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Everything posted by Czech6

  1. In the MissionControl.ini trying setting Normal to whatever altitude you want (in meters) to try it out. Seems like the sim generally chooses Normal and occasionally High for me.
  2. Exhaust

    I think it would be from setting your Graphic Option for Resolution to x 16 instead of x 32 that would create this effect, if it is related to 16 bit.
  3. Tried the A-5A cockpit since it's a tandem-seat, twin-engine bomber very similar to the Tu-22. Neither the A-5 or the F-111 have the covered cockpit of the Tu-22 or B-58, and I can't find where anyone has made a cockpit of that type.
  4. What is it you want to fix on this image? Noticed my radar image is different, and that the wing root fairing is showing in the lower left, which means the cockpit is set too far back.
  5. Is there anyway to draw the front lines, or can they only be entered as coordinates in the movement file?
  6. Tu-22K is a bomber version as is the stock Tu-22B in WOE. The other two are ECM and Recon versions.
  7. Did you remember to change these in the Tu-22.ini file? [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Tu-22K Blinder-B AircraftDataFile=Tu-22K_data.ini CockpitDataFile=F-111A_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=Blinder_Hangar.bmp LoadoutImage=tu22_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=TU-22K_LOADOUT.INI AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-111A_avionics.ini LoadingScreen=tu22.bmp I just tried it and it looks pretty sharp.
  8. Look in the individual weapon's data.ini file. This is from the SA-2L_DATA.ini [MissionData] NationName=SOVIET ServiceStartYear=1959 ServiceEndYear=1965 GroundObjectRole=STATIC_SAM Availability=COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1962 ExportAvailability=COMMON [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=sa-2_launcher_destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=LargeExplosionEffect EmptyMass=3600.00 Component[001]=Launcher [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=SA-2 RadarCrossSection=3 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=34000.000000 MinMissileRange=10000.000000 PitchAngleRate=8 MaxPitch=80.0 MinPitch=0.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30.0 YawAngleRate= YawLimited= MinYaw= MaxYaw= DefaultYawAngle=0 MissileLaunchTime=2.0 YawModelNodeName= PitchModelNodeName=rail [Launcher] ModelNodeName=legs MaxExtentPosition= 2.39, 4.20, 1.72 MinExtentPosition=-2.39,-4.70, 0.00 HasArmor=FALSE SystemName[001]=Missile [Missile] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 WeaponTypeName=SA-2B WeaponPosition=0.00,3.95,2.06 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE It has to show the datalink is TRUE, and the second line shows the type of network it is linked to. Some of these data.ini files will not be in your Objects folder as the sim may be using the default file instead of a custom file, in which case you will need to extract it from the Cat file to modify it. Can't be sure, but I think SP4 networked SAM's, but not AAA. There are some other threads in this forum and on ThirdWire about networking. Networking AAA seems to be a little more difficult as I recall a thread on the need for an AAA radar object to be networked with the actual guns. I guess you could network the AAA to the SAM radar, but then you would everything pointing at you.
  9. BTW, I'm using all kinds of stuff from you and Capun. Appreciate the continued effort you guys have put into this sim. Everytime I try something else, I also come back to the Thirdwire sims because there is always change, and I've been trying my hand at various small modifications, which is almost as much fun as playing the game.
  10. ...well, I did say it was a little bit that I knew. I should have linked him up to your web site, he would have probably found what he wanted. Good to know that the coordinates are global. That would make it easier to locate instead trying to fumble around trying to figure out which system something should go on (like my attempts at decals).
  11. Exhaust

    There's a brief thread on SimHQ on purple exhaust. Relates it to using 16-bit color setting. Don't know about the sidewalks exhaust, although now that you mentioned it, I've noticed it a couple of times and it didn't register. I've been tweaking exhaust settings in the Particles.ini file, maybe a typo or extra space in there somewhere.
