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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. I wish I was more fnancially liquid, I would gladly donate. Indeed a great group of people here, except for that gwar guy,,,,,oh wait,,thats me,,,



  2. Oh yeah, whats this "low intensity training" jake is talking about? Boot camp for slackers? I think we need the old "brown boot army" back again



  3. You got VERY lucky my friend, be extra carefull out there now,you played the odds and won,,,,this time.


    p.s. ,, was hit by a ford f-250 and dragged about 20 yards, 4 broken verts,,ouch

  4. Went down to our fine state of Texas once with a friend. Turned out we were in a dry countyso we took a drive to get some beer. On the way back we stopped at some historical marker to have a beer and I got out of the truck and went to check out the cement marker that had two small trees flanking it, one to each side and a bit in front of it. By then it was darkand my friend hit the lights on his truck, and I had stopped in my tracks just before he did, and this was about an inch from my face,,,,,48116303gardenspider5.th.jpg


    he was about the size of my hand

  5. Ok, time for me to play devils advocate again and stir the pot a bit.


    According to the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STAES OF AMERICA, american citizens are garunteed a trial by a jury of they're peers before conviction and/or execution, when did it start being ok to condemn a man to death on the basis of an intelligence report by an anonymous official? Have we thrown that old piece of paper out with the trash?

    When exactly did congress say that we are officially "at war" and with whom? Or did that little rule get changed too?


    Gimme a minute to put my asbestos underwear on and let the responses fly!

  6. until a while back, workers at the coors brewery in golden colorado were allowed to drink beer at lunch, until some meathead wrecked a company truck, and in trying to be politically correct, the management banned the practice,

  7. I been running win 7 for a while now, and at first, wov ran just fine, now it seems it crashes right off the bat with a directdraw failure, Ive reinstalled the sim, along with directx to no avail. Dxdiag reports there are no problems, which is strange, Also, woi runs fine and hasnt crapped out on me so far. Anyone have an idea whats going on?



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