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Everything posted by Stick

  1. The Fulcrum may look fantastic but it has a dismal history.
  2. Baptism by Fire;Scene 1-Cloud layers,
  3. The background is flyby? I like it...bring it on!
  4. Audi Alterem Partem...grudgingly have to concede to you;and they were using just Alamo's and Aphids But I do hear your side of the story...Just got my boat rocked flying an Eagle against these guys in WOI...so it does work both ways...Either that or two weeks away from the game and buried in Banking laws and the Code of Civil Procedure have made me lose the touch! Thank You MF thank you so very much....its the festival of colours here in India...and everybody pretty much ends up like a multi coloured baboon...Ill be flying a MiG-29 instead...my friend told me Im the strangest little guy he's ever met...I think thats half the fun...maybe later Ill cook today....
  5. guns only its a different matter ...python4,sidewinders, and AMRAAMS no contest!
  6. Back on topic- crazy plane fellows just plain crazy. Ive got my arse handed to me by the Eagles in WOI and Desert Storm but Ive been just flying this plane on and on! What attention to detail!
  7. @lindr2 When you download modify it to your specifications-its your plane then...might be a game but hey we all like to be right dont we?
  8. Hasnt the Flanker made its debut in South America yet?By the way j/f with you.
  9. Yes Ive sat in the cockpit and I was in planet pluto-and Ive seen a few cockpits.
  10. Its in cryllic-our guys had to go through russian language courses before training started!
  11. Heres the Flyby [ViewClass005] ViewClassName=FlybyViewClass ViewType=Flyby_VIEW ViewGroupID=0 DefaultView=freeView AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=FALSE FocusObjectOnly=FALSE FOV=45.0 ObjectDistance=100.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=TRUE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberPosition=FALSE RememberFOV=FALSE LimitPitch=FALSE LimitYaw=FALSE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE RememberAngle=TRUE RememberPosition=TRUE RememberFOV=TRUE TrackObjectPitch=FALSE TrackObjectYaw=FALSE TrackObjectRoll=FALSE LimitPitch=False LimitYaw=FALSE PanScale=0.00140 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=50000.0 Acceleration=10000.0 AngleRates=720.0,600.0,600.0 StepZoom=FALSE ZoomScale=0.01 FOVRate=60.0 MinObjectDistance=50.0 MaxObjectDistance=2000.0 OffsetDistance=20.0 MinFOV=4.80 MaxFOV=23.0 ResetTime=120
  12. I smoke pot on a regular basis-Ive tried harder drugs and honestly I dont quite like them. The reason I like pot is because it goes well with food and sex;I dont like harder drugs because they clamp on your appetite. Its been 6 years since Ive started smoking pot on a regular basis. It was a rather simple choice. At the time and even now I cant afford to drink scotch every night. When I can I guess I might move on. In India its illegal, but a farce of the highest order. Coppers here prefer to haul up college kids and will turn a blind eye to sadhus and babas(Hindu priests and ascetics) who brazenly boom in public. Heck they'd rather go bust up parties than shake down the local temple where the stuff is sold. So keep the faith... And the pushers pay the coppers to be allowed to ply their trade.If you missed him last night, the police were probably demanding a price he wasnt willing to pay! Everything has a way of working out.
  13. CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat Did you have that in the terrain.ini?
  14. Are flight sims going out of style?

    The world is a very stupid place!
  15. How about Gepards Dora?
  16. This is just a hunch-in the Objectlist. ini try increasing this value [ObjectGroup006] GroupName=MissileGroup GroupSize=2048 StaticGroup=FALSE ObjectFlags=MISSILE Searchable=TRUE
  17. A2A in WOI. Flying the Mirage III. In WOE long range in an F-14, watching the Phoenix's climb away to hit targets far far away. Moving mud, well I do like the F-15I a lot... but even then Im particular about waxing the bandit who's been dogging my tail. CA_Stary's DS effects have made me enjoy ground strikes a lot more though...
  18. This bird really teaches you how to fly!No cranky business....stand-off and bug out. Great Work!

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