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Everything posted by Spectre_USA

  1. And thus the reason for these fine forums! Glad you got it worked out, cool old scooter you've got there. Nice job!
  2. I know the feeling Julhelm, the big "C" has recently visited my home. Take care of the folks, they are number 1. And best of luck.
  3. Eve Online

    Oh, er, I forgot to mention, "The Pilot's Pub" above is a link, so clickenzie away! All kinds of oddball behavior there. I hate cleaning up after them.
  4. Daredevil Evel Knievel dies at 69

    I am surprised he did not check out earlier, as he really hung it out there, and had some very close calls. As a 14 year old in `74, I was way into his antics, and tried to emulate a few. Unfortunately, or fortunately in hindsight, my little 5 hp Rupp mini-bike barely cleared our home made ramp, let alone clear a discernible hurdle. RIP to my childhood hero.
  5. Eve Online

    No, but a place I admin has a bunch of the outer spacer dudes. We like to cal them Eve fags over at The Pilot's Pub. Stop by and say howdy!
  6. A MASSIVE complaint about something...

    Ah, man. Now you got me craving one of them things! Grew up in Hampton, NH, and scrarfed them puppies up. Probably too sweet for a discerning pallette, read old, now, but ah the memories. I might have to check the local shops, this may grow into an itch I can't scratch, and once done, not as yummy as I remember.
  7. Babelfish doesn't do Hebrew, darn it!
  8. Just piping in to confirm the skins do, indeed, work with the Strike Eagle. And look very nice.
  9. Ha! How cool is that? I didn't mean you should, that I would, eventually, but you picked some hella cool ones, so I will use `em. Talk about going above and beyond! Once I get done playing hospital games with the wife, I will see what I can do, and post pics.
  10. Most coolio! Now all I have to do is get a mini-Patriots logo as a decal, and it will be golden! Thanks, HrntFixr!
  11. That's the ticket! I re-downloaded from the link, and it is a really righteous paint scheme. Great job Deadhead.
  12. Are not the CDF OV-10s for spotting? Sort of like the FAC originally intended for them? I saw my first one a few years back in CDF colors, and chatted with the crew for a bit. Was a fun gig over in Europe when I was stationed there, to fly a few missions with `em. Would be plush as a civvy, as they are fun beasts to fly.
  13. Cool! This is just what the beta needed. Thanky!
  14. The readme says "F15-C", whatever that is. Tried to plug it into the F-15E, no soap. Ah, found an F-15C in my old WoV-84 install. Fired that up, tried this skin, another no go. I even tried it on the F-15A from WoE, and got the same blank, "no can map" item. I am at a loss as to the type of Eagle this is for. Looks cool, would like to fly it.
  15. Just took my first flight on the range, as is my wont. No discrepancies noted. I love the munitions capability added via the loading ramp. Tossed a GBU-15 out and tagged the RADAR at the site. Did an STOL at the runway at the range, with a solid feel. Takeoff to hover, transitioned nicely to forward flight, and headed home. The windows in the fuselage rock, I love `em. The skin is nice, but one of the USAF would be better. As I approached, I started to swivel the nacelles up at waypoint 8, and headed toward 9. Sudden loss of sound indicated engine shut-down. Oh, hell. The engines would not tilt with no power, so I glided it into, then slightly beyond waypoint 9. Rolled to a stop a couple of miles out, and watched my wingie land. He had full forward, hit the usual touchdown point, and rolled. And rolled. And went past the End of Runway. Finally applied brakes, with the rotors intersecting the runway, ground, etc. I am sure this is a limitation of the TW engine, so was cool. As a transport, I would recommend more fuel, as the current amount is inadequate. Overall, darned nice TurkeyDay fun-flight, and a Sierra Hotel beta! What I think this rascal needs, in sim and in real life, is a pair of 30mm chain guns on either side, like the 20's on the OV-10 Bronco. It would make an excellent LZ clearer for a hot insertion. Now if TK would add an insert troops mission ability, this bugger would be golden. Great job!
  16. Happy Thanksgiving

    I think they are going to have to call that flex schedule deal "The Patriots Game!" w00t!
  17. Back home at last...

    Great to have both you gentlemen back for Thanksgiving! I greatly appreciate your service, and love the shots you've shared!
  18. You bad-A MoFo! This oughta be a blast between football games and stuffing tomorrow! Thanks muchly, more to be thankful about!
  19. Any plans for Western SAMs? These sims are woefully deficit of them currently.
  20. Well, C5's answer made me LOL! Utah, maybe?
  21. I would recommend against. Not that it won't work, but that your mind's eye will become tarnished. I tried a few that I remember fondly as being advanced and cool, but are now just ugly. It breaks the fond memory.
  22. Little bump up for Spillone, as the ones on the WIP list most cool, and I look forward to them.
  23. 5 Years

    Who you calling an old fart? I prefer seasoned. Just to out old fart you all, the 1st combat simulation I "flew" was one I created myself called "Tank Buster." It was on a DEC PDP-8. Thaz right, paper tape reader, & TTY. By the time I got my 1st C=64, it was all fancy with graphics and stuff. "Project: Stealth Fighter" by MPS was all kinds of exotic.
  24. 5 Years

    Was a beta tester for SF:P1, due to my article writing at CombatSim.com. Have been a LONG time sim fiend, and have seen them come and go. I remember the WalMart fiasco, man did the beta test team flip out! We figured it was gonna kill the whole deal. Thank God it did not, and I still fire up an iteration or two on a weekly basis for over 5 years now. This is definitely a unique series, with some of the best mods and modders on the planet! Happy 5th B-Day TK and (tiny) crew!

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