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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Sign the Petition!

    That is a crime! Yup it's a tragedy that's why musicians are always so poor. When poor Beyonce came to have a baby in the hospital they threw her out and told her to have a baby in a barn...poor musicians so unbelievably poor, actors too, ever seen a rich hollywood actor or director? Me neither. I mean if they were getting any money we would probably know as they would then own villas, private jets, Ferrari's, penthouses on Manhattan, date supermodels and eat and drink stuff that costs more than government values our life. But hey since we don't know any musicians our actors having anything above it must be the freakin terrible piracy that takes it all away... "Priced way out of reach", interesting, we have a word in Eastern Europe for exactly that meaning we call it - "everything".
  2. Also it seems TK was really genuinely interested in which plane we will fly last weekend... :D
  3. The Mig-21 example was given to reflect how even very growth limited designs such as mig-21 can still show remarkable growth possibilities to re-enforce my theory that some older jets which are still far newer and more complex than "AK-47 of the skies" and with far greater growth possibilities could still do the job perfectly fine. Don't forget that F-35 itself is not a big plane either, it's F-16 sized and due to the stealthy shape, it's nose does not provide much room either still enough for the AN/APG-81 though... Sure, no external pods needed but for any meaningful load, external hard points needed very much....which means less stealth, more drag, etc. I highly doubt EOADS couldn't be integrated on F-22 or even some older machines either. The real question is, what kind of airspace denied not only for A-10's and AV-8's but also S-Hornets, Falcons and Eagles would be appropriate for the F-35? It's stealth is already downgraded from very low observability to just low observability, goodbye brother Raptor, hello brother Super Hornet, and on top of that it's internal loadout options are as I said quite low(4!) but hanging external ones means even less stealth. Can such a plane really be appropriate to be sent into airspace with multi-layered air defense and strong air opposition? I mean if for example picking off radars from like 50 miles away with HARMS with awacs supported Eagle escort is too risky how to hell is F-35 suppose to go there and drop say JDAMS on S-300 sam sites and fight Su-35's or God knows what? What? He will fire JASSM's from far away? Sure that's cool, but the list of JASSM platforms is quite long, B-1/2/52, F-15/16/18... On the other hand, maybe it will not go into fight against multi-layered air defense supported with excellent and well equipped enemy air-force, but what will it do then? Drop JDAM's on some camel-f**ers? Heck you can do that with T-6 Texan II, but then Lockheed wouldn't collect several hundreds of bilions of dollars from the defense budjet(s) Now sure I'm not an engineer, military strategist or anything like that, just a mere aircraft enthusiast so ofcourse I have apsolutely no idea how will it turn out in the end, but from the info that comes out, I really see nothing spectacular here(except development cost), it's uber cool in looks department, electronics is like it came out from a Star Trek episode, but aerodynamics department is kinda dissapointing as are the load options under max stealth conditions which are not impressive to start with which in turn gives some raising questions on it's mission purpose...
  4. Maybe in the (our) evening? :)
  5. Copyright

    Strange but chances are they found an image on the internet as license - free...
  6. Hmmm interesting...then again we might be going crazy over the NA so we are seeing things :D
  7. You can attach weapons and electronics to anything, heck the new MiG-21 upgrades can carry smart stand-off weapons which were in SF domain when the plane was made. What will the F-35 carry that Harrier or A-10 can not? Nothing. It's just faster and more manouverable, but not really a fighter, it's stealthy but not as much as F-22 and to be more usefull it will have to carry ordinance on external pylons meaning even less stealth, if it get's shot down, it's a security liability. There's nothing on this plane I see as significant advantage over the mix of the existing ones, it costs like birds milk, does everything a little bit, nothing really good. I mean don't get me wrong, I love that little plane it has some really cool looks, fancy capatiblities, V/STOL on the B version that looks like transformer, it's cool overall very cool, but I don't see any true essence in it. They should had built the F-23 as a brutal fighter-bomber that would make everybody in the solar system to piss their pants...
  8. http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=28663 or in short: Main Features • 6DoF support with over 100 fixed cockpits • AI improvements • Improved radiator & overheat modeling • Difficulty option changes • Bomb fuzes • Stationary plane spawning • Reworked bomb damage • Control surface & pilot's head positions transferred over network • Mouse wheel zoom • Bombing commands • Additional waypoint parameters New Flyable Planes • PE-8 • TB-7 M40 • IL-4 • Fw 190 A-4 1.42 ATA • Mosquito XVIII "Tse-Tse" New AI Planes • TBD-1 • Hs 123 • IK-3 • Cant Z 506B • Ki-45 Kai Hei • Ki-45 Kai Tei New ground units • Autoblindo AB 41 • Carro Armato L6-40 • Carro Armato 13-40 • Semovente 47-32 • Semovente 75-18-40 • Crusader III • Several new groups and companies based on existing tanks & vehicles And a link to the full 3MB guide in PDF format with A LOT of details: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N1JF5RZX
  9. Combat Ace Milestone

