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Everything posted by Spectre_USA

  1. I'm waiting for Delta, as that hovering in the air bit being described is a serious show-stopper in my little world. I never start airborne, and never EVER near target...
  2. Not I. I have another 9 hours at work before I can check it out...
  3. Looks like a few of my peeves have been addressed... ============================================= Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 Dec 2010-C Readme File ============================================= ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Update Notes 2. Troubleshooting 3. Contacting Customer Support --------------- 1. Update Notes --------------- This update is for Strike Fighters 2 Europe with the Expansion Pack 2 installed, either stand-alone or merged to other Strike Fighters 2 games. This update contains all the fixes from previous updates, and it can be applied to any version of the game. Earlier updates do not need to be applied. If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run correctly. Previous campaign saved data may not load after an upgrade. List of changes in this Update include: Dec 2010-C ---------- * Lightning F.2A gun armament is chanaged to use gun pack. * AI wingmen disappearing when using Alt-N to return to home base is fixed. * AI having problem with landing is fixed. * F-100A's magnetic compass now works correctly. * F-100A units upgrading to C before the campaign start is fixed. * Missing dashcover texture on early Lightning cockpit is included. * A-7 and F-4's EO/Maverick view not displaying correctly is fixed. * Display issue with properllers on some third-party mods is fixed. -- ...
  4. I'm a late-comer to the 2nd expansion pack, and am digging it pretty well. The mission editor, for single missions, is a very cool thing, but where it would be REALLY useful, IMHO, would be in campaign missions. I know you can save a mission, and then edit it as a single, but it won't help in a campaign. Is there a setting, somewhere, that anyone has discovered to allow some editing of campaign missions? I find it exceptionally unlikely, but felt it worth a shot to ask. Anyone of you more cranially inclined folks discover a way?
  5. Sadly, that will probably be as close as it gets. Ah, well. I am just glad the save feature came along, and now the single mission capability for the mission editor. Better'n better...
  6. That took some major efforts. Great job guys...
  7. Yeah, well, I knew I was reachin', smart-ass would have beenacceptable, with a positive answer, of course...
  8. Yes to the disappearance, did not notice the waypoint 8 bit just at some point, >poof<. Thaz messed up. Will look into the sound issue.
  9. It would just be cool as crap if that launch profile could be emulated in game...
  10. Maybe, but there is something else that makes it incredibly right! Spinners does the bestest USAF conversions. Love `em!
  11. You, of all people, may find this video quite amusing; I know that I did...
  12. Let's take a look at DCS: Warthog and the TM HOTAS: Warthog, shall we? Good ol' CSim
  13. A tale of 2 warthogs.

    Thanky. I am, of course, projecting into the future with the finished product. And my very good friends at TM have not requested the stick back. Yet...
  14. Here's a shot of the real deal landing on deck just yesterday; Excellent stuff, Sidd!
  15. I don't actually know, and figure it would be tough to get all the cross-correlations, so took the easy way out. I copied the whole she-bang to a separate drive while it was still beta 2, then upgraded the original install to B3. This way I can choose which install I fly from. The latest/greatest, or the one with my treasured Nellis missions in it...
  16. How cool is that? I know the guys that created that scheme, I gotta share with them that pic of it in a sim! Here's the real deal in flight about a week after it came out of the paint barn; Well done, SidDogg...
  17. That is impressive! Even more so is all the other folks not dying. Very tough thing, and usually out of your control. The only non-impressive thing on that screen is the "no weapon fired" on your wingy. Fairly annoying, but usually it happens to me on the 4th man...
  18. Same-same. I, personally, copied my Beta 2 folder to a different drive, then installed the patch on the old one. Well, that was the theory, and other issues pervade, but I can still run the old one and fly on my old maps, I tweaked quite a few from the Mission generator. As to the release, JM, no, it won't be there. They did the same thing with the dynamic campaigns in LOMAC. Announced it early, then yanked it a month before release. The current patch 2 version was definitely not ready for primetime. Getting 5 - 7 fps when facing `Vegas, and 50-ish everywhere else was not a good sign. They just say there's too much to be done before release. Gotta be out for the Christmas sales I would imagine...
  19. I've been diggin' the crap out of the terrain of Korea in Spectre8750's Modern Korean Air War terrain. I mean it just looks lush! That guy has been studying the ins and outs of this sim, and the inner workings in a big way. If there were degrees given in the art of Thirdwire, I am pretty sure he'd have a PhD, as he is very thorough. I am not a paid endorser, nor affilaited by name in any way, I am just impressed after the many years I've been in this sim world...
  20. Geez, I wish I'd thought of that! I was under the impression that would add all those hideous labels everywhere, but that is the HUD easy. I know my new setting for that now, cheers, Brainiac! \
  21. I remember back in the "Good old Days" you could scroll through just about every target out there until visual distances were implemented, and drastically reduced. Cruise missiles are all but useless except for a primary strike target. Well, actually, they're just plain useless outside of about 35 - 40 miles, as they will miss, short. You can go in and manually increase the visual distance on each object, but that is painstaking at best. This whole sim was meant for the `Nam era, or prior, and that is about it...
  22. howza `bout SEagle? Ya know, Strike Eagle, and, well.. ...fuggetaboutit...
  23. Unguided? Sometimes quantity has a quality all it's own... Many thanks, gents, that cockpit is KILLER COOL!
  24. It friggin' r00ls, I hasten to add! I am going to have a forced flashback this weekend by cobbling it into NF4+ and reliving a series of missions from 22 years ago! It is, however, going to be much, MUCH better, graphically at least...

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