, my copy of Windows (XP Home SP2, genuine, OEM) is up-to-date except for the GDI detection tool, which I didn't like the look of!


    I've e-mailed Skypat - the program creator - to ask if he has any idea.


    One thing comes to mind - who here is running WinAce?

  5. First off, hi everybody! I'm new round here, but quite well known as a skinner for CFS3 on SOH.


    Anyway, I've got SFG, installed it, installed August 2007 DX, upgraded with SFG_sp051506b.exe and SFG_p083006.exe, and am getting nowhere. Either it won't find the CD and says "Can't find original CD" or some such - it is genuine, bought through Amazon UK - or it gets past the GMX logo, and then... just black nothing. Anybody know where to start troubleshooting?


    P4 2.8C, 768MB Ram, 7600GS, Windows XP Home SP2. Everything else runs fine!


    Cheers, Nigel


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