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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. I hate to say it but this map begs for WoI tileset
  2. Every time you install some kind of update, no matter how small it is, on the next start up all stock planes reset, so open the folder of your modded MiG-21 and check the main ini. Main ini file has the same name as the folder...
  3. Ahhh, misunderstanding, I understand you mean relation between the MFD and spin/jett panels, not all that together in total relation. Anyway bottom instruments are a bit more than an inch deeper than MFD...
  4. Hmm I don't really see them protruding on any of theese pictures or a ton of others I have, + I have a sketchup model from some cockpit builders(simpit) and they are level with the MFD's as are mine... Infact in game you do get the impression they are protruding out but they really don't... As for other stuff I pretty much understand most of the stuff you are talking about and I do agree, it's just that I'm aiming for the overall TW style here so the pit would look as close to the "it came with the game" impression as possible. When I compare my pit with the stock F-15A pit I really have an impression I nailed that TW atmosphere pretty damn close and if I apply all that stuff I'm afraid I'm going to loose that as that was something I aimed at from the beginning
  5. Yup I have a ton of layered templates so I'll try that contrast thingy. Also no texture goes over 1024 and those are only two or three that cover a lot of the model others are 512 and 256, I have a lot of them however...over 30.. I basically split the texturing on cockpit parts like: MFD's and fuel/engine panel ICP and HUD analog Gauges side panels quarter panels low panels caution panels etc...
  6. No lights in the scene, all default just increased the resolution and pressed render... I don't really follow this contrast thing, if I apply auto contrast corrections in PS on the textures they look like s**t lol To choose colours I basically picked the colour from TW's F-15 pit textures... Do you basically mean lighting up lighter texture parts and darken the darker ones or what? It's not just plain color, I have a texture overlayed over the basic colour that is basically a basic hard plastic/metal surface texture with scratches and stuff...
  7. I don't really see it, other than that I went for the TW look and feel, he slapped RL photo-textures on it... Here's the shot of my C Early pit from a render in max:
  8. render C_early

    From the album Brain32 Album

    © Brain32

  9. I have more wear on legacy Hornets, SuperHornets are pretty new and besides that I'm not very good at that stuff. As for the FF5, it does look nice, but 3d vc I don't see looking better than mine, 2d pit yes but since it's made by combining RL photos, that's hard to match, all the textures in my pit were done completely from scratch. As for the rushing I only plan to do some technical details, like you said NATOPS labels :D and it will be ready for a release as far as I'm concerned. If the thing that would hold me from doing more polish on it would be laziness instead of lack of knowledge then I would just wait a bit longer and finish it, since I''ll have to learn more about that stuff and gain some expirience in this I see no reason to hold it down for what might end up being years, I can always update and re-build stuff as I find time and learn things better. Cockpits are 48-49000 polys for Legacy Hornets(A, earlyC/D and late C/D) and around 52000 polys for the SuperHornet and I still think this is quite a lot because for example sidepanels have virtually no use in SF2 yet they take up a lot of polys when you add all the switches and knobs as much as I tried to keep them as low poly as possible for them to still look reasonably good they just add-up. Other thing is that weapons SMS page of this complexity takes up nearly 2000polys because of all the simple meshes you have to add to simulate it as TK is not MFD friendly...
  10. Well maybe reducing the text size to some very low levels would work? I mean if the font size is so small it appears as a dot...
  11. 6 migs in parts and we all came home, don't f*** with the Luftwaffe!
  12. img00017

  13. Scaling animation, bothered me for two days until I figured it out, now every single item on the EFD panel is up to NATOPS I think I will have to write a small manual for it, the cockpit.ini has over 400 entries...
  14. Early SuperBugs had a backup RWR(basically in the same place old RWR on legacy Bugs is) the real SH pilot on VRS was actually surprised learning that newer blocks don't have them. Thus I will make an early AND late version... UFCD can not display such data, it's primarily an input device, the RWR info is shown on L or R DDI but NATOPS manual says MPCD can display everything except A/G camera so that's where it will be...
  15. Are we talking about the same labels? The only controls you have of them is infact in the HUDDATA.ini [smallLabelFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=12 [HUDLabels] EnableLabels=TRUE LabelFriendlyAir=TRUE LabelFriendlyGround=TRUE LabelEnemyAir=TRUE LabelEnemyGround=TRUE
  16. Yup but some work on it is done almost daily. It would be faster but after all the Hornet pits I'm a bit worn out but still, reasonably quick pace of development will be held
  17. Countermeassures

    Try flying Red planes and watch the very same thing happen, often even worse... AI cheats, their countermeasures are as I like to say as effective as ejecting flaming B-52's out of their dispensers... Best two flight tactics is sending flight #2 strait ahead and ordering them to engage enemy flight(s) head on, then you brake away with your flight at high speed, circle around the fight so I end up positioned atleast 20km from the fight, the high speed and off angle(watch your rwr) helps you evade enemy AI missiles(because they will still be in "kill the player" madness mode), then once you position, first pick them off with SAHM/AHM and then just clean up what's left. I know what I do is not overly realistic(alt+n gives me more fuel options) but it works...
  18. Happy Birthday to...

    Woah, Happy birthday buddy
  19. EA won "The Worse Company" award.

    Yes C&C Generals and ZH expansion were one of the best games I ever played. I still have them installed together with the awsome free CWC mod
  20. Holy Sh*t.....

    A proper Vietnam game in the style of first CoD's would be awsome, but for some reason it was never made. Closest thing to that AFAIK was the legendary Vietcong
  21. Planes That Look Alike

    Tu-4 looks like B-29
  22. Holy Sh*t.....

    Too bad, I always preferred IW's COD to Treyarch bugfests...
  23. EA won "The Worse Company" award.

    Nope I was warned about airborne so I skipped it
  24. Well it's probably some kind of GODDAMNEVILINIERROR.ini Cocas is right I think, I had that with some cockpit issues too...
  25. EA won "The Worse Company" award.

    Well I don't know MOH2010 abd Battlefield 3 were really good products... Don't know about the sports, didn't play NBA Live since like 1995 version on SEGA Megadrive II lol They did screw up the Need For Speed series, I really liked those for the light and simple fun and I really did have A LOT of fun with NFS series...

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