  12. The little bit that I know: If the aircraft model has lights, you should find them in the aircraft data.ini file (i.e., F-4C_Data.ini). The entry should look like this: [TopFuselageLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.66,0.66,0.60 Brightness=0.02 Position=0.0,3.545,1.0143 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.1 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=TRUE FlashTime=0.70 Position indicates its location on the model's component (like the fuselage in this case). Also in the aircraft.ini file there will be a system data entry on one of the model components showing where that light entry is located. In this example it is on the fuselage: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=fuselage_P ShowFromCockpit=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE CLa=0.1228 CD0=0.0052 CDL=0.0001 Cmq=-0.1741 Cmad=0.0004 Cyb=-0.1228 CLaMachTableNumData=7 CLaMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CLaMachTableStartX=0.00 CLaMachTableData=1.000,1.000,1.000,0.423,0.592,0.814,1.002 CD0MachTableNumData=7 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.413,1.000,0.876,4.298,3.024,2.692,2.414 CDLAlphaTableNumData=15 CDLAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CDLAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CDLAlphaTableData=143.365,90.282,52.247,26.750,11.285,3.344,0.418,0.000,0.418,3.344,11.285,26.750,52.247,90.282,143.365 CmqMachTableNumData=7 CmqMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CmqMachTableStartX=0.00 CmqMachTableData=1.000,1.000,1.000,14.653,19.811,35.186,54.076 StructuralFactor=1.5 MinExtentPosition=-1.40,-7.54,-1.17 MaxExtentPosition= 1.40, 5.66, 1.06 CollisionPoint[001]=-1.40, 5.66,-0.91 CollisionPoint[002]= 1.40, 5.66,-0.91 CollisionPoint[003]= 1.23,-3.74,-1.17 CollisionPoint[004]=-1.23,-3.74,-1.17 CollisionPoint[005]= 0.00,-7.54, 0.50 CollisionPoint[006]= 1.21, 5.66, 0.53 CollisionPoint[007]=-1.21, 5.66, 0.53 DamageRating=DESTROYED SystemName[001]=Engine1 SystemName[002]=Engine2 SystemName[003]=FuselageFuelCell2 SystemName[004]=FuselageFuelCell3 SystemName[005]=FuselageFuelCell4 SystemName[006]=FuselageFuelCell5 SystemName[007]=FuselageFuelCell6 SystemName[008]=CenterlineStation SystemName[009]=SparrowStation1 SystemName[010]=SparrowStation2 SystemName[011]=SparrowStation3 SystemName[012]=SparrowStation4 SystemName[013]=Tailhook SystemName[014]=TopFuselageLight SystemName[015]=BottomFuselageLight1 SystemName[016]=BottomFuselageLight2 SystemName[017]=Canopy You have to experiment with those x,y,z coordinates in position to move it to the location you want. You may have to move the system entry to another component location if you are trying to move it to an entirely different location.
  13. I haven't tried your Steel Tiger campaign, but maybe this weekend. How is the front line drawn? Here's an idea that has been bugging me about the Viet Nam campaign. I'm no campaign builder, and I only understand the basics from what I've read here, but what would happen in the Viet Nam campaign if the front line was drawn as semi-circles connecting to the sea or circles around the main South Viet Nam bases, like Da Nang or Chu Lai, and with a linear front line drawn between Thailand and Laos/Cambodia. Wouldn't this give the VC and NVA control of most of the area and force CAS and/or Armed Recon closer to the "enclave" bases? Can there be more than one front line?
  14. Looking good to have gotten it this far. Wonder if this can be tied to the ejection sequence? Your troop needs to have his feet and knees together. The blackhats would put him down for 50 with that form.
  15. I used to use the same procedure, but after a while I found I was losing too many assets. Too many wingmen being taken out as I had too many wingmen at risk. A2G guys were not attacking AAA or SAM's, so I eliminated the in-flight A2G asset as they were not productive. A flight of four A2A for cover sometimes seems too much kill power (in this sim), and ups the cost versus their benefit. My usual is my #2 only, but if I sense more A2A opposition, I'll take a A2A element to cover my element. Hit or miss on whether they are necessary, but I don't risk as much.
