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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. I guess we've all heard the stories about the dead soldier that nobody can find a scratch on him, until later when they spot a tiny entry wound from a sliver of a bomb casing in him. Well, I came about as close as you could come to that in civilian life yesterday whilst pounding away at a cold chisel. A tiny piece about this big-----> = ,,,yeah, that big came off and nailed me in the forearm and apparently got one of those big viens and I began leaking vital fluids at an alarming rate. My friend started flippin out walking in circles and lookin lost so I told him to find me a piece of rope so as to tie it off. I was actually getting light headed and feeling a bit of a chill by the time he found some and we was of to the E.R.

    Four hours later, they docs in their infinite wisdom decided to leave the chunk of metal in me, so, if anyone here has had shrapnel wounds that they left it in you, did it work itself out or is it still there, what am I lookin at in the future?



    As tommorow approaches I and the others that knew Lt. Dennis Pike mark off another year since he ejected into the night sky above Laos, never to be seen again. Please raise a glass in his honor, and get the mod file hosted here and fly his last mission.


    I salute you Sir.



  3. "Remember when we used to laugh at the Soviet Union for being stuck there for over 8 years? Sigh... "


    I know, a lot of people fail to remember that.


    And thank you guys for the well wishes

  4. Well, with less than a years training, my nephew is being shipped out to iraq. Im not sure HOW I feel about this. But one song keeps playing in my head,,,,,,,,


    And its 1,,2,,3,,,WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR???????


    Please dont turn this into a political arguement , because its not, its now personal.

    Good luck, Jacob,,,

  5. I was working at Battle Mountain High School and had just finished the first half of a split shift at around 8:30 in the morning. I headed home and turned on the tv to wath the launch and just as the screen warmed up and became clear,,,,BOOM!.

    I stood there in shock for a minute or so. Normally, Im a stickler when t comes to flag ettiquite and would only lower it to half staff under three events (death of the president, vice president or speaker of the house). I made a field decision and immediatly drove back to work and slowly lowered the flag.

  6. well, he ships out to Kuwait monday,,for a week (!?!)

    he said he will be going to tikrit for a couple of days too, what for, I dont know. Its only Kuwait, but still,,,you never know.. From the last couple of conversations with him on the phone, the kid seems to be growing up fast, and has a decent outlook on things. Lets hope its an uneventfull trip.

  7. just some tech info on said trojan,


    This is a program-exploit that uses Sun Microsystems Java (CVE-2008-5353) vulnerability for its execution on a victim’s machine. It is a Java-class file. Depending on version it can be 3 to 60 kB in size.

    This vulnerability makes it possible for attacker to execute applet with increased privileges. The following software is vulnerable: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) and JRE6 10th Update and earlier versions; JDK and JRE 5.0 16th Update and earlier versions; Software Development Kit and JRE 1.4.2_18 and earlier versions.

    sorry I cant help with the site ban,

  8. A friend of mine found a piece of equipment at the dump marked with a dog tag on the lid with the numbers 920 31 E13 2337 and

    10 531581 OF stamped on it. Its approximatly 1 1/2 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft metal box, the instrument inside is mounted on rubber shock absorbers and has two dials and a few connections for wires, the dials are labeled in uuf (micromicro farads or pico farads, i believe). A tag in thye lid says something about fuel gauges, anyone know what this is?


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