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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Guys, here in India WOE costs 350 rupees(or less) which is about $9. Initially when WOI came out I couldnt buy it; I had had to stiff my grandad for the cash! Being in college is a bottom feeders existence!Ill buy SF2I if its blow me down out of this world.(and if it works with my 128mb graphics card) Of course this outlook will alter the moment I start making my own money-9 months to go!
  2. Specifically what bombs can the Shahak use with those dinky parachutes that slow them down?Did Israel use any of these>
  3. I dont know whether you can meet Cindy(though im sure Wrench could arrange that!) but yes there is a SW terrain if Im not mistaken. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8146
  4. If you could do that I mean wowee;I dont think Id evr switch my comp off.
  5. IL2 clouds in FE skys

    Quite something indeed!
  6. Thats what i did to have Egyptian HAWK SAM systems;only thing is in single missions even Syria has them despite having Exported=FALSE in both the data ini for the launchers as well as in the WeaponsData.ini
  7. When flying the MiG-29 did you have to manually add weapons?
  8. Stary's DS effects are the stuff.
  9. Nice vid man;reminds me I ought to download the 757
  10. Hello milzy, You need to be a little more specific-you've added Nato fighters 1 through 4? Have you run the Weapons editor(open the weapons folder; which is in the objects folder)? That ought to solve it-click on a weapon listed and save.
  11. Neat Website

    Thats quite something. Ive always been fascinated by how animals work together. I was recently back home in Kerala and my father and I decided to take a hike through the Periyar forest. We came across an old bull Gaur, massive and majestic, easily at over a ton of glossy black muscle, standing absolutely still in the under brush, peering at us with his myopic eyes. The minutes flit by, we didn't dare move-he was only twenty yards away. Then suddenly he pawed the ground with his hoof, and the whole herd whose existence we were completely unaware of until that moment, burst into flight. There were atleast a hundred of them and it was an incredible sight. Only when the stragglers had made off did he swish his tail, and gallop away.Some sentinel that old bull.
  12. October 19th, 1980;The Beirut Shuttle.
  13. UH-60 Black Hawk WIP

    Thats some nice work though
  14. Mirage III in the early wars of WOI, and the RF-4E pre-Lebanon war campaign(just recon). The F-15 used to be my favourite, but some where along I decided to see how long I'd last in another aircraft; especially in a guns only era. Carrier op's;F-14A.
  15. The Conclusion of an Obsession A Softer Dawn
  16. @ suicidal 3D work

    Oh the suspense!
  17. Indeed.Is this an original design of yours?
  18. After long mission(post correction) Ive noticed the rotors still stop midflight-while the choppers still mantain forward motion.

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