  16. Slow pan speed of snap views?

    Go to Viewlist.ini and try changing these: [ViewClass003] ViewClassName=SnapViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=FALSE SnapView=TRUE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=110.0 PitchControl= YawControl= RollControl= ZoomControl= JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=TRUE LimitPitch=FALSE LimitYaw=TRUE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=FALSE ZoomScale=0.01 PanScale=0.00160 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=10000.0 Acceleration=2000.0 AngleRates=360.0,240.0,240.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=-175.0,-20.0,0.0 MaxAngles=175.0,110.0,0.0 MinFOV=15.0 MaxFOV=110.0 OffsetDistance=0.06 I don't know why there is a min and a max speed. It would seem that a Snap View would have only one rate. Try setting them both to the same value.
  17. I've noticed the same thing when I don't Esc right away after I'm brought down. I F6 to my wingmen to see how they follow up, and they seem to do pretty good. Maybe the #3 takes over. I'll have to try a mission with iall nexperienced AI wingmen and see if that causes a problem if I'm taken out. I've also noticed I'm usually the primary target for AAA and SAMS. I usually only take a #2, but sometimes I take a 2nd element armed for SEAD and I stick myself up there as bait and let them fire off the Shrikes while #2 is assigned the primary target. Doesn't always work, especially with networked SAMS since I start losing track of all the SAM calls. I might delete the networking to give myself an edge.
  18. I love your F-86 cockpit and use it for most of my KAW jet aircraft instead of the A-4. It's the only era specific cockpit. I only alter the fuel gauge for those aircraft that carry more than 6,000 lbs, like the F-84 or F9F.
  19. Yes, you are right, it's in Objects. I was working on some other tweaks on the files in Flight and that was where my mind was at. Most of the files that alter missions are in Flight. As Wrench stated, altering the AIData can also make big changes in AI behavior. Here's mine: [AIData] AileronDeltaRoll=1.2 AileronRollRate=-1.0 ElevatorDeltaPitch=0.75//1.0 ElevatorPitchRate=-0.01//-0.1 ThrottleDeltaSpeed=0.05 ThrottleVelocity=-0.01 DeltaSpeedForAfterburner=5.1//50 DeltaSpeedForAirbrakes=-5.1//-50 MaxPitchForAltitude=10//25.0 MinPitchForAltitude=-10//-15.0 PitchForThrottle=0.005 PitchForAltitude=0.005//0.01 PitchForVerticalVelocity=-0.01 RollForHeading=15.0 RollForHeadingRate=-0.5 MinRollHeading=15.0 MaxRollForHeading=60.0 PitchForRoll=0.23 FormationSpeedForPosition=0.8 FormationSpeedForRate=0.5 GunnerFireChance=80 GunnerFireTime=2.5 GunnerAimOffset=0.0050 MaxRollCombat=360.0//60.0 MaxPitchCombat=75.0//50.0 MaxRollFormation=75.0//0.45 FormationRollForPosition=0.1//0.01 FormationRollForVelocity=0.1 RollForGunAttack=0.5 RollForGunAttackRate=-0.1 I don't think this a modified stock SP1/WOV/WOE AIData. I think I cut and pasted it from FE in the hopes that some of the additional functions would work in those sims. A little bit goes a long way when you alter values in this file. I've at least got the jet jockies using burner more often to close up formation. Still a work in progress as I haven't got the AI to totally stop the porpoise kick as they join up, which I find annoying (if I tone down elevator response too much it takes them forever to climb to formation). I've spent more time experimenting with this data than any other, primarily due to the AI responses in FE. I finally set FE aside as it was giving me a headache. However, its paid off in the jet sims and KAW (got the B-29's to tone down the rolls).
