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Everything posted by shredward

  1. Jens Lindblad reviews the latest major update to the popular WWI sim. http://www.simhq.com/_air13/air_423a.html
  2. Crumpets?

    ou, si le soulier est sur l'autre pied... les maudits Anglais
  3. Wait until IL2-CK, RoF or Olegs BoB2 are grown up, you have to move up for the future, thats the Intel rule in the game world, always beter/beter/beter... But the game now is good, its only for the future. Yeah Dutch, we are standing still. We fully intend to bug out now, take the money and run. Shredward
  4. aerodrome layouts

    Droglandt, the home of Naval 10, was very similar - it was set in the middle of a swamp, errr drained lowland, and they had to lay a cinder track to keep the Tripes from sinking out of sight as soon as they touched down. Very easy to spot from the air. We hope to one day have a few of these landmark dromes sprinkled about - it will make seat of the pants navigating a real possibility. Cheers, shredward
  5. RNAS rondels in 1915

    The first RNAS roundels, in use up to mid-May 1915, consisted of an inner white disc and outer red ring, often appearing with a Union Jack, or in place of one. They also used a roundel very similar to that of the French, or plastered things with Union Jacks - there was no real standard. In mid 1915, they adopted the outer blue/white/red roundel, in common with the RFC. Finally, the thin outer white ring was added after PC10 and 12 came into use. Cheers, shredward
  6. Editing the aces list

    Yeah, it could be done. Two ways: 1)easy way - replace the aces in a current squadron. Just have to back up the files you mangle, so that you could replace the originals. 2) add a new squadron or two. That would require editing all kinds of files, and putting stuff through the blender. We could do it, but that would mean robbing Peter to pay Paul: we are currently working on rebuilding some of the current squadrons, and adding new ones, and any time we put into it would lengthen delivery of 'broadening the war'. Cheers, shredward
  7. aerodrome layouts

    This ain't Kansas Toto!
  8. flaming onion version2 clip

    Nope, that was something that one only got to see east of the lines, usually around balloon installations. Cheers, shredward
  9. Skin historian needed (OVS?)

    Courtesy of Dan-San Abbott: "On 20 March 1918, Idfleig sent out telegram Order 41390 which directed that all aircraft crosses would be the straight cross with a 15 cm white border surrounding black cross. This was the introduction of the balken (beam) style cross. The proportions of the cross were not given. But, this was corrected by a second telegram after several calls and telegrams. The proportion of the cross was to be: width to length was 1:4, a cross 1000 mm high and wide would have an arm width of 250 mm and the entire cross would be surrounded with a 150 mm border. The directive stated the rudder was to be painted white with the black beam cross painted on the white rudder. These changes in the crosses were to be carried out no later than 15 April 1918. The cross form made by the Jasta personnel in the field varied all over the place. Most just drew straight lines fom the tips of the arms resulting in very fat crosses with a ratio of 1:2.5 and some 1:3. The next change occured on 13 May 1918, was to the Latin Cross with the height to width ratio of 5:4. This cross was a complete new cross with the vertical bar of the cross to be full chord, from leading edge to trailing edge. The length of the horizontal bar was to be 4:5 of the vertical bar. The width of the bar was to be 1:8, and the white border will form right angles between the cross arms, the white border would not enclosed the ends of the cross arms. The width of white border to the bar width will be 1:4, i.e. the vertical height were 1000 mm, the horizontal bar would be 800 mm the bar width would be 125 mm and the white border would 31.25 mm wide. The final change in the German national markings was on 25 June 1918 when a directive was sent by telegram to all units and manufacturers to change the height to wide ratio from 5:4 to 1:1, the lengths of the vertical and horizontal bars were to be equal lengths. For example the upper wing cross on a Fokker D.VII would be changed from 1600 x 1280 to 1600 x1600 mm, the bar would be 200 mm wide and the white border 50 mm wide. There were no further changes to German national markings to the end of the war." Cheers, shredward
  10. I've seen words very similar to yours, written by pilots from the Great War. Cheers
  11. Skin historian needed (OVS?)

    Hallo Hemo, Here's a profile and photo of field applied camo - it was found on operations that the effectiveness of the four or five-colour lozenge was compromised by the gloss on the plywood, as noted on an official document from Idflieg on September 20. As a result, the metal panels and plywood were frequently overpainted by the units in the field. When you are modelling, the Datafiles are an invaluable aid if you can get your hands on them. Cheers, shredward
  12. Flaming Onions

    Hoo boy, that's a bit of fun! Cheers, shredward
  13. .CFS3 EXEs..

    GWAR, If your CFS3 will run the other mods, it will certainly run OFF. Just be sure that your CFS3 is patched to 3.1, fire up OFF, and let er rip. If you run into trouble, someone here will be able to sort you out (won't be me, I'm a luddite). Cheers, shredward
  14. Great War Historical Archive

    Flying and Fighting the Sopwith Camel from "Sopwith Camel, King of Combat", Chaz Bowyer
  15. He does tons of stuff that he slips by us without even noticing, but one of the newest tweaks that I love is the concentrations of Archie telling you where the action is. Bravo Rex!
  16. Lou, Would you mind dropping a copy in the Great War Historical Archive? Ta, shred
  17. Glad to hear that rearrangement in the GPO worked out so well for you. And I thought Devon was all about sunshine. Our normal summer has returned - snow halfway down the hill outside my window, need a layer of fleece to go outside. That 22C weather we had last week is mercifully gone. Don't know whose summer that was, but it sure wasn't the summer we know and love! Don't be a stranger! Cheers, Ted
  18. Oh, I can just imagine how well a command like that would go down... :lmaosmiley:
  19. Grab a screenie for a positive ID, but my guess would be Jasta 6. Cheers, shredward
  20. Flying the "new" SPAD XIII

    Flying Sickness R ?
  21. Flying the "new" SPAD XIII

    Mike, You'll be pleased to know we are rebuilding the American squadrons, especially the 94th. Don't know when it will be ready, but the Yanks are coming!!! Cheers, shredward
  22. Picked this up through our sister forum: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-12/1114844/Camel1-1.jpg http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-12/1114844/Camel2-1.jpg It's from the late Chaz Bowyer's 'Sopwith Camel: King of Combat' Cheers, shredward
  23. Biff Bam Boom Biff

    That's the thing - Bristol Fighters were not just two-seaters going about their business - hence the 'Fighter' in Bristol Fighter. They were crack crews, and they were out for blood. They had great machines, and they exploited their abilities, and as Stachel pointed out, they were feared by German fighter pilots above all else. For a reason. Cheers, shredward
  24. Fokker E.V. / D.VIII

    We could tell you, but then we'd have to shoot you but look at the skin - that should give you a great big hint
  25. Clearly, you need to get closer. When you can smell his drawers, you are almost close enough. Quote from the father of air fighting: "I fly close to my man, aim well...and of course he goes down" I wish I had the quote in German shredward

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