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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. Pardon me while I think outloud, but, lets see here, pressing the escape key initiates a "controled crash" of the current application, correct? So, when you press the escape key, nothing happens, or is it doing what its supposed to do, but a bit over zealously by causing the application to just disappear without being able to save the current state of said application?


    (please dont yell at me for this unproductive waste of bandwidth, mr moderator) :)


    Oh, and I think I see the problem now, your computer has too many processors!!!



  2. yeah, there was a catfish derby, food drive ,konocti kids day, big multi volunteer group thing goin on. The chopper and crew was there overnight and doin the grip and grin the next day.

  3. It was just anther average Sunday afternoon as I was out back working on my zen garden, happily watering my new bentgrass lawn (the stuff used for putting greens). Before I heard it, I felt it, and my eyes were quickly scanning the canopy of trees for movement, the distintive sound of two turbine engines turning a four-bladed prop.

    Instinct took over and I dove for the mass of kudzu vine that were devouring the oak trees that line the property line.



    AH HA! There it is! I thought as I caught a glimpse of the tail end of an airforce grey Pavehawk. Feeling a little foolish concerning my present location, I proceeded to extract myself from the bushes as the chopper circled once and dropped in for a landing less than a half mile away.

    I grabbed my camera and hopped in the car to go investigate, and down at the park , heres what I found,,,,post-31664-1211247860_thumb.jpg

  4. I came back to this thread as I thought there were videos of close order drlls, the tongue in cheek type.

    Boy, its gone off on many tangents, and it makes my heart ache to see the frustrations, not only of service men and women in the USA but of other nations too. Well,sad to say, civilian life isnt much different.

    I can relate, as I was and I guess still an army brat. (Dad was army, Korea, Vietnam,,mom was airforce, Korea)

    We moved so many times, I lost count. It took me years to see how it affected my dealings in personal relationships, the way old-timers in a platoon treated the replacements. The "No,I dont care to know your name, cos youll be gone soon just like the rest." attitude. But thats a personal issue.

    Theres a lot of things that need to be changed for the better. It brings to mind a saying, "Nothing is destroyed from without, until it destroys itself from within."

    I am at a loss as to who the author is.

    Hows that for another tangent?

  5. Since their behavior and presence presents a significantly clear and present danger to the local community, the issue of civil rights becomes mute.

    (here I go , playing the devils advocate again)

    WHOA!!! BACK THE TRUCK UP!!!!! The issue of civil rights becomes mute?(or moot, or w/e)

    That totally smacks of "police state mentality" The LAPD tried this in the crash program in dealing with the 18th street gang and it was eventually ruled as being unconstitutional and the CRASH program was shut down.

    Dont get me wrong, Im no gang banger and in no way condone their activities, im just an old long haired hippie wannabe, but my point is, the issue of civil rights NEVER becomes a moot point, not in my america it dont. He||, for all I care, you can wear pink paisley and be a member of the local goat plookers, thats one thing. Just dont let me catch you plookin any goats, cos THEN you will be busted!

    ((LOL, I love the word "plookin")(credit goes to Frank Zappa for that one))

    I guess that all boils down to "the right to assemble"

    And to all the police officers here in the forums, hey, I respect the fact that its your job, and someones got to do it, but we are not all dirtbags until proven otherwise, which seems to be the mentality of my local police force, and most likely many others. Case in point, I myself have been stopped and searched by the same officer 3 days in a row while walking home from a friends house which is less than 100 yards away. Cops excuse was,,"Err, uhm, well,,we've had a lot of burglaries in the area, and Im just checking people out."

    Well, thats all well and nice, Mr rookie officer whos half my age, but these are MY STOMPIN GROUNDS, AND I AM THE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH,and there havent been any burglaries, and if there was, theyd be answering to me if I catch them before the law does.

    Now, all three times, I consented to the search, even though by the mere fact that HE ASKED if he could search me tells me he doesnt have the right or reasonable cause to, and all three times I had weed in my pocket, and all three times he gave me back my weed and sent me on my way.

    Quote from officer, "We dont care about weed, we would rather people stay home and get stoned."

    And I told him,"I know what your lookin for, and sorry, your not gonna find it on me."

    I dont know, maybe Im rambling now,but when Im walking down the street, does the cop look at me and see a long haired dirtbag, or does he see the guy that actually helped a cop once that was on the ground wrestling this guy that was trying to take his sidearm. He made eye contact with me, and all I saw was "I need help." I did what had to be done,,,

    OK, I will stop before I go too much farther off topic,,,,

  6. AHAR !! ya scurvy landlubber,,and ya thought we was the scum-o-the earth, did ya? lol

    I guess in a roundabout way, we do make contributions instead of just taking all the time,

    (in reference to certain "sites" and "files") :ph34r:

  7. 6 1/2 hours left...... :victory:



    tick, tick, tick, tick,,,,,,,,,,,


    I can only imagine what its like to bear the responsibilities that you and your peers have been tasked with,

    Freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know,

    Thank you for your years in service, and good luck to you in your future,


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