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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. OK, I cant believe Im gonna admit this, take a bored 16 year old, a .05 second delay electric blasting cap and a shot-put and,,,,KABOOOOM!! Right about then as my ears start workin again, im wondering where the shot put was, and THUMP, about 3 feet away.

  2. Im way past that step, Nothing iis in the startup tab, and all programs associated with nvidia are unchecked. Im currently going through the registry looking for the entry with the switch that makes it open on startup, thats all I can think of for now.

    I currently have Apu at nvidia support workin on this to,,:P

  3. start teamspeak




    a page will open, in the left hand side, right click and choose "add server" and fill in the appropriate info(server address, etc)

    make sure you check the "anonymous" box and choose a username. after you connect, an admin on whatever server can grant you permission to register your username.

    As usual, make sure exceptions are set in yur firewall/router.

    After that, its just a matter of setting up personal preferences,

  4. I tried using a 3rd party drver for my geforce 6200, but they didnt work out. So after going back to originals, every time I start my computer, the control panel opens by itself, even after completely removing them and reinstalling them twice.


    Any ideas? :dntknw:

  5. I went to play WOI yesterday and none of the weapons are showing up in the loadout page for any planes, either in missions or campaigns.

    It is a stock install patched up to just before the infamous sep 08 patch, and nothing has been installed to the computer, hardware or software.

    Ive looked at the weapons ini and can see nothing that jumps out at me as being borked.

    Anyone else experience this?

    I was just curious, but I can always reinstall without any loss, as it is a stock install.


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