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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Polycount is great, especially if yup plan sub-lods And the model looks awsome
  2. You have ancient cat extractor, download the new one apr12 from TW site...
  3. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    Wow it seems we don't read the News section too often, just saw this in SF2 GD forums... I was a member of Biohazcentral, really that much time passed? Wow...
  4. The moving map in cockpits actually is the very planning map you saw in the terrain folder...
  5. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    Well yeah that could be a potential security risk, that's true...
  6. Real Life (tm) troubles

    Actually this means "Goodbye my friends"...if the bracketed is intended as a translation, if not then my bad... @Muesli Weather is getting better here for the past few days so by the time you reach Makarska it should be really nice
  7. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    Why did they fire them? I mean...it's one of the basic man's need, if they khm financed that party with their own money I really see no problem, I mean for God's sake they protect the President not the local high-school virginity project...
  8. Stary I'd like to see your Brit terrain too, I remember the pics, looked sweet...
  9. New Arrival!

  10. Dear Activist

    Well you nailed it with Ron Paul, not the website but me, I really like what that guy is saying pretty much about everything...
  11. Dear Activist

    Propaganda room being the written and published report of Arab league observers which got fired because they didn't report the oh-so-evil Assad killing innocent civilians? Here it is by the way: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=29025 I read independent reports and also basing this on some friends I have that are from Syria, still don't know what happened to one of them which left home about a year ago but before the sh**storm opened up, I hope he wasn't "freed" as I haven't heard from him since... Oh and I do love the mainstream media...when I need a good laugh
  12. Dear Activist

    OK first, I really don't care what Israel(or any other country for that matter) does within it's own borders On that note I see Syria mentioned quite a lot here. Why is that? Why are we so eager in trying to destroy probably the last normal and secular Arab country in the world just because they are fighting imported terrorists and extremists that want to create another "future bomb" of extremism, huge migrations to Europe, further destabilization and all the other "nice" things. Do we (the West) have some kind of monopoly or copyright to war on terror so anybody else doing it deserves to be stick raped, his wife mass raped and his children slaughtered only to have us going there again to manage the extremists we supported now? Oh did I mention they lobbying for sanctions? My country had a concession on some oil fields in Syria a contract that was bringing us a 10% of our country yearly budget worth of income but we had to give in to the lobbying and sanction Syria loosing that forever, in the same time we have epic gas prices now and huge taxes and the country is in a recession...just to support some terrorists attacking a sovereign country. But hey we have to support "freedom" fighters right?
  13. B-52 anniversary

    60 years of flight, damn! They sure knew how to build stuff back then...
  14. What's with the minuses, geeeeeeeez. This forum really shouldn't have that...
  15. Dear Activist

    Isn't this like...politics?
  16. Wait so the track and shoot from the NA works only with F-14avionics.dll which in turn does not support ground map? Because that would be really freakin' hilarious...
  17. Did anybody ask him? I would, honestly, but my temper...is not in diplomatic mode lately...
  18. Try with "maybe never" on the NA terrains...
  19. Night is not supported
  20. If it's a Dassault - I love it
  21. Laid off yet again

    Same situation here, good luck to us all...
  22. That's my F-15A_ANG loading screen now
  23. Prayers and Positive Thoughts....

    Will remember for tonight.
  24. I did, so I made the same mistake...don't know what to do now...

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