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Everything posted by gambit168

  1. Insomnia

    LOl conan , @ a Goa beach party 2007, looks like a sunrise, chillout set !!!
  2. Insomnia

    Nice1 Gumpy
  3. Hey guys I posted this in the FE forum, but im sure this Forum is the best place for this kind of question does any1 know if its possible to get an overspeed wind in the wires sound to work , like in I think it was ( flying corps) like a tuning fork, the pilot would here the pitch changes as the wind picked up in a dive, through the note changes in the wires,and know when they were near to over stressing the airframe , very usefull if flying N11's , or D3 as the thought of loosing a lower wing to overstress was a major consideration during combat would be nice if it could be done, i know there is a =WingtipVortexEmitter in (particlesystem) I know thats for the jet sims, but I was wondering how this effect is made to work , and could it be taylored to suite us somehow? any thought cheers guys
  4. Heck said you made a mod for jets kinda spooling up progressive sounds for wov so i gues it can be done , if lets say the default prop sound stopped at 150mph and the wind in the wire started until either the pullout of the dive was complete , or the machine went terminal & brokeup or hit terra ferma do you think this idea workable? Cheers for yer prompt reply earlier m8
  5. Problem with Aircraft Downloads

    I dl'd it fine 2day If yer havin trouble maybe i can email u the zip, that might work
  6. overspeed sound

    Hey guys does any1 know if its possible to get an overspeed wind in the wires sound to work , like in I think it was ( flying corps) like a tuning fork, the pilot would here the pitch changes as the wind picked up in a dive, through the note changes in the wires,and know when they were near to over stressing the airframe , very usefull if flying N11's , or D3 as the thought of loosing a lower wing to overstress was a major consideration during combat would be nice if it could be done, i know there is a =WingtipVortexEmitter in (particlesystem) I know thats for the jet sims, but I was wondering how this effect works , and could it be taylored to suite us somehow? any thought cheers guys
  7. overspeed sound

    Hey Thx Heck I will look into that About the vortices, I ment if we could use the vortexwingtip system to make sound instead of vision .ie the wind in wires sound replacing the wingtip visuals, and at correct speeds 2 be usefull in for FE
  8. Problem with Aircraft Downloads

    hey ya Deathjasta I just DL'd it again and the download is fine however I couldn't see a DH2 folder on my desktop and thats because it is inside 2 other folders C:\Documents and Settings\steve\Desktop\ Objects\Aircraft\Dh2 so unless you directed it to the root directory of FE, where it will drop it into the correct folder for you , like this C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\WWI\ Objects\Aircraft\Dh2 then maybe you have done the same thing as me . ie dont look for dh2, on yer desktop , cos its called objects HOPE THATS PROBLEM SOLVED M8 :yes:
  9. Modders - whats on the list?

    very nice roland 101
  10. What do you think?

    Thx Tailspin I didnt have any of them !!! but i was sure i did !!!
  11. What do you think?

    hey ya peter I was just wondering about the Tripe i dont remember adding a new FM for it but I do remember adding 1 to the Snipe Did I just miss it somehow , or was it not in the FM's Dl's Cheers M8 steve
  12. My new favoite plane....

    I read somewhere maybe in a C&C , That they first used the brisfit in a defensive wheel when engaged , and fared no better than any other ie dh4's 9's br14's ect, but when used as a ( fighter with a sting in its tail) the results were much more marked. so i guess they had to be able to turn with the best of them , or they would have been the (Defiants) of there time, hacked out of the sky with very little effort
  13. What do you think?

    like um a lot Peter totally forgot they were there (in my install) , just wondered why i was getting more satisfying dogfights then I remembered Cheers M8
  14. Triplane

    nice1 101
  15. Pfalz DXII .WIP

    Wip's look kin hot Cheers 4 the headsup 101
  16. Nieuport 17 Camo Skin

    Theres Never 2many skins M8 looks nice
  17. drawing

    Nice1 christain cheers m8
  18. Adding GroundObjects to Missions

    not yet 101 was testing damage skins when i take the screenie
  19. New Verdun Bridges V1.2

    nice1 thx geo & Tailspan 4 the headsup
  20. Adding GroundObjects to Missions

    I use this mission ed LE MISSIONNEUR 2006 It has been updated so now u can use it 2 drop ground units in FE with great ease made a snipe mission , added the geo wagons n guns , works so well & quick also highly rec'ed LE MISSIONEUR 2006 link hope u try it in th drop down menu's there is a CHeck 4 updates , bit, I dont know if this link is for current version , so if nothing shows in the add groundunits box , then update
  21. Pfalz DXII .WIP

    cool scans chrstian79 you got any more gems like these for any others, would be very usefull the wing detailing is great cheers m8
  22. HI Guys Has any1 seen this N17 rep crash there is a Vid of the snaps in post 12 half way down the page is a hard crash !!!! vid page I was just lookin @ the pic's of the dr1 , we could use a white scarf streamer for our pilots!!!!! it looks great dont it ? i know the morane N has a streamer so it can be done, just got 2 find some1 with the knowledge & inclination 2 give it a go, & turn 1 out 4 us

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