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Everything posted by CJLivesey

  1. Sorry, not sure what you mean? I've just changed the images to public gallery if that is what you meant?
  2. Coral Sea CV43 colour

    From the album Carrier models

  3. Carrier models

    Unfinished carrier models
  4. Midway CV41 Modern

    From the album Carrier models

  5. Midway CV41 Early

    From the album Carrier models

  6. Enterprise CVAN65 colour.

    From the album Carrier models

  7. Enterprise CVAN65

    From the album Carrier models

  8. Coral Sea CV43

    From the album Carrier models

  9. Actually strike that last comment - thought I had this figured but don't. For some reason I can get Royal Navy intercepts after 1979 in the single missions, but earlier than that the game freezes in the initial menu. I've tried playing with the nations - making the Ark Royal a USN ship, this allows successful loading which allows USN intercept missions to be started from her. I've extracted the Iceland terrain folder, looked at the Nations file which does include RoyalNavy as one of the options. I've also changed the terrain start dates to begin in 1960. I'm at a loss what this might be and wonder if anyone else has had this problem? Thanks
  10. Yes had set up the nations file with the relevant entries. I have worked out what the problem was (in this case) - the Ark Royal (R09 CATOBAR version) has no defensive guns/missiles. Once I added a token 20mm KAA the intercept missions started to work. No idea why though? I've tried it with a few more RN ships such as the Invincible Class (with Sea dart + guns) and this works fine. Must just be an oddity of the mission setup. Thanks for your help though!
  11. Sorry to bump this thread, but I'm having the same problem with the intercept missions on the standard NA Iceland terrain. I've noticed it doesn't tend to happen when flying as the USN, but switch to the Royal Navy and I get CTD. I can set up to fly as the USN and then within the editor change all the units to Royal Navy equivalents and the mission will run fine. Also noticed that flying as land-based forces such as the RAF the crash doesn't happen. Any thoughts anyone? Thanks!
  12. Hi, just wondering if anyone has made or is making a Gannet AEW for the Royal Navy? The introduction of carrier battles and AEW functionality in SF2NA means that without this bird the cold war RN is really lacking something! Thanks!
  13. Sorry, meant that this layout would simulate two engines driving through a common gearbox and propeller. It would allow one engine to be throttled back (or damaged) whilst the other still allows 50% of the total aircraft's power to be applied. The third (animation) engine is really just acting as the gearbox and provides zero thrust. In (geeky) player control during cruising one engine could be switched to be controlled independently and throttled back whilst the the second (and third "animation" engine) is always at full power - when required both engines could be engaged. This is slightly redundant though without the plane!
  14. May be wrong, but thought Veltro2k's model was an Alize?
  15. That's a real shame! As you said its such an ugly plane its pretty! Like a lot of the cold war military planes it was a bit of an oddball design - twin mamba turboprops driving a common contra-rotating prop through a gearbox. Not sure how you could implement this in SF2 even if there were a model? Possibly three engines - two power plants driving invisible props (to allow one engine to be lost with a loss of half the power) with a third engine just for the animation of the prop itself? Hopefully some feels inspired and makes a model someday!
  16. Hi I wonder if anyone can help with a quick question? I'm playing SF2 (SF2E+Exp + SF2NA + SF2V) and want to make sure that drop tanks on certain planes (such as Tornado GR.1s) are not dropped by the AI when attacked or rolling in to a ground attack run. I've tried: NoJettisonTank=TRUE but it seems to make no difference. I've reverted to making drop tanks as station specific RFT (rocket pods with fuel) with no rockets, but there must be a better way? Any thoughts? Thanks again!
  17. Brilliant! Thanks! For once it is not my ability to spell that has caused the issue!
  18. I was wondering if there is any way to force the AI to use airbrakes / higher throttle settings when coming in to land? I have been playing with the A team Buccaneer a lot and notice that the AI comes in "clean" with no throttle and no airbrake - this is not what happens in real life as Buccs come in "dirty" with full airbrake and engines at a fairly high setting to feed the BLC flaps. Is there anyway to replicate this in game? I have tweaked around with landing speed but to no avail - so was wondering if anyone could shed some light? Thanks!
  19. Hi Fubar, just had a try with that line added into the airbrake section - doesn't seem to affect the AI. They are still happy coming in at 126kts with no brakes and no throttle. I've added the lines for the Left airbrake (part of the clamshell-like tail on the bucc) with the additional line [LeftAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.9 AnimationID=7 ModelNodeName=ABSupp_L DeployWithFlaps=TRUE DragArea=4.65 Is this what you meant? Thanks!
  20. Hi, I'm trying to model a 1000lb retarded bomb as used by the RAF since the 1960's. The issue i'm having is with the animation - or lack of - for the retarding fins/balute. The fins should pop out similar to those of a mk82 snake-eye, but with a balute stretched between then. Problem is that in-game none of this is happening. I've modelled the bomb up in 3dsmax and have an animation working within the program, so was wondering if any modellers fancy having a look as see what i'm doing wrong? I admit i'm a newbie at modelling so any help would be appreciated. If anyone wants to help, please PM me and i'll send over the max files Thanks in advance!
  21. Cheers for that Fastcargo! It was the TCB controllers which were the bit i'd missed. Once again the combat ace community comes up with the goods!
  22. Hi, I also found the same thing... Open up the weapon editor and try adding "MissileInFlightEffect" into the In Flight Effect Name field this cured the smokeless-ness on my system. Hope this helps?
  23. Yeah svetlinnh, one of those would do nicely!
  24. Hi, that sounds like great news! Just wondering what you are planning in terms of updating / tweaking? AMRAAM stations as an alternative to the gun-pods? Whatever is done I'll be happy - an update is dearly needed!
  25. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help with a query regarding UK Phantoms... I would like to know what (if any) Ecm and countermeasures were fitted to RAF and RN Phantoms both when they entered service and any upgrades which occured during their life. I know both versions (and the F-4J(UK)) were based on the US Navy F-4's which were fitted with internal jammers and later on ALE-29 chaff dispensors on the fuselage. As I've not seen any photos of RAF or RN birds with external jamming pods would it be safe to assume some internal systems were retained? If anyone could help that would be great! Many thanks!

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