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About Scandinavian

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  • Location
    Bergen, Norway
  • Interests
    you tell me..

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  1. Looks great!! :D, can't wait to see in RNoAF scheme..
  2. Looks like you are mixing Avsim and Flightsim.com
  3. Runs well on my Low end system. PIII500mhz 256mb ram GF2MX 32mb Yeah yeah, laugh your pants off.. :roll:
  4. Geez...

    Sorry for beeing lost here but what happend? :?
  5. Hey nice work! :) When you are done could you do a Royal Norwegian Air Force paint for it?
  6. Ahw!!.. I wish you could get Discovery wings here in Norway... :x
  7. Yeah I managed to get shot down by a sam in a single mission, it was a anti ship mission. So I guess its possible 8)

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