  20. Do a AI wingman search here and at the Thirdwire forum. There has been a lot of discussion on this topic. Your #2 can be directed to attack your air or ground target (including the mission objective) if you have the target selected. #3 and #4, as well as any other flights can only be given generic commands of "Attack Air" or "Attack Ground". They won't go for the mission objective or your selected target. #2 can also be told to "Cover me" and he'll try to stay on your six and keep it clear. Use "Rejoin" after any of the commands to your #2 or the other flights, or you will leave them behind in the melee. You can adjust the AI wingman settings (Novice, Expert, Ace, etc.) in the AircraftObject.ini file which is in the Flight folder (or which you may have to extract from the cat file using the cat extractor software). Or, you can download the UberAI mod from the Objects Download page on this web site and it will give you a modified AircraftObject.ini file to install in the Flight folder. Any AI changes in this file will also effect the enemy AI's performance. They still won't be perfect, but should perform better. See the forums on these issues.
  21. Third post down in the modeling forum. Julhelm's doing a tutorial using the Voodoo he's putting together.
  22. Yes, it goes in the Flight folder after you alter the altitudes. I've altered mine to higher atitudes and it works. Generally the AI flys the Normal or High altitude setting in mine, and rarely the Low or VeryLow. Maybe it's aircraft type or mission dependent. Try setting your Normal to 152.4 (meters) and see if the AI flys around 500 ft. My settings: [Altitude] Normal=7620 Low=3048 VeryLow=304.80 High=9144 VeryHigh=10972.8
  23. On further review, that fix many not be valid. It appears to be old as my current A-6 data.ini does not have those lines with gear down settings. Either it was fixed in the last patch or I have someone's FM fix that changed it.
  24. Here's a fix from my archieved documents: nooby Junior Member Member # 29460 hey atr-driver, thanks to combatace.com, i found a post about our issue in the forum there and i have fixed it for my own. here is my fix: http://mwlue.no-ip.com/A-6A_DATA.INI put the ini file in to the Objects\Aircraft\A-6A, then happy flying. if you don't like it, just remove it or move it to some where else and the default will be loaded. according to the post at combatace, there are some parameters in the INI that increase the sensitivity of control surface when gear is lowered. i found those value and simply disable it. here they are: [LeftStabilizer] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=PITCH_CONTROL MovingSurface=TRUE MaxDeflection=6.3 MinDeflection=-9.5 HasGearDownSetting=FALSE <=== GearDownMaxDeflection=15.0 GearDownMinDeflection=-24.0 MaxControlSpeed=249.84 ControlRate=1.0 ModelNodeName=elevator_left ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [RightStabilizer] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=PITCH_CONTROL MovingSurface=TRUE MaxDeflection=6.3 MinDeflection=-9.5 HasGearDownSetting=FALSE <=== GearDownMaxDeflection=15.0 GearDownMinDeflection=-24.0 MaxControlSpeed=249.84 ControlRate=1.0 ModelNodeName=elevator_right ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [Rudder] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=YAW_CONTROL ReverseInput=TRUE MaxDeflection=4.0 MinDeflection=-4.0 HasGearDownSetting=FALSE <=== GearDownMaxDeflection=35.0 GearDownMinDeflection=-35.0 CDdc=0.0096 Cydc=0.1214 Cldc=0.0086 Cndc=-0.0121 CldcAlphaTableNumData=15 CldcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CldcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CldcAlphaTableData=1.430,1.253,1.070,0.882,0.690,0.494,1.274,0.090,1.000,1.023,-0.214,-0.397,-0.633,-0.921,-1.256 CndcAlphaTableNumData=15 CndcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CndcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CndcAlphaTableData=0.434,0.450,0.464,0.476,0.867,0.986,0.995,1.000,1.000,0.995,0.879,0.485,0.476,0.464,0.449 ControlRate=5.0 MaxControlSpeed=128 ModelNodeName=vertical_rudder_partA RotationAxis=Y-AXIS
  25. Great piece of work. I noticed I was getting smaller tail codes located in the upper, rear area of the tail. Looked into the decal.ini in each F-4 and found that "insignia" was spelled "insigni". Once I corrected that they appeared with the correct size and location.

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