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Everything posted by stevechester

  1. was trying to be a smart apple, what i was trying to say, was there is a p-51 for the sim, not in the sim and if he didn't want a p-51 in his sim then he should not put one in his sim, but why try and dog us that do like the p-51. thanks for the help though.
  2. I am kinda new to fourms, but was moscow's comment a "troll", is a troll a comment made just to get someone else to say something? I'm not even sure what he means, in what sim? there is'nt a p-51 in this sim unless you want one, which if you do'nt want one why even bring it up , unless you are trying to start trouble.
  3. still no luck, have missiles on all my migs but the 15 is the only one where the missiles will not show up in mission, the 15's weapons will show up in create a mission, but not in written missions. any ideas.
  4. if the winder has been added to the 86 will they show up in the mission, because i can't get the missiles i've added to the mig-15 to show up in added missions?
  5. already made mine, but i'm not a good skinner, someone should do a german f-86 with Hartman's tulip on it
  6. Volksjager it says on your web site that skins can be requested. If you get the time, I would like a a/c skinned in U.N. baby blue. Thank you for all you have done for this game.
  7. A link I think that you all should click on.

    I ment to say attack someones mother.(damn what a fool i am) sorry snapple?
  8. A link I think that you all should click on.

    I don't think you should someones Mother.
  9. thanks for the link, love it. :?: :?: war music :?: :?:
  10. Thank you for the 105, flew it in a stike mission and laid a slick right down the runway. Love it.
  11. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

    my resentment is you mouthing up a war that you won't have to fight but my son will, what you will do in the future or what my or your father/grandfather did in the past doesn't matter all that matters to me is the present. you are misstaken about my name it is Scot and i have little use for them or the british or french, i'm American and thats all. I just have a problem with people who want to waste american soldiers life because they think its cute. also i dont curse and dont care to be cursed, have some respect.
  12. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

    I just wondered who the "we" was that was going to fight, die and kill french soldiers, during the invasion of france. I also did not understand all of your message, what does "WTF" mean?
  13. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

    when you say"we should invade France" do you mean FSU where you will be, or the UNITED STATES ARMY" where my son is? I'm proud to say that he is a staff sgt and a lifer, and before anyone askes i spent 22 yrs in the USAF and US ARMY with the most hated job of all.
  14. hello all, using the Mission Editor i can make simple air/air missions(mostly migs vs migs china/russia) but dont have a clue on how to make air to ground missions, does anyone have some words of wisdom to get me started. thank you. firefish
  15. it looks great and will be great in the game. if there is anything i can do to help with it please just ask. thank you for undertaking the building this a/c.
  16. I am trying to put AA-2 missiles on the MiG-17F, I extracted all the files on the 17 and the MiG-21F,(because the loadout of the 21 is the same as i want on the 17),then i rewrote the 17's data and loadout file. well it worked kinda, one AA-2 shows up on the 17, on the right wing while facing the a/c. in the game the loadout shows 6 AA-2 in the Qty, but only one can be loaded on the a/c. does anyone know what i am doing wrong, also would the F-100D loadout file be a better guide for what i want

    on monday in aug i caught a cold by friday i couldn't breath an was in the hosp. spent 5 days there getting treatments and oxygen, the docs had names for what was wrong but it dont matter. while i was in the hosp. i was put in a room with a gentleman who couldn't hardly get his breath, none of us got any sleep that night. about 2 hrs after they moved him to icu that moring he passed away. when she came to see me i told my wife that i wasn't going to die like that and we havent smoked one since and both of us were heavy smokers.i've been told by the docs that in 5 to 7 yrs my lungs might clear up, if i'm luckly. i started young and smoked hard but i'm only 48 yrs old and might have to walk around with a oxygen tank for the rest of my days. so quit i dont care how but do it now. best of luck.
  18. i am very new to SF, could someone please explain where to find the bmp for the helmet and where to put it after it has been repainted. thank you for reading this firefish
  19. dagger, small world i also live in the mountains of Va.

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