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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. In fact because of what my mom did, it shaped a lot of who I am now. Never suffered from depression until she killed herself. I could deal with life better than I do now. I wasn't as angry as I feel all the time. Life was better before she killed herself at age 52. My mom and I were close. But because of what she did, she can not see Glendon and Joe (my sons) as they are now. She never got to see her twin granddaughters. Suicide never has been and never will be an answer. Because of what she did I am still paying for it now. I want to know why she did it, I want to know why God let it happen. I want to know why my sister, brother and father who were with her all the time, knew how bad her depression had gotten and failed to tell me.


    So many of you want to know why I walk around with a chip on my shoulder, that is why. There is no getting over it and moving on. Doesn't work like that at all. Losing a relative to car accident, to a disease etc is terrible enough. But to lose your mother because she did it with her own hand is a tragedy and it hangs over my head everyday.


    Yeah, there is no such thing as "closure", you just get better at dealing with it.

    Peace, Dave :victory:

  2. To fly and fight. Leather-bound book signed by Colonel Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson and General ChuckYeager. Written by triple-ace Bud Anderson and considered the finest pilot memior of world war two.(Air Force historian Richard Hallion)

    Included is a flyleaf with the painting "Double Trouble" printed on it, a rendering of the last combat mission flown by Anderson and Yeager.

    Hand signed in pencil by both living legends. The flyleaves were carried aboard a commemerative flight taken by the two, June 3rd, 1989.

    Hardcover, 303 pages, $199.50

    I saw this in a catalog my mom got and thought someone here might be interested. P.M. me for the details about the catalog.

  3. Ok, I tried installing this a while back, and it wouldnt run, but this thread got me all curious. AGAIN. Well, I was quite surprised this time when it actually ran! Only one slight problem, it seems if I linger on any menu screen, it tends to lock up my computer completely. That I can work on, hopefully with some help here.

    Heres the kicker, the reason it ran, I think, is that yesterday, I uninstalled service pack 3 from my comp because hyperlobby quit working along with my windows installer service and a few other things. Not exactly sure what it was about SP3,but all circumstantial evidence points to it.

  4. Hey Steamer welcome to CA. As Jeff said there are a lot of military here.


    As far as you getting a vsquadron, there are a few around here who do MP like doghouse, streakeagle, 531ghost to name a few. I would get in contact with them. They will be your best source of info.


    :biggrin: And me too, Dave !! Well, as far as multiplayer goes, but info, I dunno. Ive been having some problems with hyperlobby (462 runtime error) that I havent been able to solve. Still using Hamachi tho, and Ive got teamspeak.


    Oh yeah, welcome to combatACE, STEAMER

  5. Hi,

    a frind of mine and I want to establish a Internet multiplayer game, but that doesn't work. while establishing the connection. the progress bar stops at 100% but the connection will not finish. The text is "receiving voices".


    We have no more idea what can be faulty...


    Our patch is 1.0.13


    Greetings, Achim


    welcome to combatACE, to tell you the truth, Ive never been able to connect either, but then I havent tried in a while so maybe I will give it a shot again

  6. post-31664-1226847989_thumb.jpg

    Thats the insideof what I like to call "The Last Resort" bar and someday grill,


    Thats the outside view, I will take some of my "FRANKENPUTER WORLD DOMINATION SEMI-SUPERCOMPUTER CLUSTER©" after I straighten up a bit, lol

    Oh, BTW, is the fan on the floor in the one pic for the enhanced virtual wind through your hair effect? :rofl:

  7. I think one of the most haunting things Ive ever heard is "The ballad of bill hubbard" by Pink Floyd.

    Sorry for no link, but Its most likely on the net somewhere. It still amazes me that after all the death and destruction, that we havent found a better way to solve differences,


    To all those who died ON BOTH SIDES, rest in peace.


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