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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Ive just got one target in Sde Dov that takes care of the whole terrain.Lex what value should I adjust the sun to reduce bloom?
  2. Damn I just went in and I discovered I had the old cirrus effects(which is what I had been manipulating-how did it affect the v1.0???) sitting pretty alongside the new ones so my bad... Im going in again now hammer and tongs...
  3. Yeah got the wrong text entry.I put one in Sde Dov and I can see it all the way from Cairo. Fantastic. Ok now how do I play around with the colour?With the standard sun it can get very luminous during midday(I know it was designed for the Siberian Sun but Im in the mood to fiddle with it.) [EmitterType001] Name=Cirrus_1 EmissionType=SINGLE_PARTICLE UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=1E+7 HasLightSource=FALSE ParticleUpdateType=NON_MOVING ParticleRenderType=HORIZONTAL_SPRITE ParticleRandomOrientation=FALSE ParticleLifeTime=0.000000 ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.00000 ParticleColorTableType=CONSTANT ParticleColor=0.400000,0.400000,0.400000,0.000000 ParticleSizeTableType=CONSTANT ParticleSize=150000 BaseSizeDeviation=0.0 PositionHeightOffset=10000.0 TextureMaterial=CirrusMaterial_1 [EmitterType002] Name=Cirrus_2 EmissionType=SINGLE_PARTICLE UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=1E+7 HasLightSource=FALSE ParticleUpdateType=NON_MOVING ParticleRenderType=HORIZONTAL_SPRITE ParticleRandomOrientation=FALSE ParticleLifeTime=0.000 ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.00000 ParticleColorTableType=CONSTANT ParticleColor=0.400000,0.400000,0.400000,0.000000 ParticleSizeTableType=CONSTANT ParticleSize=150000.0 BaseSizeDeviation=0.0 PositionHeightOffset=10000.0 TextureMaterial=CirrusMaterial_2 What value do I enter to make it look like the stock clouds? I tried something(0.8,0.8,0.8,0.0) but the game crashed so once again I must refer to the experts.
  4. So then the entries I made are wrong I assume. I need somebody to take a look at what I have in my terrain types and targets and tell me whether what Im doing is correct or not. Ok I think I got it my entry should have been CirrusTarget and not Cirrus simply after the folder in the ground objects
  5. yes thats how i think it appeared in the picture above. My primary target was a cirrus cloud. What I want to know is how do you do it the terrain method.
  6. Just increased the size.Go into the environment ini file in the flight folder. Somebody tell me how you get the clouds to work the terrain method please.
  7. well what do know it wasnt Libya. One of my ground objects decided too kick in. Its still my easter egg
  8. Looks like it was already there in Libya. Wrench I found my easter egg. Thank you all. sometimes when you call for help you dont realize you didnt have to ask in the first place
  9. Brilliant Bob just plain awesomely beautifully brilliant! I wish I could touch it.
  10. Bob Rock you just filled the blank in air combat simulation.
  11. By god, when my grandfather told me the U.S will be outdone in 50 years I had laughed. I am not laughing anymore. And what the hell- that bloody reporter ought to give china credit for an original design, instead of saying it looks like this and looks like that
  12. you can change the range settings but Im at a loss as to why you cant change modes.
  13. In which game mikey, WOI or WOE?
  14. Ah yes refreshed and reenergized after passing out for 3 hours. Now for dinner.
  15. How exciting my civi job can be

    Every law enforcer who understands his job for the duty and responsibility that comes with it knows that to apprehend the criminal before the crime is almost Utopian. But it can be done. This is a fine example of that.
  16. And I was too tired to scroll down and actually look.Morale of the story-dont trust a tired law student.
  17. Burning Sands is a SPF1 campaign so youll need the desert map. Of course I may be mistaken so do check the campaign data ini. As per what I see now the the article on adding carriers to campaigns has been removed from the KB(brilliant!!!). Try Red Swarm. Its a kick arse campaign. Heres my version(please check the campaign data ini to make sure you have everything that is needed.)Or better still check the read me as well that came with Red Swarm.That would give you a general overview of the downloads required. As for adding carriers it goes like this You need to ascertain an area on the map where the carrier can operate. Sometimes it needs to be added to terrain targets ini. Then the same needs to be updated in the campaign data ini. Aircraft operating from carriers need the pertinent carrier number and need to be carrier capable; again check campaign data ini. Having just drafted a company's MOA Im not up to giving graphic examples right now.Hope someone else could fill in the big glaring blanks.
  18. img00048.jpg

    Nice... did he give up on you.Did you put him out of his misery?(im talking about the f-15D over the Su-33)
  19. So what values does one change? Or do the effects come with a standard length?
  20. Min Max extent is more like it but I cant get my head around what those decimal figures are indicative of. Thanks.
  21. The Phantom arriveth

    From the album Operation Jericho

  22. well sometimes planes do come with dicks but seriously how does one get about making it longer( the afterburner plume and only the afterburner plume!)
  23. 80's Music/Movies Etc

    Ive still got my dads wrangler corduroys which he had when I was born(1984). I wear them now. People laugh because its a skin fit but what the hell? Oh yeah it was about music and movies- well Alannah Miles for Black Velvet and Pink Cadillac with Mr Eastwood and all the Chuck Norris movies And William Deihl is one of my favourite authors.His best books were from the Eighties

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