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Everything posted by gambit168

  1. Nice temp Fracture Cheers
  2. hanriot hd.1

    Glad 2 help sinbad the Dva's of Jatsa 5 are real nice also
  3. REal Glad Yer tAkin the Time To Show Others JulHelm U the Man I REally Wonna learn Max BUt CS3 takes All my spare time, Theres no SKYMASTER for Wov , Wish I had the SAvvy To fire 1 up in Max AnyHow When i do fire Max backup I will Come Here N Hopefully Biuld the VooDoo For Myself Cheers 4 taking the time 2 make this TUT
  4. hanriot hd.1

    wish I could , give it a lika paint But RL has deaths grip on me right now For any1 that has the time to do 1, A great source is http://www.eduard.cz/ Do a search (bottom left) for the hanriot there are 4 1/48th kits, so open the ( intruction sheet ) in Acrobat and pick the (last Page and work back) as they are the camos for the kit Cheers guys, Hope i can get some time on skinnin the han , when I can get some free time
  5. Great now we have an MC fAST FAC for WOV
  6. Yes I use It for HElo ops ,BUt it needs changes to the FlightEngine.INI I made a post Over in the FE Forum About Making FE Faster , because the combat seemed slugish and WW1 fighter were nimble This is a link to my post my FE scale speed post But if u want the game slower U change it from 1 to 0.8, u want slower still , nice for helo,s is 0.5 in the FLIGHT folder there is an .ini file called FLIGHTENGINE ***** BackUp yer original FIRST******************** and the first lines look like this : [Debug] SkipFlight=FALSE [FlightEngine] HUDDLL=HUD.dll HUDDataFilename=HUDData.ini CommDLL=wwiComm.dll CommDataFilename=CommData.ini ObjectList=ObjectList.ini SoundList=SoundList.ini ViewList=ViewList.ini ParticleSystem=ParticleSystem.ini EnvironmentSystem=EnvironmentSystem.ini MessageSystem=MessageSystem.ini SpeechSystem=SpeechSystem.ini ForceFeedback=FlightEffect.ifr ForceFeedbackControl=PITCH_CONTROL DeltaT=0.016667 MaxDeltaT=0.200 RefreshTime=0.016667 ChangeTimeAmount=50 MaxTimeCompression=1.0 <<< I have compression at 1>>> StartTimeCompression=1.0<<<<<< (go with 0.8 first , is great for piston engines , 0.5 is great for time on target for Helo's) >>> StartPaused=TRUE <<<<<<< ( usefull for modders and mission makers , lets u start the mission in paused mode) so you can check out where u placed things/skins, without waiting for the flight to start 2 hit backspace, everytime>>> I have made 2 folder 1 called SC.5 & the other SC.normal, I have A scale speed 0.5 (for Helo's In the Sc.5 folder And the normal 2 in the sc.normal folder so is easy to drag n drop 2 overwrite , depends no what i wonna fly , I will also make a 0.8 , for the FARMGATE jungle jim 1961 - 66 HOpe THis gets you where u wonna be Cheers Gambit168
  7. I saw a programme years ago about a secret radar site that was overrun in the vietnam war , and i just read all about it , I was looking for info on Farmgate T28's But its such an interesting read , and would make a great set of missions Site 85
  8. Hi all , I purchased the Yap Targets zip today, because the pics on the website show riverine craft and many cool things that should be in wov by default, But i cant find in the ground objects & some aircraft that are in the website pics , are not in the zip either is there an update I need to add these objects THx
  9. Cheers for the info Triple
  10. Favorite Kites....

    all depends on my mood, sometimes i can have a early war "week" and its a dh2 or eIII or MS typeN mid war week would be pup tripe, & now the Halb late war set = snipe , i like 2 fly the dolphin but i cant see a thing out of it , the brisfit D12 , junkers D! is nice for strafing nice fm , even in the ADDon
  11. Skin Loading Issues...

    Ive had no issues with skin not being placed on the model yet and the markings should show up even if yer kite's wearing no war paint, there must be a typo in the folders name or something like that ,double check everything, or delete it and do a re copy paste here's a screenie of the junkers D1's on an "ADDon " airfield wearing there war paint , no problems
  12. Airfield AAA MGs

    COOl Tailspin Nice1
  13. new terrain

    DL'in Now Looks great was the most thing i missed bout my FE install Cheers 4 heads up Christian
  14. FMs and the Expansion Pack

    I Trashed my FE install tryin to copy n paste the addon bits over, so now i gotta do it all in the ADDON , So there i am testin a skin for the Junker D1 , and i tell the guys ground attack so they roll in and do the bizz but from then on they are flyin round with there wheels on the ground, full bore gunning they engines!!!! BUT the AEG's i took up , are flying fine!! I think that runs deeper than just the Junkers D1's Fm , cos surely it would have gone 2 ground with the bomb load, not after the strike
  15. Season Screenshots

    whats up with the decals on the top wing!!!!!!
  16. All about the pilots

    Nice1 Tex THX
  17. FMs and the Expansion Pack

    Im not so Keen on the camel i flew the 130's fm If you watch this it looks quite easy to hold it straight & level youtube camel i couldn't keep it on the horizon at all
  18. Alb DVa skins on Alb DV

    HEY YA Hex heres a jasta5 on both the DV and the DVa its from my FE spd so all mappin is the same I kissed terra firma , and lost my paddles and I also didnt notice can Blip and cut engine (nice)
  19. Season Screenshots

    Hey Tailspin did u get the snow to show in single missions or is that a camp ive tried in M 2006 , with 01/01/1918 as date but shows spring tiles
  20. FMs and the Expansion Pack

    I was just trying 2 get the N ew planes in2 my old great "just how i wanted it FE", something is a miss , cos it just crashes now , replaces all the stuff back again still no joy, SICK AS A PARROT BOUT THAT IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT so now looks like i will be addin ALL my old 1005 working stuff 2 the new 1 instead, which I'm sure go crash out at some point ALSO 100% compatible IT AIN'T, At LEAST not when trying to copy and paste from new to old , which is the whole basis of the games concept I thought , seemless modding , back and forth !!! BOO HISS AND WITH LARGER FIELDS it feels like walking uphill just after a big breakfast Every camel Ive tagged , just sits like a HARRY TATE , must like the taste of hot lead
  21. Community Mega Pack

    Im with Tailspin on this 1 i have so many tweaks by me , that i cant remember wot or where, its easy to re unzip some1 elses little mod , but if u have change/tinkered with most ever file and u like wot u got , u cant , keep track of all the changes so im really careful about adding new .inis, cos u dont remember wot there is , but I hate it when it gets wiped out by an unrelated mods .ini set
  22. Season Screenshots

  23. New Campaign Stuff

    Nice1 Guys!!!! I noticed that U cant fly the seasons terrains in single , only camp I think couldn't get 2 MP always Hangs even in( Le Missionneur 2006) no joy cambrai has only 1 , but maybe that depends on the month u start the mission ?!!! I didn't try that only wanted to know if the 3 terrain folders showed up as an option. BUT I'M sure this Can be put right also. I noticed that the metal cowls have the own lighting now , IE the fuse has about 10% ambient sheen lighting and the ali about 40% Not Keen on the twin spanduas the AEG pilot has , they only point at the front gunner, maybe hes a "conchy" & there only there as some "gentle persuasion"

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