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Everything posted by Spectre_USA

  1. Best of luck with the interview, our loss is your prospective employers gain! If you need any professional references, be sure to include a few of us, as I am sure you'll get glowing reports!
  2. I've only ever seen it happen to the enemy. You mean it DOES happen when you bit one too?
  3. We went back and forth on this dealio in the Spring, IIRC. There were areas with parked trucks, tanks, and really cool "get a Medal of Honor" depots that had naked LODs. I rummaged through my online content, as I recall posting some pics, but must've tidied them out of existence. If you ever make an all-inclusive, Spectre can't possibly mess this one up install, let me know, huh?
  4. I had been meaning to post a series of pics myself, but got jammed with that nasty reality® thingmie. It is VERY nice to have a working Allied SAM system, a place to run to when it gets hot out...
  5. I gotta say, this is easily one of the coolest add-ons for this sim in the many years of its existence. When I see that seat come rocketing out, and approach the `chute, it is just a "Yes!" second! Love it a lot!
  6. Well, I hate to admit it, but I am using the old range, as the lack of textures on some targets put me off. Monkeyed with it for a while, back in the day, but since re-installing all to a single build, I went with the original, as it always worked fine...
  7. S'truth! I have gotten "lit up" on more than one occasion at the range. At least by the RADAR. I usually have at least one wing-doggy and say "sic `em" as I head for the weeds. It might be kind os nice to have a Red base, ewui-distant to the North for a little armed opposition on occasion. Or not, just a thought. I will say that every new airframe I've flown since the range was released has been flown there first. Love it!
  8. Installed, shakedown flight on the range. Beauty! Had to change the nation to Israel, otherwise it crashed on me, until I tried the Israeli terrain, and it tossed me on the Red side. I could extract the nations.ini from wherever the heck it is, but plan on whipping it around in WoI, so this works. 1st flight was good with the OA-4M pit I had tucked away. Seems appropriate. More tweaking to make it IAF, and try to get ground mapping in the pit on my end. Seems a nice light attacker, and looks just Sierra Hotel!
  9. That's indescribably beautiful! OK, so I still have "A Christmas Story" on my brain. Sue me. It is looking VERY nice so far...
  10. I took my usual range run, as per my personal SOP, and felt it worthy. I then ran a CAP mission, but it was a 4 vs. 2 on MiG-31BM's who chose not to loose their monster missiles at range, so it was easy and sleazy. I hope to get one of those mega mix-ups I've had before. Heck, I may even toss them into a WoI campaign that I've made with more modern jets. I've had some seriously hardcore dogfights in the 1st few missions before. Make it do CAP, Escort and Intercept only, and watch the fur fly! On the few occasions where I pulled through a turn, she seemed a nimble enough little minx, er, polecat!
  11. Well, the flight folder doesn't have a SingleMission.ini, unless you extract it. Go to the root folder, open up the options.ini, and look for this; [singleMission] AircraftType=F-16A_Netz MissionMap=SCAL MissionType=STRIKE MissionTime=RANDOM MissionWeather=RANDOM AirActivity=RANDOM AirDefenseActivity=RANDOM LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=F-15A_vs_MiG-23MF_(1v1).MSN MissionYear=2005 StartYear=1960 <<--Change this EndYear=1985 <<-- and this. Service=ISRAEL __EDIT__ Needed a splash of color!
  12. Quite the laundry list. Many thanks Dave! I can't wait for Desert Storm. The war during my 13 years in, and a new F-111 will be much appreciated...
  13. I have always found that the Allied SAMs suck rocks. The ADATs is fairly good, and I hope this lethal mutha works well. It sure looks and sounds ripper!
  14. Oct 2008 is all-inclusive, and all you need. The others can be handy if there are things you don't like about the newer ones, but I can't think of a one...
  15. Because the game never looks at the Weapons.ini, it only looks at the product the weapons editor produces, the weapons.dat. And you are quite correct, anything added to the INI needs to be saved to add it to the DAT.
  16. WOI Typhoon, MiG-29 & Su-27, the latter 2 for competent adversaries. TMF weapons, weapons editor. Bering Straits I used quotes so I couldn't possibly mess it up. D'oh!
  17. I don't reckon he was saying it is wrong, just having a hard time verifying it is right, maybe? Anywho, that RCAF skin is looking absolutely spectacular! Once that is out, I plan on tweaking up a personal DBS campaign from whatever exists out there. It should be the coolest evar!
  18. Hi-o! I hope you fine folks are having a happy and merry, depending on side of the pond, Christmas. I added an F-35 to my Lebanon war 2, 2006 campaign, thanks to the skin by JAT81500, and a little year fudging. Unfortunately, I fly alone, unless I start in the sky, as the wing doggies wander around aimlessly on the ground. I tried to plug in the F/A-18F's NWS parameters, as the the Lightning II is on version beta 1.7. I also did a search here, and through Google for "F-35 Taxi," and turned up squat. With over 5700 downloads of Klavs81's F-35 V1.7, I hope SOMEONE has figured out how to get the AI to taxi up and take off like a USAF bad-ass pilot! Make my Christmas, give me a fix if you have one...
  19. brndl, you magnificent mutha! 1st of all, welcome to these forums, I don't know if you have been lurking a while and post infrequently, but I like your quality when you do post! I snipped out the area between landing gears and airbrakes, and replaced in my Data.ini, and Volia~! My last from the runway 4 shipper wrought havoc! I may look into your rudder stuff as well, but for now that fine bunch of values has me back in the campaign. Again, by extreme appreciation...
  20. I tried bringing the IdleRPM from .40 to IdleRPM=0.20, it made no difference. But in my messing about, I found that it seems to track OK to the right, it is just the left that had no grip. I'll keep on digging, but I did not see anything that was apparent on the left compared to the right in the data.ini. But that is one long text file.
  21. Understood, and it is small, all things considered. I mean I really dig seeing a next generation aircraft in a sim again, especially with this fine of detail. It is an extremely impressive model, but this one issue is a real PITA. It is a beta, so it is to be expected. Just mark down a slight discrepancy in the NWS and set it up as a Code 1 jet otherwise...
  22. If we ever get a "bone" in here, I may never fly anything else. At least if the FM is able to recreate the swing, flaps, and slats in a believable fashion...
  23. All that I am aware of. Tried the range, Europe, and my Leb-2 in Israel. MaxSteeringAngle=80.0 The wheel is animated, and seems to turn quite nicely in the correct amount and angles, but doesn't seem to "grip" the tarmac. It does on occasion, to a limited degree, but then hits a patch of pure ice and drives straight forward. I have not seen another aircraft do this before, and the cut of the [NoseGear] area from the Hornet "F" does nothing. Main gears, maybe? Oh, and thanks for replying on this Christmas night, Mr. Wrench. You are a Prince among men...
  24. Dang. I was afraid of that. 35 lookie-loos, and and no answers. `Scool, I realize it is a tough one, but I'd love to take these otherwise excellent aircraft and get some orderable assistance. Ah, well, it looks like air starts until this non-show stopper of an issue is resolved. I am just an old bugger and stuck in my ways...

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