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Everything posted by shredward

  1. GHOSTS of the Great War

    http://www.fototime.com/C7E3A5344B888F5/standard.jpg SNIPE SNIPE SNIPE SNIPE SNIPE SNIPE
  2. GHOSTS of the Great War

    How We Hunt Snipe I just paddle along with my Snipe Decoys blowing my Snipe Whistle "skreech skreech skreech". http://www.fototime.com/D64227D38C7DC0F/standard.jpg Then when they get close, I send Blaze out. No gun needed. http://www.fototime.com/09DD9FB2C44FC6A/standard.jpg But she actually has a distaste for Snipe, so after catching them she just flicks them on her back and retrieves them that way. Smart Dog! It is all true I tell you. That is how I hunt Snipe. A guy from Texas would never tell a Tall Tale like that.
  3. Where's Uncleal?

    Ahem!!! -that's with my official forage cap on...
  4. Hallo Waldemar, I am going to have to take exception to one little niggle in your post - you having to send Strutter crews to their doom in the French sector in 1918. Unfortunately, that was the reality - there are no Strutter units Over Champagne Fields in 1918 that weren't there in reality, nor are there any there past their expiry date. In fact, we don't have all of the units present. That being said, I hope that one day we will be able to bookend the Strutters with their actual predecessors and antecedents. That being said, we are still in deep developement of P4. We'll just have to wait and see. Cheers, shred
  5. Where's Uncleal?

    As far as I know, it wasn't anything he did here that got him sent to NoMansLand. He must have offended someone over at the Pub - I've looked and I can't see how he got himself into the doghouse, but he must have somehow. dunno. shredward
  6. Great Stuff Bob! And welcome back - you've been missed! shredward
  7. Conrad MiA

    Anyone seen any sign of ConradB anywhere? shred
  8. What WWI fighter is this?

    Hint: note the uniforms! shred
  9. 37 Sq R FC 1917

    Thanks Lou! And you caught the trick question:salute: I think that loadout is what we had modelled, but it's always nice to get verifiication from a priceless resource like that clip! Cheers, shredward
  10. 37 Sq R FC 1917

    I noted with interest the armourer's assistant handed the observer 4 drums - 3 stowed and one on the Lewis gun. I'm not knowledgeable enought to discern whether they were 47 drums or 94's. Anyone able to tell for sure? shred
  11. Questions about OFF

    Hi Al, I confess I am a bit startled at your choice of colour. I rather expected that you would be sporting cockades, and the markings of No 60 RFC:scratch: Welcome aboard, shredward
  12. And What About This Old Photo

    Hint: look at the uniforms...
  13. jpeg.dll

    Hi Guys, I need guidance to get my MB.exe going. I need it to check drome and town locations for accuracy, but when I try to fire up MB, I get a message about needing jpeg.dll. I know I have it, and search confirms it's there, but MB doesn't like it. Hope you can help, shredward
  14. Air Show

  15. OT: I Know It's Not OFF, But Still...

    That's eerie - to see a piece of terrain so familiar to my eyes, and to see it as it was 70 years ago. Makes the hair rise on the back of my neck! shred
  16. Thanks Rabu! I'd lost that link, and now it's found. Cheers, shredward
  17. OT: Albatros B1 Prototype

    Great photos, thanks for showing. With any luck, one day perhaps we'll see them in the air, Over Flanders Fields! Cheers, shredward
  18. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    Hi Ryan, The war in the air got even busier as time went on. The 'Last 100 Days' saw the fiercest fighting, and the most casualties, of the entire war. Cheers, shredward
  19. Snowy Isle of Wight

    Snow last night, today, calling for more tomorrow! Cheers, shredward
  20. Thoughts about P4

    Pilots with drag sometimes did hang on to favourite machines, long after the rest of the unit had received newer types. Jacobs loved and flew his Halb DII for as long as he could, and in 1918, awarded a case of champagne to anyone who could bring him a salvage LeRhone so he could keep his beloved black DrI in the air. Albert Ball hated the SE5, and flew his Noop on his lone wolf patrols with 56. There were several big time French aces who continued to fly Noops after their Escadrille had received Spuds. Later, many of those same pilots continued to fly the VII, long after junior members were flying the XIII. Note that in every instance I've cited, the preferred a/c by certain aces was the more manoeuvrable machine. Cheers, shredward
  21. The Wahlfisch was used as an escort fighter, particularly by the Schustas. I have seen reports by British pilots who, on attacking a pair, or a formation of two-seaters, were surprised by a Roland turning to fight while the other a/c made good their escape. And when the Wahlfisch was first put into service, it was very fast compared to most of its Allied opponents - a very formidable machine. Cheers, shredward
  22. As Rabu noted, early on there were a few colourful individual schemes, later not so much. By the Noop 17 era, individual markings were mostly limited to the individual numbers, and perhaps a personal emblem. Later, even the emblems mostly disappeared. There were a few exceptions - for instance the beautiful spider web on a SPAD XIII - look for it in your skins folder. Cheers, shredward
  23. equally applicable to both multi and single player, same as OFF in general.
  24. Hat in the Ring adds 6 a/c, a bunch of new units and historical figures, I forget how many skins, but at least 800, tweaks to make gameplay a little more customisable, new effects, further delineation of roles for various units, and many improvements to terrain and features. And a bunch of other stuff. Here's a link that will show you the specifics. http://www.overflandersfields.com/Addon1.htm Cheers, shredward
  25. Olham, That's a fair bit of cheek! Today, we would probably translate that as "Think so?" or, "You and whose Air Force?" Cheers, shredword

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