  10. File Name: JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 30 Jun 2009 File Updated: 18 Feb 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 Series You Gripen Team is: Model, Weps and Skins by Gux FM by Column5 Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat Testing by USAFMTL Installation insctructions: Just install the archive into your MOD folder. NOTES: Included updated post WOI FM by Column5 Included updated RWR list and added TGA texture(and entry) for JAS39 family radar. ***SPECIAL NOTE*** I only made the SF2 conversion(simple ini edits and folder re-organization), the original MOD makers are listed above!!! That's pretty much it and: Original ReadME is attached in the archive. Feb 2010 Updates by Jat Click here to download this file
  11. JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series



    JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 Series You Gripen Team is: Model, Weps and Skins by Gux FM by Column5 Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat Testing by USAFMTL Installation insctructions: Just install the archive into your MOD folder. NOTES: Included updated post WOI FM by Column5 Included updated RWR list and added TGA texture(and entry) for JAS39 family radar. ***SPECIAL NOTE*** I only made the SF2 conversion(simple ini edits and folder re-organization), the original MOD makers are listed above!!! That's pretty much it and: Original ReadME is attached in the archive. Feb 2010 Updates by Jat
  12. A new dimension to dogfighting?

    What? Wait! Did he just...oh no he didn't...
  13. OT -- Cats

    Yup that's so true, my cat (Tom) has atleast 9 hrs to lay in my chair while I'm at work, but no, he goes there 15 minutes before I come home, waits for me and then pretends he is sleeping so I wouldn't move him away...
  14. No I'm pretty sure paint.net and GIMP can do it too, you just need to find out how to edit the alpha channel. Also you can just paint over existing river tiles so you don't have to bother with alpha channel editing...
  15. Yup I agree, no time for switchology here either, just a bit more bling... BTW how long has it been since the last update? Last one was like...last year...
  16. Bring It Iran

    Just did, still don't see how other Persian Gulf nations couldn't confront it just as good especially considering that they are there and have no need for AC carriers but do have apso-freakin-lutely top notch aviation that far surpasses by both numbers and often technology most of the European countries...
  17. Bring It Iran

    No, but frigates, corvettes, minesweepers, patrol boats and support wessels armed with CIWS, Harpoons, Exocets and other SSM-s and armament with even some naval aviation do indeed make a pretty good navy and that's just the Saudis, UAE also have some corvettes and other Exocet armed boats. Ok Qatar is a vee bit pathetic with only about a dozen exocet armed fast attack crafts, Kuwaiti is...well no need to mention... Bahrain is interesting with rather good navy for such a small country even has OHP frigate plus some corvettes all well armed with sams, SSM-s, support helos...nice stuff. The only thing Iran has on them are the subs...
  18. OT... Women Complicated even Stephen Hawking thinks so...

    Finally a time has come that an ordinary man can say to Stephen Hawking: "No s**t Sherlock!"
  19. Bring It Iran

    They all have navies...
  20. Hey guys here is my batch file for unattended conversion of many files to dds, it has two settings: DXT1 for BMP DXT3 for TGA just load files you want to convert to PS(separate bmp from tga) and start it, everything will go by itself Custom.7z
  21. Bring It Iran

    Hopefully as far away from me as possible
  22. Thx buddy but no need, yours is practically finished, mine is still very basic, I'll just trash mine and wait for yours :)
  23. Happy New Year

    Damn did anybody ever notice how when you drink the tequilla, it's always the lemon that nails you? I mean you lick the salt, you are fine, you drink the cup, you are fine, you bite the lemon and whooooooohooooooooooooo Only 4:00am here I might even be ok tommorow...

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