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Everything posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. Christmas Day, 1776

    The history channel did a superb job of telling the "behind the scenes" stuff like this. And sadly, Dave, probably way too few know history of our country, and the revolution that gave birth to it, and how so many times during that revolution it could have easily gone the other way. George Washington was one helluva tactician, as well as leader.
  2. unless you been fiddlin with things, id say thats a design scroo up, if so, notify the author.
  3. Looking for multiplayer servers

    apparently you have to know a secret code or get an act of congress to connect to any games
  4. FS-WWI is practical AND fun again!

    this is an add on for what sim?
  5. a weird thank you.!

    normal-ish? thats rich,
  6. "You'll put your eye out kid..."

    OK, I cant believe Im gonna admit this, take a bored 16 year old, a .05 second delay electric blasting cap and a shot-put and,,,,KABOOOOM!! Right about then as my ears start workin again, im wondering where the shot put was, and THUMP, about 3 feet away.

    I tried using a 3rd party drver for my geforce 6200, but they didnt work out. So after going back to originals, every time I start my computer, the control panel opens by itself, even after completely removing them and reinstalling them twice. Any ideas?

    Im way past that step, Nothing iis in the startup tab, and all programs associated with nvidia are unchecked. Im currently going through the registry looking for the entry with the switch that makes it open on startup, thats all I can think of for now. I currently have Apu at nvidia support workin on this to,,:P
  9. With all these complaints Ive seen about these patches, Im wondering what exactly were they supposed to be fixing,
  10. team speak

    start teamspeak click-connections -connect, a page will open, in the left hand side, right click and choose "add server" and fill in the appropriate info(server address, etc) make sure you check the "anonymous" box and choose a username. after you connect, an admin on whatever server can grant you permission to register your username. As usual, make sure exceptions are set in yur firewall/router. After that, its just a matter of setting up personal preferences,
  11. Oooh So cute!

    "dont talk back to darth vader,,he'll get ya!" heehee

    most any hard drive will work, excluding the newer ones that are like half a tera byte, $100 worth of western digital outta do,,
  13. multiple installs?

    Does anyone know if its possible to have multiple installs of cfs3 like is done for the Wo* series? Since Ive installed the fire power mod I cant connect to any games,
  14. Soft Landing

    A harrier jump-jet....$40,000,000,000,00,00 Training for fearless pilot....$12,000,000,000,000 A motel6 next to the base with a bunch of extra mattresses......PRICELESS
  15. Remember Pearl Harbor

  16. Time to Rock and Roll

    LOL, I know what you mean,
  17. Help...

    I would extract the archive to the desktop and then copy/paste each individual aircraft folder into the "aircraft" folder in the games main folder.
  18. Left w/ nothing intelligent to say...

    Only fighter pilot I ever met was this old architect of a construction job I was on that was in the luftwaffe in ww2. I never really got to talk to him, he was a mean old bass turd.
  19. I went to play WOI yesterday and none of the weapons are showing up in the loadout page for any planes, either in missions or campaigns. It is a stock install patched up to just before the infamous sep 08 patch, and nothing has been installed to the computer, hardware or software. Ive looked at the weapons ini and can see nothing that jumps out at me as being borked. Anyone else experience this? I was just curious, but I can always reinstall without any loss, as it is a stock install.
  20. how easily we cast aside such an important event in history. And BTW, I think its exactly what he wants to do IS reinact the event.
  21. cfs3 firepower

    Hard to say wether it will match it. I just got it, no complaints here, but havent found anyone to fly online with
  22. Check this out

    i think i just wet myself,,
  23. "I call your name everyday,when I feel so helpless. Falling down, but I'll rise above this, I'll rise above this, " Every now and then, Gwar has to be reminded that this is a comms channel, not kareoke,
  24. The US and Northern Hemi is doomed!


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