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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. I don't think you understood what I said. I did not at all advocate such an idiotic course of action, nor do I think you even understand the history of what you mistakenly quoted.


    sorry, i wasnt implying(sp) that you condoned it, I was just making a point as to the usual outcome of that course of action,,

  2. we certainly aren't quite as up close and personal, but we do take them very, very seriously.


    Iran is funding and providing deadly military support to militias in Iraq. Iran has been actively killing our troops for years now. the fact is, the Iraq war would have largely been won by 2005 if Iran had not intervened. We are engaged with them, just not in active combat - yet.


    YAY!! WAR BY PROXY !! look where that got us all those other times,, look where it got the U.S.S.R.

  3. Just arrived to the ultimate deployment location, Guam!! This place F-In rocks!!! 4 Months in paradise, only been here 7 days and I have already gone scuba diving and rocked the beach & the clubs. :biggrin:


    glad you are havin a good time, but in the words of Don Henley,"You call someplace paradise, then kiss it goodbye"

    (from the song"the last resort")

  4. I wanna be able to be like it was back in 2003, KILL ANYONE WITH A WEAPON, now its radio 54 times to ask for permission to engage a PROBOBLE enemy contact and probobly get told NEGATIVE and get half my guys wasted, GOD I LOVE WAR, DONT YOU???????


    Wow, kinda sounds like what grunts on the ground and pilots in the air had to deal with about forty-odd years ago in Nam, asking permission of number crunchers in the pentagon, THUDS having to follow a corridor to a target thru the thickest anti-aircraft fire ever,,,,

    its not just lately its been goin on,,

    P.S. this comment comes WITH ALL DUE RESPECT,,keep up the good work, ~S~

  5. i got rfactor, my only complaint is any hardware change and you gotta re register, i tried upgrading to latest version and I get a "exe file is too small" error, I got fed up with the upgrade errors and trying to get the game validated again,



  6. Hey guys, I'd like to fly online with you folks, but its only fair to warn you, Im not much of a pilot, and really what Im lookin for is some people of a more mature nature that are willing to put up with an apprentice, for lack of a better word.

    I have WoI, WoE, Wov, and the WW1 version. What do ya say?


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