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Everything posted by pablo10692

  1. Why you don't keep the original readmes? None of the Voodoos that I've downloaded come with it. And, I'm sure you all noticed that the loadout images now uses tga files? The bmp one doesn't fit in the screen anynore. Keep up the good work people!
  2. I've also done some updates myself. A-4AR A-4K - need some huge cockpit tweaks Mirage 2000D - still workin in this one If you want, I can upload then. They have some .inis change to fit my "personal exigences" though.
  3. So, I was trying to make my A-4K Early flyable in the SF2, not hard to do that. But, when I try to change from the old series cockpit to the new one, I can't get the complete HUD. Here's a picture of how it's in SF2: I need help to figure out what it's happening. This is my first attempt to do this kind of stuff, though. Thank you in advance!
  4. Wrench, thanks. I made some adjusts to the HUD, isn't complete, but far more than before!
  5. I'm a huge noob when it goes to cockpit. I really don't know what to check in my cockpit. And yeah, I think the HUD is based on 3W F-15A This is the cockpit folder: Wich entry in the cockpit.ini I need to check to try put the HUD in order and to adjust the aim angle? A Topic about this in the KB would be very helpfull.

    From the album SS

  7. SS

    My Screenshots!
  8. Where I can find those skins?
  9. img00006.JPG

    From the album SS

  10. Now that Third Wire has released the second era of sims, it isn't a good idea to divide also the TW download section between SF1 Era and SF2 Era, or something like that?
  11. Divion on downloads section

    Yeah, I agree with you now. Since I figured out that it isn't needed to much work to make then flyable in the second generation and vice-versa, there is no need to that. Thank you for aswering.
  12. Reading MigBuster post in SF2 Knowledge Base, I got a little confused about this: What that mean? Where I'll have to install all fuel tanks that came with KillerBee's Ordnance Shop?
  13. I download one and now I'm doing my own pilots! Thank you again KillerBee!
  14. KillerBee, thank you! Now I'm able to understand everything. I mean, almost. What does Hex Editing means?
  15. My F-22A doens't want to show up in my aircraft list... Any one can help me? I can't see what I'm doing wrong, and yes I read the readme.
  16. Dumb question: the ReadMe says that the BONES are "SF2 Version", but can I use then in my WOE without any sort of issues?
  17. No batteries?! Watta hell?! It isn't worth!
  18. Está muy bueno! La cabina está especialmente buena!
  19. Pappy, any ETA on these skins? They're really great!
  20. WIP F-102

    KillerBee, this skin is really awesome!
  21. Sometime ago, someone was doing some thing really close to this, but it was to the Tomcat. And was huge.

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