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Posts posted by Stevo75

  1. Whats your PC spec?? im not sure at all how buying lock on gold (that i have) or any other version would fair. But Lock on gold as far as im aware has the latest install of lockon PLUS the additional FLAMING CLIFFS addon/extras.

    Works fine on mine running vista. but to b sure see if you can get hold of an earlier lock on release. if that dont work i ant a clue, some of the admin guys on here are up on the wizardry or pcs so id wait for a reply off one of them. Good luck buddy.

  2. ive applied RV over AF and its seems to work fine, ive not played it for more than 5minutes, as im currently on LOMAC, and the grapgics are jus too good toleave... i was however told that the graphics in red viper were much better than allied force, and not too far off from LOMAC, but i cant see it at all myself, looks like the same old allied force graphics.

    But yes no problems so far however like i said, ive only played it for 5 minutes.


  3. Stupid me didnt see the forum fo game controllers so sorry bout that. But ta for all the replies all the same. Well ive done it. Splashed out on the X52PRO and PRO Rudder Pedals. i no ill be recieveing it tomo, but does any1 know of the comparrison between the TM cougar and X52? ive read the cougar has high resistance, ie strong springs, is this the case for the X52PRO??

  4. you ought to be able to programme pretty much everything ingame for WoV, WoE etc. & the ST290 I would think.

    Guys what is recomended between teh HOTAS Cougar and the X52 or X52pro??? and which pedals should one get, caus in all honesty you cant fly properly without rudder control can you!!!

    Budget isnt too much of a problem, So the cougar and the saitek pro pedals were my first though, can get them together for about £190 - £230.

    But i wanna get it right. im on a crappy sidewinder precision pro at the mo. makes its awful for refueling. tiny adjusments are non existent with this stick.



  5. Hey guys. Im looking at getting some decent equipment for use with my flightsimes. LockOn and Falcon 4.0

    For the joystick im looking at the HOTAS COUGAR, however i have no idea about a decent set of rudder pedals.


    Cheers chaps.


  6. Hey guys, some of the moderators may have seen me post a few time on WOE forums, but ive played this game an its AWESOME!!! graphics are amazing. Just upgraded to Lock On Gold, and im running vista, any1 no y im not getting any voice over commands on my training missions??


    Cheers. Is it easy to do the flying online thing with others??

  7. Yes maybe its too early but do we have any specs at all for PC play?

    The ship in the sea pic above looks like nothing ive ever seen in a sim before. gorgeous sea looks cold lol, and the ship looks tip top too. Excellent work.

  8. Hey guys i know most of the veterans here will have probable been asked time and time again how to do this and that but im a complete begginer and was just wondering about the ins and outs of begginning to add mods, skins, missions, weapons packs etc... to WoE, ive jus got the game, and my new PC is being delivered next week. Anyway if anyone can spare jus two secs of there time with a link to a site that gives an break down easy to follow step b step guide or jus some general advice wud be G8!!!



    Stevo (nooob)


    "kick the tyres an light the fires"

  9. Cheers your a star mate. Now the only decision to make is which of WOE or Lomac! Im gettin a new PC nxt week too quad core SLI job so bombs away an all that jazz.

    Cheers for the heads up





    "watch the canopy"

  10. antidisestablishmentarianism means originally, "opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England", and now "opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country"

    Or its more commonly known as the longest word most people know - LOL.

    Anyway back to my reply.

    1 - how you gettin on with super EF2000??

    2 - have any of you guys played Eurofighter Typhoon? i was looking at getting it, as it a dynamic campaign which im looking for (much like falcon 4), graphics look ok if not better that falcon 4. But was jus wondering about the gameplay and flight modeling?

    3 - finally chaps with WOE or LOMAC does either of these top flight sims feature a dynamic campaign or are they linear mission led?? i just find the dynamic campaigns so much more involving and like im the one making a difference by makin my own tactical choices for targets etc...

    Cheers for any replies guys.



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