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Everything posted by gambit168

  1. DR1 shadow question

  2. Very NIce p10ppy, thought u were only doin the vickers gunned morane nice suprise to see these in the works also
  3. File Name: skins for borts alb scouts File Submitter: gambit168 File Submitted: 26 Sep 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Hi Guys I was asked if I had any skins floating about for borts ALB D series scouts I said yeah I will dig um out and post um here So for any1 that flys the ALBs here they R Click here to download this file
  4. skins for borts alb scouts



    Hi Guys I was asked if I had any skins floating about for borts ALB D series scouts I said yeah I will dig um out and post um here So for any1 that flys the ALBs here they R
  5. Flight Sims......

    Hi Guys I also have all 4 titles, but for me only FE is very Moorish, cos i can be flying along and in idea will come to do something , whatever make a new inline sound for the plane that just flew past me , or try and make the plane that just went in go terminal cos it just didn't pickup enough speed to be pilot less, so many things u can spot and in a flash you've alt tab'd and yer changing things , only down side is , i have so many changes that work well , that i don't remember what i did , or where so i cant share them , till i re find um!!!!!!! Bob2 was great but i always seemed 2 be alone in a sky full of 109s all on my tail , no idea where my flight, sqn ,air force, went LOL loved the wars in hyper lobby for all the il2 series , but didn't get 1946 , so couldn't join same servers as the guys i flew with OFF phase 1 i liked but the AI was poor , i kinda found myself looking for something but i didn't know wot like a racing game after 10 minutes I'm going round the track the wrong way to see how many cars i can wreck Off phase 2 kills my cfs3 install at about 90% every time , lost interest in trying 2 get a proper install I fully loved the terrain in WOW, so much going on in that game trains boats truck convoys and no frame hits!!! I think the secret is if it ain't got the best multi player in the world , then it better be the best at something Big like Modding, because both require a community, and the community spirit is what keeps you alive,long after most have faded from memory :yes: & on that note , i must say I'm still waiting for planes for IL2 , like, sunderland, hudson, lizzy, anson, etc. but they give us 3 new ju87's and 3 new yak 9's so best MP still isn't Everything So any Thiredwire wins hands down , & FE for me, cos if theres something on yer wish list , it wont be 2long before its on yer hardrive
  6. Voss Triplane

    heres my swatch set for WW1 , hope it can be of use to some1
  7. Voss Triplane

    Sure guys use the swatch no prob's Voss's was a prototype Dr1 , it was the first Fokker to have olive streaks , and thats y i think it was so lightly applied cos , like u say as it was whizzing past 56's Se's they saw it as only a bluey /grey, he was turning inside his own axis, all 56's pilots only got a glimpse at any one time as he would be lining them up for another pass, and they were dodging bullets again the production DR1's with the steaks all see so much of were not even in production when voss fell, so it is sure his was nothing like the standardised fokker finish,a light tan over a light blue may well be missed , but green would look dark and 56's pilots i feel would have said it had dark uppersurfaces in that case , but like you say there was no suggestion of a demarkation line between 2 solid states , upper and lower surfaces cheers guys gambit
  8. had WOV cd broke have GOLD Luv First Eagles, WW1 aviation it cant be beat
  9. Voss Triplane

    Hey shrike , Lots of time its hard to get a good fix on colours , and i find the best way sometimes is to search for a replica, not a profile or colour plate and see how it looks in real world conditions , mostly they look spot on so i take a swatch of that taking into account how much light will is in the pic, itself , swatches are a life saver for me at least for reference to eliminate colours that simple aren't found anywhere in that colour scheme this always works for me , & if it aint broke i wont fix it cheers for links guys gambit168
  10. Voss Triplane

    yeah theres some nice links there shrike , i guess there is no right or wrong, there is so many veriations in application of the streaking that anything/everything is posible good finds m8
  11. Voss Triplane

    I was gonna do a voss dr1 ages ago but when there was talk of a new dr1 & camel coming soon all work stopped on my dr1's & camel here is the streak i made for voss, i think this is close to how it would have been
  12. scale speed

    normal is 1.3 if it got rid of the compression notice then its working Alt R only resets a compression to default , and yours is defaulted at 1.3, so your normal is @ 1.3
  13. Dayton WW1 Fly-in

    Great pics Falcon thx for sharing :yes: lov a good airshow, always wanted 2 go 2 rhinebeck, will get there 1 day
  14. Voss Triplane

    Hey shrike looks a lot better now, for me voss's would end up looking like this blueish grey with a dusting of olive drab and is the first 1 good for production dr1's , again i feel it should be leaning toward the brown hue, the green you show is more of an (alb green) than a (fokker drab) if you look at replicas flying today they r so brown not a hint of green in the streekz even mine seems 2 green when you look deeper into the hue spectum but you will get it right , its a feel as much as a look, if it sits well then its good to go cheers m8 gambit168
  15. Voss Triplane

