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Posts posted by llamedos

  1. btw, is it possible that you didnt let EAW1.28c create a absolut new EAW.ini??


    Hi Knegel,


    Apologies for my ignorance in this matter, but how would I do that?

    I presume I delete the cd installed .ini file, install the patch and run the game?


    As an aside, I've also tried to run EAW in my new vista laptop - I can get as far as the 'home' screen of EAW, but it is 'ripped' and unuseable.

    The music file plays ok though :)



  2. Thanks for the replies guys!



    @Jel Thanks for the FONTS file.

    Unfortunately the game now gives a shutdown error "EAW has encountered a problem and needs to close...." when trying to run it.


    What I have done is this (in this order):

    Clean Install

    added 120 to 128a patch

    added 128 to 128a patch

    added 128ato128b patch


    That got me to the "803"

    Pasted in Jels Font file


    Game now encounters the closedown error.


    I've also tried changing the compatability with the same results i.e. the closedown error


    I'm no doubt doing something very basic and silly :)


    Any help?

  3. Yes. This old chestnut.


    I have recently tried to run my aged copy of EAW having uncovered a little about the 7217 error which stopped me from running it when I replaced my system 2 years ago.

    I had no idea how 'common' the error was on EAW


    Sure enough after installation, up popped the dreaded 7217.

    I have installed the following patches:

    120 to 128a



    The 7217 went away only to be replaced with 803

    Progress perhaps, but not quite what I was hoping for. :boredom:


    Can anyone on here explain what the error is (google search says it's a font issue?) and if there is any way to get around it?



    Techy stuff that may help:


    My EAW was a clean install.


    XP service pack3

    Athlon 64x2 dual

    2.51GHz 2.00 Gb RAM

    8600GTS 512Mb




  4. As a n00b I hope this is the right place for this:


    I've downloaded "a few" aircraft from this site to expand my flying pleasure in FE and just want to say a huge thanks and grats to those of you who take the time to generate such wonderfully detailed (and in many cases well researched) add-ons.


    I won't list names as it would be unfair if I miss anyone out - but I guess you know who you are!





    As most of my additions are fighters, I would be appreciative if anyone could point me in the direction of a Gotha bomber - I fancy something a little slower flying :)


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