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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Excellent proposition- given the scale of the project(s), crowd funding is in fact ideal! This could even apply to the upgrading of the TW series as a whole, since finances are the need of the hour.
  2. http://combatace.com/files/file/10443-f-15-super-pack-version-24/ This version has the best available cockpit.
  3. Mirage F-1CZ

    The F-1CR is part of the latest ODS mod!
  4. Fouga Magister CM.170 / Tzukit cockpit

    bubu, see the link below: http://combatace.com/topic/85359-sarcasm-20-beta-by-stary/page-3
  5. Could be a carrier issue as well...
  6. Is there anything that limits the IR signature as well? edit: Right found it: HeatSignatureModifier=x.xx
  7. Check out the Vietnam Expansion pack compiled by eburger68 as well. http://combatace.com/files/file/10466-sf2v-air-ground-war-expansion-pack-v20-sep-2014-update/ Its for SF2, however!
  8. F-111A. Combat Lancer 389th TFTS, 366th TFW, Mountain Home AFB
  9. New INS Vikrant being built

    Well, given the fact that we have finally gotten around to building our own is commendable to say the least. Instead of importing hardware and technology, we might have a little more to spare for 'food, clean water and medicine'. Moreover, being the largest democracy in the world, albeit half-starved, we really must have an aircraft carrier or two to protect our state, if not the very ideal of democracy. Just wish it were using better engines...
  10. If we are sharing opinions, I felt he had a valid point. As Tecumseh said, "Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours."
  11. Given that there are custom tiles I guess they would be incongruous with the new tile-set released by JSF_Aggie?
  12. Best practice entails requesting the author for permission. If you don't ask you will never know. All the best!
  13. Totally is...I think Stary also did a Buildings and Tree mod for it back in the day.
  14. It should-if you look at some of the campaign packages uploaded here by Spectre8750 and eburger68 you will note that they have incorporated comprehensive soundlist.ini's My understanding of the game logic is that when you introduce a sound file that is different from the stock sound files and its corresponding call outs in the .ini files it will not work as intended unless the .ini is appropriately edited.(in this case the soundlist.ini)
  15. You will have to enter the following sequentially: SoundFile***=BtyOverG SoundFile***=BtyPullUp SoundFile***=BtyYawRate SoundFile***=BtyLowAlt [btyOverG] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 [btyPullUp] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 [btyYawRate] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 [btyLowAlt] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2
  16. Your soundlist.ini HAS to be updated for it to work properly.
  17. I think its more to do with your viewlist.ini if this with all your cockpits.
  18. But yep...raising the cloud layer should do it; MinBaseAltitude=50 MaxBaseAltitude=150 Somehow these parameters are not applied in game for me. Remove the .fx file and use some of the older versions Stary had posted here; http://combatace.com/files/file/11638-postprocess-shader-tweaks/

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