    Hey shrike lookin great , IMPA , i think shes a little to far to the green hue though from the screenies as his triplane was pre production, it was silvery blue,and the ovlie gave it a lovely light earth colour , with the overall turq grinnin through as voss's machine had only the lightist app of olive,it didnt have the banding you see on most later finishes, & therefore it was very light tan compared with dr1's you see later on , which ended up very dark greenish brown depending on how dense the ap of olive drab was http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...%3Doff%26sa%3DN look in voss's dri , then what colour and then look at the 3 top fabric swatches , on the report at the bottom of the page it didnt look like any that went in2 production as far as colour ,engine, tail, elevators, ailerons, went. lookin good though keep up the good work m8 cheers gambit168
  16. scale speed

    Hey Ya J8Dread option 1 quick way is to set the max time compression to 0 in FLightEngine again [Debug] SkipFlight=FALSE [FlightEngine] HUDDLL=HUD.dll HUDDataFilename=HUDData.ini CommDLL=wwiComm.dll CommDataFilename=CommData.ini ObjectList=ObjectList.ini SoundList=SoundList.ini ViewList=ViewList.ini ParticleSystem=ParticleSystem.ini EnvironmentSystem=EnvironmentSystem.ini MessageSystem=MessageSystem.ini SpeechSystem=SpeechSystem.ini ForceFeedback=FlightEffect.ifr ForceFeedbackControl=PITCH_CONTROL DeltaT=0.016667 MaxDeltaT=0.200 RefreshTime=0.016667 ChangeTimeAmount=50 MaxTimeCompression=5.0 <<< from 5.0 , to 0 , then hit alt & t once and no text option 2 I have all my text set to FOntsize =1 so its there but a cant read it thats in the HUData.ini [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE TextFontName=Arial TextSize=1 <<< this will make yer text up top be so small it wont bother u cheers gambit168
  17. http://news.sky.com/skynews/picture_galler...1284276,00.html http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=43a_1189927717 The fatal accident happened during a Battle of Britain display on the first day of the annual three-day show in West Sussex. No members of the public have been reported injured. The pilot's next have kin have been informed. The plane, a single engine crew Hurricane aircraft, crashed into a field about a mile north of the airfield and close to Lancing College. Witness Steve Clark told Sky News: "A spectacular mock attack had been going on for several minutes with pyrotechnics. "The Hurricanes and Spitfires flew past and did a classic victory roll before banking steeply around and into a dive. "The crash aircraft did not pull up and crashed almost vertically into the edge of a field several hundred yards from the aircraft boundary. "The show commentator, his voice breaking with emotion, put a halt to the show for half an hour." A huge loss to his family, & of another priceless vintage fighter
  18. Hey ya Frontmann Yes you can loose the brackets Just look in the First hread in the STicky's in this Forum called Tweaks all the INFO is in there and the hud type , so when you padlock a groud unit or aircraft the type is so small that u cant read it , makes for some interesting encounters over the front as in reality they watched for your own colour flak , giving away the HA's position and heading for that position
  19. scale speed

    J18 Thx for Reply , glad you like it strange you cant get the pause to work for you, did you try mapping pause to another keyboard command or a joystick button maybe cheers gambit168
  20. Yeah looks the biz, nice finish R u using an addon cloud set? they look fuller than mine
  21. hey Recon3 , Great to hear you gonna model in max for FE, loved the work you & Flyxwire did for SDOE FS-ww1 hope you get up to speed with max soon m8, Have you downloaded the Wings of War max files from polovskis site they might be useful to you cheers m8
  22. scale speed

    Hey peter Thx for reply, I forgot 1 thing about the speedup , and thats , that sometimes u get micro glitches , so this is mostly y I have the pause to default , because I start the mission then in pause & then hit ALT T and run through the compressions, untill its back to normal It wont say ( compession 1x) anymore, as you have set default to 1.1, this is normal and there are no MICRO clitches any more also the fields are smaller in verdun than flaunders tile sets, so the sense of speed is greater in the default terrain than the addon , you notice this is the map more than anywhere else Glad you like what it does M8 , try .3 with the upcoming DxII's V camels , its mental will put a smile on yer face :yes:
  23. Heads up.....

    Thx Fates, yer a star
  24. Heads up.....

    sounds cool thx 4 taking the time 2 do it , theres never enough time in a weekend as it is , be4 u know it its all but gone & willingly removing a large chunk of your own weekend!!! ,now that should come with a health warning cheers tailspin

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