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Everything posted by gambit168

  1. Bite sized chunks

    NIce 1 Peter With all that testing n tweekin u must be penciled in for some well earned R&R Cheers M8
  2. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    nice work Guitar glad 2 C there generating a lot of interest
  3. Good idea Rogue like to see how it ends up
  4. Markings and Insignia

    Hey ya Hurricane3 Yer right Easter is getting in the way A bit ,so im sure thats the case right across the board OK the problem is that if sqn's are not stated in the DECALS.ini they wont show on the plane , also the NUMBERS.lst opened in a (hex editor) shows which numbers (can be/are in) use for the mark/model of the type in this case the N17's ok so if we look at the default N17 , and open DORME folder, we will see the DECAL.ini open that and we will see <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<N17 Dorme DEcal.INI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Decal001] MeshName=FuselageNose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/Dorme Position=-0.60,-0.09 Scale=0.3 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/stork Position=-1.40,-0.37 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal003] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/stork Position=-1.40,-0.37 Scale=1.00 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=True [Decal004] MeshName=FuselageTail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/DormNum Position=-2.95,-0.22 Scale=0.45 Rotation=-11.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal005] MeshName=FuselageTail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/DormNum Position=-2.95,-0.22 Scale=0.45 Rotation=11.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=FALSE Decal 2 & 3 are the POSITION & SCALE you want for your Sqn isignia's , but they point to location nieuport/D/ Now if you opened lets say the SE5a's decal.ini you would see that it pionts to no folder it just says FilenameFormat=Sq it also shows. Decal Level=1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<SE5A DEcal.ini >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Decal017] MeshName=Fuselage P DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Sq Position=-2.58,-0.03 Scale=1.40 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal018] MeshName=Fuselage P DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Sq Position=-2.58,-0.03 Scale=1.40 DecalMaxLOD=2 Reverse=TRUE [Decal019] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Sq Position=-2.58,-0.03 Scale=1.40 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal020] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Sq Position=-2.58,-0.03 Scale=1.40 DecalMaxLOD=2 Reverse=TRUE so if you were to copy and paste [decal002] & [decal003] into your decal.ini of choice [Decal002] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< change to next free number in line i.e. [decal005] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< & change this to DecalLevel=1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/stork <<<<& change this to FilenameFormat=Sq >>>>>>> Position=-1.40,-0.37 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal003] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< change to next free number in line i.e. [decal006] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< & change this to DecalLevel=1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Nieuport17/D/stork <<<<& change this to FilenameFormat=Sq >>>>>>> Position=-1.40,-0.37 Scale=1.00 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=True hope that helps , or at least puts u on the right track happy easter
  5. :fans: Wow Man that looks the nutz I tried to do vurdun from satalite img, but soon found it was way to much like hard work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 be any kinda fun..... Skinnin has 2 be fun and tilesets is just plan hard work!!!!!! Thx for taking the time to finish this 1 Brain, hope after a lil R&R U fancy hitting the isreal & new FE sets , But if U dont I fully understand
  6. http://www.acecombatsix.com/ I dont own an Xbox and would never beleave they could do so much with 1, like whole cities that u can fly through the graphics and flidity are amazing,check it out its well worth a look
  7. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/326057/israe..._with_one_wing/ i came across it today never even heard of it before and i watch history channel all the time!!!! :yes:
  8. Hi ya guys i've been flying the new WOI for a couple of days and i just thought 2day Lets see how it goes in FE , would be cool to see the BRISTOL M1c in its natural setting and 14sqns Dh2's would be great to swapout the modern airfields for FE's , hope some1 gives it a go Heres a few screenies the general smoke/fire and missile flares and stuff r much better in the new release , should take a look at the new effects .ini's also
  9. Hi guys I made a contact sheet of my work thats almost finished so i can get the overall feel of how the look and how finished they R just thought i would post it so u can have a preview need 2 make an Italian n11/16, then they r good 2 go french 1 is linin bottom , 2 is silver doped underside & piping , & 3 is cockade blue underisde & piping haven't made any changes 2 damage files yet , 4 any of them they will follow on i guess
  10. Hey ya Laton I have a psd for the EIII finished so it wont take long to add the new bits in wish i was headin overseas anytime soon , but still stuck in UK
  11. Spad XII

    Very Impressed ( BUT I KNEW I WOULD BE ) :fans: Thx p10ppy OUTStanding work I didnt bother flying the spads B4 but i will now :yes:
  12. Some WiP's

    Great News all round glad 2 have u back onboard
  13. Junkers J1

    theres great instruction sheets in pdf's on http://www.eduard.cz/ bottom left of homepage is the search box , just type junkers , and the j1's will come up open 1 up and look at the instuctions some good stuff there ,check last pages first for camos for yer j1
  14. hanriot hd.1

    Real nice effort guys cheers
  15. File Name: Fok EI generic skin File Submitter: gambit168 File Submitted: 31 Dec 2007 File Updated: 25 Jun 2009 File Category: Fokker Skins Hi guys sorry its been awhile since i posted any skins this is a 95% Fokker EI skin this skin is 100% finished just serials and damege textures r 2 do im aiming 2 tie up some loose ends on some psd's and get the skin's out 2 u over the next few days , but time in photoshop is hard 2 find right now Hope Every1 had a wicked christmas & is gonna have a great now year Cheers guys Steve_T Gambit168 Click here to download this file
  16. Fok EI generic skin



    Hi guys sorry its been awhile since i posted any skins this is a 95% Fokker EI skin this skin is 100% finished just serials and damege textures r 2 do im aiming 2 tie up some loose ends on some psd's and get the skin's out 2 u over the next few days , but time in photoshop is hard 2 find right now Hope Every1 had a wicked christmas & is gonna have a great now year Cheers guys Steve_T Gambit168
  17. hanriot hd.1

    Very nice E Strong colours , like to see that ,minimal washout, no pastels nice:smile:
  18. Happy Birthday

    THx GUys , im hoping to have some JD & Coke later , i will drink to your health
  19. Rant on

    Being flamed by the ole "dude u suk" bragade Sadly will always be out there lerking in the depths some people just cant help themselves there compeled to shoot u down in flames its catch 22, if you dont put your mod out "NOw" U suk, & if u rush it through BEta cos theres crowin bout Y R we still Waitin man you'll get something like Hey man It didnt fly like that,my teachers friends dog flew 1, and yours just dont feel right I guess u can Never please all the people all of the time ITs ment to be FUn for "all" the modders as well Id really love to be savvy enough in Max to make some stuff & help out , sadly im in cs3 all my spare time (cos i lov it) BUt i treat my SKINNIN like my 1/48th scale modeling, its my hobby for me, when i feel like doing it ,& im pleased to share BUT only when its good and ready, no stress & no pressure is the key i think badgering people tends to have the opposite effect than desired lots of times
  20. Great Alb D3 paint job...

    Lookin Great SinBad match the terrain real well in the last shot

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