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Everything posted by pablo10692

  1. That aircraft is getting better and better...
  2. Really nice! I'm a completely fan of Swedish Aviation! Can't wait to fly this beauty!
  3. The Afterbuner effect isn't include in the EF-2000 package. You'll have to order apart.
  4. Your Top 10 Games (any Console)

    1- Pokémon Blue (Game Boy) 2- GTA Vice City (PC) 3- KOTOR II (PC) 4- Battlefield 2 (PC) 5- Fallout 3 (PC) 6- Guitar Hero 3 (PS2) 7- SW: Battlefront 2 (PC) 8- Battlefield 1942 (PC) 9- CoD 5: World at War (PS3) 10- PES Series (PS2)
  5. It happened to me one time. Face to face, gun duel, I got killed but my plane was completely fine.
  6. The aircraf.ini and the folder of it has the same name? Including Lower cases e etc?
  7. We could start a campaing, "populating airfields".
  8. The Person Below Me

    True. The person below me hate Hip Hop.
  9. IMO the oficial Suez Crysis add-on is so waited for a possible solution to some in-game issues, such as prop aircrafts, that in most cases are played in pre-08 patch.
  10. New Skin Released

    Really nice!
  11. FIIIIIIIIIIILHA DA PUTA! :lol: Quase que eu morro do coração!
  12. The Person Below Me

    False. I'm born in 92, my first video-game was a SNES. The person below me think that PS3 suck and own a Xbox 360.
  13. I agree with streakeagle. The maps are to small to fly with a SS, but maybe a AI aircraft? An SS interception misson would be really nice thought!
  14. There is a way to each season use your own vehicle camo?
  15. You modders should get bored more usually! I really want that T-6!
  16. Whatcha building right now?

    Revell 1/72. I know, it's ugly, but what I can do? It's my second model! I'm getting sharpened.
  17. You mean the HGU-55? If so, I think I have it.
  18. To don't create a new thread, anyone can post here the MiG-31BM GunData?
  19. The Mk.10L seat isn't showing correct, neither the cockpit.
  20. Thanks Silverbolt and New Guy. Everything is fine now! :biggrin: :good:
  21. It worked! Thank you! But, what about the seat size? It's passing through the canopy.
  22. I reinstalled the aircraft, the cockpit is now ok, but the seat, still white.
  23. Fantastic work CA! If I were you, I would be proud of myself! And just one questio, does it come with lights at the airfields?

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