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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Funny thing I went to the "big" ini's first and tried enabling the 32bit Z-buffer, it was set to false(don't remember why or if that's by default) and the situation improved a lot
  2. I'll mess around with it a bit maybe view distance is limiting it or something like that...
  3. Well maybe to explain it better, I use your awsome effects including the nuke ofcourse and when I go Dave on targets I can't see the mushroom, flash is there and you can see something badass just happened but no shroom, not because it's not there but because it fades away, if I go to ground zero, there's only the stem if I look up for the main cloud it fades in only if I go up :( I saw you have 120km MaxVisibleDistance so I don't understand why I can't see it, some game-level option perhaps?
  4. Well said, I forgot to add that I just love the idea for this mod and am putting out some general info for ideas, so I just wanted to add a small, hopefully helpful contribution
  5. Well this is not my idea, it's just the way it is as I follow some strategic and geopolitical happenings on a layman basis I found out about this one too, especially since their financial condition is similar to the one of my country too. Anyway they already do many things together as it is and it's highly unlikely they would shop for fighters each one for itself, for example check this link: http://www.mil.ee/index_eng.php?s=kooseesm In short: Baltic Battalion (BALTBAT) - infantry battalion for participation in international peace support operations; Baltic Naval Squadron (BALTRON) - naval force with mine countermeasures capabilities; Baltic Air Surveillance Network (BALTNET) - air surveillance information system; Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) - joint military educational institution for training senior staff officers. I guess there should already be dead politicians and military personnel all over the Baltic states...
  6. Yessssssss I was eagerly waiting for this one
  7. ABC's "LAST RESORT" Nuke sub boomer show

    One word: proxy
  8. Freakin' Hilraious!

    Yup, I don't even know why I like it, maybe like Dave said, it's so absurd it's cool lol
  9. Russ, that's some pretty cool stuff here
  10. Well don't think this is new..it used be calm, silent, no fuss and then - BOOM headshot!
  11. Either way....it's pretty and I like it a lot Can't wait to see it in pretty JAF camos :)
  12. Johnatan here's the list of all NATO air force deployments with complete aircraft list(if you didn't have that already). http://en.wikipedia....ic_Air_Policing Also Baltic states already procure many stuff together so it's actually quite possible(almost certain) that they would get the same aircraft and finance the joint airforce together actually they already got some transports that way, even together with some Scandinavian states. And since they are not too happy with the cost of policing some rumors on joint procurement of fighter aircrafts have been circulating for years. Some rumors are: F-35B (wild I know, supposedly 9 of them) Gripen and ofcourse F-16 Those are only the rumors however...
  13. Ahh Chernarus, the evil sister state that lives under Belarus
  14. Yeah I noticed some too, true re-edited, just some parts used etc. but still. Truth be told I really don't give too much of s*** but really, can it be that hard to just write my very short name and a simple credit. Most people that use my stuff even go ahead and ask me over PM which I really don't require, that's uber fair, but not writing down 5 letters and two numbers just makes me think the offender though I will not notice a part of my work in theirs which is silly, I was looking at my sh** so many hours I know every pixel so...it's just silly. I don't report because I'm one of those types, and especially in case of an overall cool stuff I don't want to ruin it for the others. As for the question on how to change FUA I say as with any "law" - add sanctions, I don't know if this forum has that capatibility but on the Croatian forum I moderate there's a time-ban option, we can ban people for 24hrs or 72 or a week, whatever we choose...
  15. Which il-2? Because both the new IL-2: Cliffs of Dover and old IL-2: 1946 actually are - IL2... Old il-2 that being il-2 1946(or Pacific Fighters or whatever version you have) will get no performance benefits from multiple cores(unlike il2 COD which really likes multiple cores) and that is a well known fact, what it can do however is to leave it to you to decide which core will you run it on enabling a bit smoother performance and by smoother I don't mean more FPS but less stutters and interference from other applications running on your computer while you are playing the game. This is especially usefull for online play where you can have just the game on one core and system, teamspeak, trackIR, hyperlobby and other stuff on other cores, so if one of them hiccups it will not clog the game. However overall CPU(as with contrary to popular belief) most if not all games is not as influential on performance as the gfx card, especially in old IL-2:1946 for which todays CPU's are more than enough. Usually though effect of CPU is most noticeable when you have graphics card that exceeds CPU's power to feed it properly so gfx card can run to full potential, then one can get a noticeable performance improvement by installing a more powerfull CPU that will push the gfx card harder in all other cases biggest benefits come from a more powerfull GFX card...
  16. And then this happened

    I was following the Republican campaign this year(mostly got interested because of Ron Paul) and nothing can touch that amount of show-time, and don't think this is a jab at it or an insult, I mean strictly and honestly in a positive sense, elections here are basically boring as hell but this was freakin' epic, the ads, media gaffs, candidate gaffs, spins, debates, studio graphics, drama, basically it rocked in many ways... I got so much into it I remember waking up one day and rushing to check who won New Hampshire...and I live freakin 9000 miles away from NH lol Truth be told(before you think I lost it completely) I did watch and follow just smaller excerpts while you guys probably get fed up with it being bombarded every day, all day but I can tell you, it really is a TV spectacle when you see something like that for the first time...
  17. Yeah I'm in between wanting to know and not wanting to bug Erik about it
  18. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    Seriously did you really think your(or any of ours over here in Europe) government acts in the interest of the people? Do you finance their election with millions or billions of dollars? Me neither. Sorry to sound like I wear tin foil hat but seriously if life taught me something it's to follow the money when you want to find the truth... It's not just about one American, it's also one Croatian, one Englishman, German, Dutch, you name it, we are ALL suppose to be like domestic violence victims, just shut up, smile and pretend you like everything you see. I don't expect everyone to see how others are being treated the same cup of BS but they are buddy, oh yes they are...
  19. I think some level of cooperation would be quite cool actually, here's a picture of a crude wip in-game, it has more elements but they are not mapped so the don't show up in game...drop me a PM or something so we can arrange something :)
  20. img00001

    From the album Brain32 Album

    CF-5A cockpit

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