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Everything posted by pablo10692

  1. This one is very important! Do it and your install will work "nos trinques", as we would say in Brazil.
  2. I'm about to buy the IL-2 1946 through Steam, but I have a big doubt. I saw that the 1946 comes with 5 games. But wich games are then?
  3. Ejectionseats

    The Iran's F-14 use the Mk.7, the F-14D uses the Mk.14, but the others F-14 variants I don't know which they use.
  4. Ejectionseats

    AleDucat, your seats are just awesome! My F-15s, F-16s, etc are all pimped!
  5. Ejectionseats

    Don't mention it.
  6. Ejectionseats

    ACES II is currently used on F-15A/B/C/D/E, F-16 A/B/C/D, B-1B, B-2, A-10 and was used in F-117A aircraft, as well as on F-15s and F-16s of 16 other nations. An advanced version has been selected for the F/A-22. The Mk.10A is used on Tornados. The Mk.10L is used on BAe Hawk, CF-18 Hornet, Embraer AMX, Mirage 2000, SIAI Marchetti S211, SAAB JAS 39 Grippen, SOKO Galeb IV and Super Galeb G4, SOKO Orao, Tucano et al. And the SJU5 is used on F/A-18A/B Hornets. PS.: All these informations were researched, the Martin-Baker's I looked at it's own web site. I did that to know which seat to put on the aircrafts.
  7. I'm trying to do a not-so-what-if skin to the F-18E of Brazilian Air Force, and I'm having some trouble with the decals, there is a way to locate the exact coordinates at the aircraft, or I need to try each one? And I have some doubts about the Decal.ini... What "MeshName", "DecalLevel", "DecalFacing", "Rotation", "Scale", "DecalMaxLOD" are?
  8. Someone has a tip how to do dust on the fuselage?
  9. A ruller! Everything I needed! And FC, this info isn't in the KB, unfortunely, there is something very similar in the TK's Decal Tutorial.
  10. Wrench, really thank you! Everything I wanted to know it's in your post! Thank you!
  11. Steam

    Wouldn't be a bad idea to sell Jet Thunder through Steam? As Steam has a lot of advantages to sell all kind of games online. Giants distributors as Ubisoft, EA Games, are selling their games using Steam.
  12. Veltro, you are da man!
  13. J-10A

    Nice job! Congratulations!
  14. Steam

    Pra mim eles não deletavam tópicos! Só fechavam eles. Good to know! I love the Steam system, as I can have all my games bought online in a single account. :biggrin: Yes, but I was asking about Jet Thunder, not about TW games. We were talkin' about my last topic, with the same question as this one, that was deleted.
  15. Steam

    Eu acho que foi cara, eu achei até que tinha me enganado e não postado ou postado no Orkut. Isso infrige alguma regra do CA? Eu nem cheguei a ver as respostas do outro.
  16. Game distribution through Steam

    It is a nice idea? IL-2 and Siler Hunter III are sold there. And Valve use to support this kind of "home-made" games...
  17. Ranks

    Put here your Rank, or a link to your ''profile''. http://bf2s.com/player/104553235/
  18. Aff... That's horrible! And I read that there will be 3 classes, all with the same weapons!
  19. As far as I know, you need to double-click the new weapon, don't change nothing, just press "ok" and then "save" and close. With the compatiblity problem, just click with the right-mouse-button at the weaponeditor, then go to "Properties" then "Compatibility", mark the option " Run this program in compatibily mode ", then choose Windows 95/98, and you are ready to go...
  20. I'm having some trouble when I try to add the AA-12 ( R-77 ) that comes with the latest MF WP in my Su-35BM, in the loadout screen show it loaded with K-100... And yes, the service year of the missile and aircraft match.
  21. OK, I'll check! And thanks for the help! I looked at the Weapon Station at the F-101C but the only thing I found was "AllowedWeaponClass".
  22. But the Su-35 can carry it, doesn't? And where do I have to put the StationCode to the aircraft be able to carry the missile?
  23. It worked! Thanks! But what "StationCode" does?

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