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Everything posted by Spectre_USA

  1. >Refresh< What? Uploaded a Super Bug? >refresh< Man, this is gonna be so cool! >refresh< I may have to give the USN machine a touch of class and an Air Force uniform. >refresh< Darnit, still don't see it. >refresh< Sigh. Ah, well, I reckon I can wait until I get up. It's late, so will try when it's light out... >Refresh?<
  2. Any more modern jet flight sim

    I am still holding out hope that a couple in development see the light of day. BS is not one of them, see KirbyKern's prolific prose on my ED sentiments as well. Nor is it Tom Clancy's Hawx! That looks like a console port, simlu-released on console! No, the 2 I'd like to see finally make it into fruition have been in development for YEARS! 1st? Fighter Ops! I used to get the odd whiff of vaporware, but the low-speed pulse means there is hope. Next? Thunderworks Jet Thunder: Falkands/Malvinas Maybe a bit of a slant, considering the creators origin, but who knows? It could rock, if it is ever released. And, as a parting shot, gone are the heady days of wandering the highly stacked shelves, and deciding which cool new sim to fly. Man, do I miss those days...
  3. J-10 BETA

    Hey, Mannie. You think you could put that Lavi product together and post it? I'd love to fly it as an ally...
  4. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

    PCS'ing can be stressful, but usually exciting. As has been said, the best places are the base you are going to, and the one you've just come from! Milestones, treasure them before you get out and get stuck at some God-forsaken civvy job that sucks more on a daily basis. Enjoy!
  5. J-10 BETA

    No need for a cockpit, it's a target! Sorry, had to go there. Will try it tomorrow, just wish there was a way to force an adversary in singles...
  6. And. like a bolt from the blue, or the sea, as it were, a very cool and storied strike aircraft! Can't wait to take it home tomorrow and give `er a go! Many thanks FoxMonter!
  7. Thank you, Erwin_Hans, I did do a search for WOE:BC and came up empty. I usually only use TLA's after they are in very common use, WoI, WoV, and SFP1 being good examples. Berlin Crisis? Sounds very cool...
  8. Looking good, but I'll bite. What is WoE:BC? Wings over Europe : Before Christ?
  9. Missile Guidance Type

    A fine conversation you've had with yourself, and an interesting premise. Too bad it didn't work out, might've been cool...
  10. I never, ever use the controller's software. Any game I've seen since USB became standard will find a Windows recognized controller, and let you work with it. Some are better than others, but the Thirdwire series is one of the best, if not the best I've seen for configuring.
  11. I really, really hope that everyone realizes I was just griefing on USAFBLT and all. This is one scenerio that I've been hoping to see for sometime, as I was AD-USAF during the time period. I'd regale you with tales of daring-do, but there are few. Heck, if it isn't released for public consumption, thaz OK too. Entirely up to you fine folks, of course, and I appreciate that you've even offered to let others have at your labors. Time will tell. Sorry if I came off as harsh, just funnin' a fellow Zoomie...
  12. Well, what happens if I wanna put it in WoI Mr. Smarty-beeg pants? I should really learn to resist my urges to be a smart-ass. One day, I'll get the ban-hammer... ___Edit___ Shoot, even the word censor is out to get me, and killed my gif!
  13. I've been fortunate enough to have tried pretty much all of the choices available today, due to my 2nd job. I can say it is a personal choice, with pluses and minuses to each type, due to personal taste, but I keep finding myself returning to the Saitek X-52. Would love to get the Pro version, but with the lack of PC games in general, and combat sims in particular, my ability to lay hands on review copies has curtailed my column writing to almost non-existence...
  14. There is a slightly more legible version on These forums here. Funny stuff!
  15. Yuppers, the Vark has been out for a while, I gotta fire it back up sometime soon! I haven't tried it with the new FM parameters in WoI, this could be a joy! Does anyone in the know have any idea if swing wings work mo' betta'? I love to land at the end of every mission, but just couldn't in the `111, as it sinks like a stone!
  16. So the 101's were at good old Bendovers! Cool find C5!
  17. It is high praise, mate! I wrenched on a test squadron of `varks in the 90's. Always dug the Tornado, especially since that old Amiga sim of the same name. It is the sim that pushed me, kicking and screaming, into the MS-DOS world, as the ol' 7 Mhz Ami-500 just wouldn't run it smoothly...
  18. You cannot load 84's on a TER. Just hadda comment, the former load toad in me just jumps out here and again...
  19. Mongo move mud! I just finished a Tornado campaign with a fictional IAF Tornado. Would be willing to fly another with that fine looking re-vamped `pit! I have always dug the Min-vark...
  20. Something that involves a lot of coughing, if I read this thread right...
  21. I don't think another aircraft has been as tossed about in these fine forums than the ol' Voodoo that you do. I hope it finally sees the light of day!
  22. As a current resident of this fine State, and appreciator of that pose, right-click-> Save as...
  23. Cool! Now I can try to make a USAF version. It's all hypothetical, right?

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