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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. This is outstanding work buddy, what I sent you back then was nowhere near this level of 3D art...
  2. F/A 18H

    When it comes to defense budgets I can only ask: "What is the price of freedom?"
  3. Correct, that's the way SPO's work too, since flyable planes are all of western origin with very similar RWR's there's no other way...
  4. Actually the basic RWR is just a circled mesh as usual, it's just that the cover hides the rest of the map so you only see it flashing when the contacts are in the place of directional arrows. So you can either cut out the arrows on the RWR mesh or use TGA texture and set transparency in places of directional arrows via alpha layer...
  5. AFAIK reflection maps unfortunately don't work, only bump and spec. As for transparencies here again you have two ways to make it, either setting "Opacity" in the material editor to whatever level you need or setting it at 99 and regulate it via alpha layer on the texture itself... When we talk about glass I don't go under 45 for Opacity but I don't have a regular setting it depends on the texture, when I use TGA's for lights or other stuff I always go 99 and manage the alpha map as needed...
  6. Actually you can leave it all at default, magic is done entirely by textures, actually I think that it's even better to leave it at default because messing with settings might actually mess-up the texture work...
  7. Actually I'd go for quality over pure wattage but yeah, PS is a very important part of the PC...
  8. Red Line means what?

    There's no damage as "the red line" was not crossed and will not be crossed because it wouldn't make any damn sense... If anybody down there crosses that line it will be the "rebels" as that is not their country anyway so they very probably don't care about the consequences...
  9. Yeah 64-bit Windows7 runs everything, been using it since public beta, have yet to encounter incompatibility so I can say that unless you use some kind of specialized professional software there will be no problems whatsoever...
  10. No need to stay on 32bit windows, go 64...
  11. I don't know either buddy, I was primarily an online player so I didn't mess much with the campaigns, I played them with original il2 and a bit in il2FB but then got hooked up on multiplayer...
  12. It's really hard to say, it's like you have two more sites like this one which make each their own super modded add-ons. I tried HSFX and UP they are both pretty cool, didn't try the DBW, actually I don't even know which one is that...
  13. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    Umm didn't they(your government) like had a million of opportunities to nail Osama years before 9/11? And I'm not talking about hacking his cell phone and talking him to death but with stuff that go booom...
  14. Ummm we have a full batch of Vipers with respecting HD cockpits for EACH variant....check the DL area...
  15. I think some stuff can be tweaked check this entires from AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI SafeAltitude=500 LookoutAngle=90 DefensiveAngle=60 This should be about turning right? ChanceDefensiveTurn=0 ChanceBreakTurn=10 ChanceHardTurn=50 ChanceTurnDirection=25 ChanceContinue=100 ChanceCheckNewTarget=5 This should improve their energy fighting? ChanceUseVertical=25 FightWithoutAmmo=0 CannonFireAngle=2.5 RQIRMFireAngle=5.0 ASIRMFireAngle=10.0 RHMFireAngle=5.0 MaxPitchInput=0.6 MissileDetectChance=10 MaxCannonRange=3500 OptimalCannonRange=1000 MinCannonRange=500 MaxRollForGunAttack=45 CannonBurstLengthShort=1.0 CannonBurstLengthLong=1.5 MaxRudderForGunAttack=0.5 MaxRudderForManeuver=0.7 Anyway I never found enough time to test my suspicions but I think that this should work...
  16. Those Spitfires are really like...awsome!
  17. From TK: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8849&p=55442&hilit=antialiasing#p55442
  18. Nope it has that entry because fromer Czechoslovakia was actually the main operator of that aircraft
  19. Yes I got that but I see you guys discussing SU-7 and MiG-15 cockpits, now if those are considered as interim solution it seems to me the best interim solution would be to use the existing dedicated Su-17 cockpit
  20. Cool stuff, the pictures are a bit dark but spending hours in this one I can see the new stuff easily and it looks awsome
  21. Umm why not use the Su-17 cockpit only paint it black?
  22. I seriously recommend the F-21, really sweet toy...
  23. ATI HD 7850 should be able to chew this game up while rendering a complex scene in max, folding and materializing a beer for you like a replicator while reading your mind just in case you may have another wish so I really don't understand why you get 15-18fps with it... All I can tell you that anti aliasing from CCC has no effect whatsoever on the game, you can put that to default without worries, anistropic filtering is ok, tesselation is not supported by the game so leave that at default too, other than that I have no clue...
  24. Always interesting to me, thx TK....
  25. City&River.jpg

    From the album Brain32 Album


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