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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Oh yeah thanks christian59 and warlordATF. One for taking it out of WOI and the latter for walking me thru.
  2. After 4 gruelling hours of re-installing my game and 2 more playing with the new AI- I can only say this; the enemy is now meaner smarter and definitely more vicious. So now when u hear the deedle of the RWR HONOUR THE THREAT. It works people. Thats all I can say. now Ive gotta go eat dinner. over and out
  3. Of its already there! Im a victim of my own stupidity. Like Nina Simone would sing Nobody's fault but mine Thanks again.Now to sit for three hours and install allthe mods etc etc.
  4. Houston we have a negative on that tragectory. Mayday mayday. I just crashed and burned. I just lost my game.Now I have to install again. But thank you. And im not being sarcastic. The new game shall be improved. So just copy what christian suggested to the above I
  5. Im stumped I opened it but all I see are tga and ini files of stock airplanes and aircraft I don have. No aircraftobject ini. And when I try and exract it says it has been done but when I go to the folder there is no sign of the file.Im using vista.
  6. If you go into nations.ini and change their Intelligence levels that does affect the skill of the pilot. Like once I was on the six of this Flanker coolly cruising around completely oblivious of me closing in and then I spurt a little 20mm. Of course I missed but It completely spooked the guy. He goes into a climb that I cant match(being in an F-14) gets a little distance, goes vertical(scraping 50000 feet) pulls over as im wallowing at 30000 barely doing 200kts and fires an Archer in my face. I was more impressed than dissapointed. Hell thats an honourable kill. But these are rare occasions that I look forward to in the game. Will somebody please enlighten me as to where I make the neccesary changes and where do I fing the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.ini?Its not in flight or objects.
  7. Somebody tell me where do i put it. I cant find the aircraftobject.ini in WOE Im going to cry.
  8. I was sampling some of the older planes and I came across a real delight to fly and with the correct data alterations can make a recovery in very decent time. I increased thrust and top speed to MSIP levels, and climb rate to 50m/s less than the formidable flanker(real world flanker is around 355m/s) My enthusiasm got the better of me and I decided to take on a posse of Flankers with eight of my brave Baz's. The furball that ensued was spectacular. I enclose a picture; a postcard from the Suez terrain. Can the Baz carry 8 sidewinders? It saved my life up there, coz a sparrow cant track a flanker unless the angle is... well i dont know... I fly by the seat of my pants. Sometimes im lucky I guess. I came back with one tail.
  9. The chinese flanker(from Marcfighters) can do the Cobra. The Russian flanker(again Marcfighters) goes straight up. Theres is a slight difference in the data ini. I think the empty inertia and other stuff is responsible for a different Fm which allows the former to perform the cobra'. Has anybody figured out how to make the Russian Flanker stay on the flight path while pitching up the nose like the su-27sk can? What are the data entries pertaining to the fm that make it do this? And how does one make the plane yaw 180deg(for the Su-33).With wings level I've managed only about 50 deg. On manual I temporarily depart controlled flight if i rudder too much; yes I altered the rudder data.
  10. You just gave me an idea. It could be the climbrate.
  11. If u go to marcfighters in the aircraft section its clearly advertised that the snake maneouvre is performed by the J-11.Not so for the older SU-27. There's one thing I've figured; Climbrate of J-11 is inferior, so maybe the inertia kicks in. Im going in there again.
  12. Download the Baz.Even I thought there was something wrong. But then again u give an Isreali an aeroplane and tell him to put elephant on the wing he'll do it and take a tour of badland while he's at it
  13. I was too embarrased to ask the lady then how to convert; so how does one convert these pics and when uve done so what do you do; just paste or go through the whole upload process. I get real daft sometimes when introduced to something new. Forgive me
  14. No no sir on the wing stations where the aim 9's usually are.
  15. Im am enlightened.In future I shall do so madame. Still getting the hang of my comp.
  16. What i did was alter the individual aircraft data files; increased top speeds after making correct real world references to mach figures. However like in the real world you cant do go max throttle forever. I dont know what happens except after a certain point ur a flying firecracker.
  17. Actually ignore that im sure uve been around long enough to have blown the hell out off that one.
  18. Yep go for Red Swarm.Its mad bad and ugly. Its got F-14s, f-18s,a-6s, a-7s, s-3s, and all the rest. And digital overloads carrier so its a four man take off.Go into the campaign data file though to ascertain what you need to down load.Its got all the Migs and even the SU-27. Makes for interesting Mach 2 intercepts, and super dogfights so watch yer six. And sure it works. On vista too. Need help Ill be glad walk you through it. I had quite a time. And oh yeah the rf-4c aint around here no more so go for the ef-4c and make the neccesary changes in the redswarm data files.
  19. Yes by god yes.There was an an A-12 or something that was scrapped if I recollect correctly. But theres nothing like dedicated recon missions. There are exhilirating by themselves. Yesterday in a Su-33 I was jumped by these tomcats d's taking potshots at me with them phoenix's. even at 70000 feet
  20. I was up on HiCap yesterday in a Ra'am and we jumped these Sea Flankers and what turned out was the most exhilarating fight I've ever had. Having downed two with long range shots(AIM-120's) this one fella got onto my six and stayed there like a hound on blood. I took him through the paces; low level Mach 1.2 and then storm climbed all the way up to 50,000 feet.Usually they disengage, but this guy was quite the adversary.Anyway with the speed bleeding off I decided to making him overshoot. It was just him and me so I took the chance of being shot at by his buddies but my guys were keeping them busy, so it was like I said just him and me. So I pumped on the brakes and throttled back, ruddering by the skin of my teeth out of his sights while he filled the air with the green stuff. It was a classic scissors. We turned, pulled, he overshot just like I wanted him too and then my tweaking around with the data ini got me right between the legs. The guy turns on a dime, and he's back on my tail. So I do my routine again, speed brake, rudder and... we join together in a fiery collision. This engagement reminds me of the one in the book Firebreak by Richard Herman. It even got my girls attention who is avowed anti-aircraft. Thumbs up CA_Stary for the pyrotechnics;FastCargo for the cosmetic treatment that made the Sue just a little more beautiful. And the Ra'am rocks. But thats obvious. Kudos to everybody who has worked to making this sim the best I've played.
  21. I thought I saw it a few days ago. Having finished with red swarm I needed something so I thought about ds.Only thing is its not there. Does it come with the terrain?It seemed like a pretty large file.
  22. My game is crashing to ... even after the fix.This is only with the f-14s, f-18s and the f-111. Any guesses. Ive read the kb and ive come up dry. Even done a round of bunyaps kb.
  23. It worked it worked it worked. Im beside myself with joy.Thank you so much again. Remember Mudcat Walker; the book I mentioned; well he's back! The F-14 shall reign again.

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