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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Share your Favorite Utility

    Well for me it's GOM MEDIA PLAYER Plays pretty much everything, it's small, compact and has all the options I want, add some codecs and you will rarely need anything else...
  2. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    Phew I find that stupid and ridiculous, don't care about the "sins of our fathers" as that is the stupidest, most enslaving and irrational thing one can do. Is there any nation or state on this planet that one time in history wasn't indirectly or directly involved in some kind atrocity? Hey let's make a planet-wide guilt motivated suicide then, that'll be fun right? Also, Goering? Come on, that guy was a freakin air force commander, I mean WTF?
  3. Nope I think you mixed up something...however even if there was some basic support for shader scripts it does not mean it would work in TW games...
  4. This is my main problem, I still don't understand why some files that mean a big part of modding were locked out? I can understand the LOD locking, we didn't have much use of those files at all, I really don't care LOD's were locked, but new terrain files that are not LOD's (*.FX or whatever he uses)? Really? You do know we can make new or edit/enhance existing terrains with those babies locked and such decision sure makes no sense to me. Now instead of us being simply too busy thinkering with new stuff he has "frustration mail" on his forums...
  5. Surrounded By Losers

    It's the same way freedom of speech is a human right but if you insult somebody you will be held responsible in the court of law. Of course nobody looks at the right of a freedom of speech as the right to say whatever, whenever to whoever right? I look at this "job as a human right" in the same way meaning that I do sincerely believe that one society should give just as much effort to create an environment that will encourage, stimulate and promote creation of society in which having a job is just as important as having a right to speak your mind.(We had that in the 50's and 60's btw.) I agree completely, governments job is like I wrote above to create such business environment or economical climate that offers opportunities. What are they getting THEIR paychecks for? Collecting taxes? You could train a monkey to do that, governments need to get off their @ss and start working not just for the billionaires but also for millionaires, smaller firms, small family enterprises and average workers too, not to give them "free money" but to create more opportunities. That's the way it works in economics, some stuff just can't happen by itself...it NEVER did
  6. Surrounded By Losers

    Things are different in USA and Europe, very different. You just can't apply the same rules to all that as they are simply not fitting... Also I think job IS a human right, but like all others it must not be enforced in such way to harm other people...
  7. Surrounded By Losers

    Yeah many of us in the same sh*t, that's what makes me ask some other questions instead of just grinding my teeth thinking it's all my fault... As for leeches, yeah I understand I know such people, rights are ok, obligations are not, however most of those make my government
  8. Surrounded By Losers

    Don't see how taking a cr*p on others can raise ones spirits but hey...whatever moves your steam machine... I raise my spirits by trying to be better than I previously was(in any way I possibly can regardless of how small it may be), not better than "some others" whoever may they be.. However, regardless of all that, I wish you the best of luck in moving your life in desired direction
  9. You can assign more memory to the PS to handle such things better, if you pass the limit PS will load it into swap file which is on your HDD making is snail "fast"...
  10. Dave you have a bad case of having a good day But you are largely right...it's mostly other stuff that worries us though but sometimes we went off on this one...
  11. I would like to point out just one thing here that TK thinks he evades as do some other users especially on TW forums. There is NO such thing as GAME and FLIGHT SIM!!! Flight simulations are a genre of games for God's sake, they are not military grade professional simulators, that and only that can be called a flight simulator that is different to games. LOMAC DCS? - Game! IL2/Cliffs of Dover - GAME AGAIN! FSX - One more, GAME! When TK and some others jump on the "more a game than a sim" bandwagon, it's as if management of GM are saying, we will make our cars more elephants than cars...freakin ridiculous and complete and utter BS! If it's a car it can be split into variants, by purpose, by equipment options, but it will never be an elephant right? Atleast in the sane part of the world... Sorry for this rant but I just got fed up with this manure...
  12. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Wiki has a good explanation, beyond that I can't explain it either...
  13. Yup, unfortunately DCS doesn't "push my buttons" either... Is there anything else?
  14. Dels it's the night that's covering it, I know it's a NightHawk but...
  15. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Well plasma stealth is not just a Russian venture, Americans also worked on it in the 60's Russians however claimed they did it, applied it to the Flanker and that it reduced RCS by a factor of 100, what is true is hard to say, remember that when it comes to advanced weapons it may fall under START and various other agreements we may or may not know of... MiG 1.42/44 was built as a "normal" stealth, plasma feature was suppose to be additional thingy...
  16. 4th of July

    Hey guys, have a nice Independence Day and take some pics of cool planes overflying ya' while BBQ-ing
  17. Catastrophic wildfire

    OMG I just saw this topic, it's horrible, we have seasonal fires too but never anything like this...
  18. Good point Dave, I have custom weapons too, that's probably one reason I noticed no difference before and after...
  19. Nothing really changed, this ghost issue is one of the weirdest ever in SF2...
  20. EURO 2012

    Won? That's an understatement, this was complete and epic domination...
  21. Quite honestly, I played a bit yesterday and noticed no difference Maybe because my install is heavily modded or something but everything seems as before..
  22. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Actually it was built to be stealthy and contain all gen 5 aspects Russians claimed it was just as stealthy as F-22. Ofcourse we will never know many things about it as the whole project was and pretty much still is quite a secret, we know more about PAK-FA than about Mig MFI Project was canceled(maybe as not even that is 100% sure) because of financial problems...
  23. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Nice plastic model J-20 is ok but I don't have much trust in this one...atleast not yet BTW MiG MFI or MIG 1.42/44 was a very interesting project, I hope it restarts one day as it looked great...
  24. EURO 2012

    Hmm now that I think about it...Croatia was in a group with two finalists...

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