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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. Every time a wife hears a certain song,

    a mother picks up a pair of socks off the floor,

    every time a dad holds that special fishing pole,

    and every time I hear a heuy uh1-b ,

    we think of them in that moment of silence,

    that lasts forever.

  2. Just a few thoughts on this subject in general,

    First off, the media will always play on peoples emotions, because it ALWAYS gets a response. Good or bad, I dont think it matters to them, because our paying attention to them is what defines they're existance, therefore any garunteed reaction will do. Hell, in a mothers eyes, one lost in combat is too much, ya know? Where does each persons level of "acceptibal loss" come in to play?

    And the terms, "pro war" and "anti war", kinda leave me baffled. I meen, who can say that they are "pro war"? That you actively support the killing of other people? Not seeing family for years on end, and sometimes never again. Destruction of land that ultimately supports us. Peoples livelyhoods, the list goes on. Yeah, there are always going to be a few that do, but then, even they are needed when conflicts arise.

    And the "got a job to do so lets do it" thing. If someone could actually tell me exactly what that job is, Id be gratefull. I guess thats almost a loaded question, considering we seem to be in a few places at the same time, i.e. afghanistan, Iraq, SOUTH-FREAKIN-KOREA. (yeah, that whole thing is a burr under my saddle)

    I meen, we got saddam, check.

    liberated kuwait, check.

    found weapons of mass,,,,oh wait, we never got a straight answer on that one from uncle sam, did we?


    Meh, I guess I'll stop before I get into the mosquito abatement problems in my local area.

    Many facets to this ugly little rock, huh?

  3. Yes, knowing your limits is a good thing indeed. And you may not agree with me, but people 18 and 19 years old , lets say, arent blessed with the wisdom that time brings to be able to deal with situations that arise while being intoxicated.

    And maybe in your friends case, some people just cant hold thier liquor.

    Im a firm believer in the "everything in moderation" way of thinking.

  4. I was living in Battle Mountain nevada about the time the f-117 was released to public, but was still quite unknown. Battle Mountain sits at th northern edge of military air space and above that is commercial air space, and one day while helping a friend do some sheetrock I heard a strange howling/whistling kinda noise similar to an F-4 overhead. I looked around a bit and finally spotted a strange little triangle banking hard to head back down south. I scratched my head, thinkin, "I wonder wtf that was."

    It wasnt uncommon to be out at a mine site in the hills and have a couple of B-52's skim over the hilltops and scare the crap outta the guys on the drilling rigs.

  5. A small rebuttal,


    In early November 1967, McNamara's recommendation to freeze troop levels, stop bombing North Vietnam and for the US to hand over ground fighting to South Vietnam was rejected outright by President Lyndon Johnson. McNamara's recommendations amounted to his saying that the strategy of the United States in Vietnam which had been pursued to date had failed.


    I used to work for a man that new him personally from meetings at the Bohemian Grove. He thought he had found a better way to run things, he failed and admitted it, and apparently lost many a nights sleep as a result of it, from what I was told.

    Just thought I'd say that, not lookin for a debate, thanks.



  6. If ya want to be a cowboy and all. Texas, or Wyoming would be your states. But Califoria has 'everything' :biggrin: Mountains, Ocean, Forrests, Rivers, etc. Just stay north of San Francisco and you can avoid all the "city-slickers" down in southern California. Northern california is almost its own state. 1/6 the population with ten times the natural beauty. lol I feel like one of those. "visit califonia" commercials. hehe


    S! HOmeboy



    I second that! Im in lake county,Mac, where you be?

  7. QUOTE

    "There were no "normal" kids at the preschool or at Gorman, just disabled kids. Funny enough, I thought all kids were like me except for the kids in my neighborhood who could walk, run and talk. "


    its all how you look at it. Hell, I can walk and run, does that make me normal? In a strange kinda way, I hope not.

    Things are only a disability if you let them be.

    More power to ya!

  8. Good luck with that...



    luck has nothing to do with it,and Ive been this way for about 3 years now, and the only reinstalls ive done were the regular bi-yearly due to registry bloating. And Ill run an online scan anytime and show you the results.

    this aint my first rodeo

  9. Happy Independence Day from me too. I know from personal experience how valuable independence is to a nation. Many people just don't seem to realize it and take all the good things for granted.



    I completely agree. Although the sound of actual artillery is totally different, as Ive heard artillry pieces being used, but never in anger, and Im sure it has a whole new sound in combat. This year I was lucky enough to be able to see the fireworks from my back porch, and every now and then I try to imagine the flashes and sounds as a battle going on, just over the hill, and what it wouldve been like to live through the realities of battle. Somehow, Im sure my imagination fails me, and thats what the 4th meens to me, remembering the men who made this possible, thanks guys. And happy independence day to all free peoples, whatever day yours falls on.

  10. Nothing.


    Why, you might ask? A couple of reasons, first off, they are resource hogs. And two, 99.99% of any type of destructive program is one that you need to execute a program for it to operate, meening something "you"click. And when youve been online as long as I have, in the trenches of both sides, lets say, you learn what not to click.

    And if theres ever a program that seems iffy to me, i dont use online scanners, no! Even better, look for a site called "anubis". its a service that uses virtual machines to actually execute the program and record every event and change, that way you can actually see what its going to install in every aspect to your machine and emails you the results. or you can read them online, and the best part is,,,,,FREE Its funded by some college or something, and in the instructions, it says it scans exe files up to a certain size, but its ran ones larger for me, so who knows,

  11. Happy 4th all,



    Oh say, can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming?

    Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o'er the ramparts we watched were so galantly streaming.

    And the rockets red glare.

    The bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night THAT OUR FLAG WAS STILL THERE!

    Oh say, does that star spangled banner yet wave for the land of the free and the home of the brave?




  12. Hi all-

    I've been playing OFF now for about a month, and am amazed at the depth of this flight sim. I played RB and RB3D way back when. I look forward to an hour flying these canvas crates after the kids go to bed every night!


    My question is whether anyone else here played (drove) Grand Prix Legends. For anyone who doesn't know, GPL was a simulation of the 1967 F1 season. No driver aids, no safety devices(not even seat belts), no telemetry, just you and your car. It had an incredibly high learning curve but the first time you could lap the Nurburgring in under 9 minutes (or even complete a lap without crashing) there was a tremendous sense of accomplishment. A similar feeling, I suppose, to logging 17 hours in OFF without dying (I haven't done that yet). I was really into this sim a few years back, essentially went from RB3D to GPL. I built a new computer about 6 months ago and never reinstalled GPL, as there were so many mods, improvements, etc that I didn't want to take the time.


    The more I fly OFF, the more I think of GPL and the similarities. Both are from obscure eras, developed and improved by people as a labor of love, and played by people who are looking for something other than a quick fix, who really want to immerse themselves in a simulation dealing with a time and place where pilot (driver) skill trumped technology.


    Cheers to all, I'm having a great time with this simulation and look forward to further developments.


    yeah, i got that sim, and the learning curve is tough, i re install it every now and then when i feel like destroying a bunch of virtual cars and virtual landscape, lol


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