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Everything posted by stevechester

  1. worked like a charm, thanks alot USAFMTL for the info and the skins. if I might ask for a request, how about eric hartman's f-86. i've tried several times but i am no skinner.
  2. can't get downloaded file to work, when i start winrar this message appears "Unexpected end of archive". I have downloaded sabre_pack 6 times 2 of which seemed to be short of the other 4 1hr 50min downloading times, also have un/re installed winrar several times with no luck. can anyone help?
  3. ext why do you think you can say good things about the game and no one can speak about its faults. JEFF says what can be said here and what cannot. and no one else. and to the ones who say that the game will take 5 yrs to fix, i'm disabled and have to spend 2 days next week in the hosp for some tests on my heart. i dont have 5 yrs more than likely, should i ask tk for my money back, also i thought all caps was yelling, would you yell at someone in person just for thinking different than you or maybe he you vent on you.
  4. Army Aviation Question

    I was in two different branches of the armed forces, but because of my job i was not crazy about either of them(USAF/USA)
  5. Army Aviation Question

    maybe contact an army officer if you can or contact an officer in the national guard in your town/area and they can tell you more or at least tell you where/how to answer your question. just a thought.

    I am looking for information on the WW2 ship the USS Minotaur(ARL-15) I have found some pic of it, need some more good pic, if any were made. A close friend of mine was the medic( dont know the navy term for medic) on her in 1944/45 and i am fixing a nice plaque for his wall. thanks .

    thanks alot guys
  8. A good yuk, yuk......

    I bet that would make your clone moan.
  9. Buckeye

    thanks navychief, it is a great looking a/c wish there was one for SFP1
  10. 333 i've noticed all the things you mentioned and then some, i guess the only hope for us is in a patch somewhere down the line. i write my own missions and add only 1 or 2 wingmen and that seems to help some.
  11. The addon b52 seems to be unhittable? when shooting at it with guns/cannons, does anyone else have this problem. I can hit anything else just not the buf.
  12. the only tanks i could get to work with the 86 are the tanks that came with the first version of the addon MiG-17PFU, just change loadout file (TANK400_MIG17). sorry don't remember where i downloaded the mig. hopes this helps. if i can be of any futher service just ask.
  13. all the time i was in the USAF i only saw two f-5s in usaf colors and they stayed overnight at a SAC base then left the next morning
  14. Why people follow dictators

    Dutchy the American civil war, the causes and thoughts in 2003 is a touchy subject and i dont care to discuss it in a open forum, e-mail me at chester_13@hotmail.com and i give you my take on it.
  15. Why people follow dictators

    i know what his point is, i was talking to him.
  16. Why people follow dictators

    not always true dutchy, some of us don't say whe are American we say we are from the South.
  17. great pic, Raven the f-89 looks like it went down in snow, saw a t-33 in minot ND that looked just like this.
  18. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    fast eagle please read my post please read it i never said i didn't support the troops my son is over there. and why do you cuss so much, i spent 22 yrs in the USAF and USA, assigned to the CID an the OSI and after retirement 4 yrs with the FBI until i was disabled on the job and i cant remember the last time i cussed. what is it with you guys that you attack any post you dont agree with. after 26 yrs of federal law enforcement and a son at war and a daughter in the air force i believe i can hold any position i want, just not on this forum. bth the way what makes you think i have to answer your guestion? you are something on this forum while i cleary am not but i refuse to jump and answer you questions like your are something special because to me you are not.
  19. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    first you dont know that the bomber was a member of the military or not, maybe he just hated the us or christans and maybe the dancing people are just as afraid of the US service men with guns. as for the rest, it was said that all were happy the US is now there and i proved that all were not happy. did you not read my post or do you have to reply to someone that does not take the party line here. bty I live next to radford so it seems like we live close to each other.
  20. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    the people dancing for the US today were dancing for saddom 2 months ago. this thing isnt over by a long shot and its way to early to say who is right or who is wrong. the man who blew himself up at a road block and hurt 4 us service personal today didn't seem to appreciate being liberated as much as you would have us to belive. and about the left crack, I vote hard left all the time. I spent 22 yrs in the USA and the USAF, have a son over there and my girl just joined the USAF(it took me a long time to talk he out of joining the navy) so i know my way around, better than most of you who haven't been in service and some of you who have been.
  21. did not find this cute, you posted a link that signed me up for something and it had better not do anything to my machine!! I dont trust anyone who threatens to shoot someone, and before you say you were joking, being shot is not funny to us of those who have been shot. you need a new joke book. i think this needs to be removed. (street crimes, great that's how i became disabled by some punk with a gun)
  22. Great sound, thank you very much. i will download and use any more you post, well once again thank you.
  23. very nice skin, thank you USAFMTL for your fine work.
  24. does anyone know what to name this a/c to get it to show up as an AI target (a1-hA1-H)?

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