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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. I will I need to finish the goddamnevil city transitional tiles lol Here's a few more: Some "hill" hopping: And a general cutout, but let's call it a view from the tower
  2. img00011

    From the album Brain32 Album

  3. img00008

  4. Well sort of, I found an old archive on my HDD named Afganistan, when I opened it I noticed I only need to finish a few transitional tiles so I said...why not
  5. img00007

    CAP Afganistan
  6. Yeah I planned that too but then that flood ruined western digital factories and HDD's went up in price up to 300% here...just silly, I'm waiting for prices to go back lol
  7. I've got you covered...I think cause sometimes I have funny explanations lol First the picture: I think it has the 3d max part covered, hierarchy is important for all that stuff to work properly... Now the ini-entries: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [HSICompassWheel] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS NodeName=Compass MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [HSIBearingMarker] Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=hsiBearingNeedle MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [HSICourseArrow] Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=hsiCourseNeedle MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [HSICourseDeviation] Type=COURSE_DEVIATION NodeName=hsiCourseDeviationNeedle MovementType=POSITION_X ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=-0.015 Set[01].Value=-5.0 Set[02].Position=0.015 Set[02].Value=5.0 [HSICourseDeviation2] Type=COURSE_DEVIATION NodeName=hsiCourseDeviationNeedle2 MovementType=POSITION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=-0.015 Set[01].Value=-5.0 Set[02].Position=0.015 Set[02].Value=5.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions you can think of, just ask
  8. RUS HSI

    From the album Brain32 Album

  9. Yes, same as BMP's.... Bad showcasing on my part, Phanstoms eurocamo is not really a skin you would showcase burtal panel line details is it, does not lool better in BMP either...however this one is a bit better: DDS is exactly what I use for all 3rd party mods, because I have LOD access on them, however we don't have access to TK's LOD's so we can not use DDS textures on them, with that in mind I see no reason whatsoever to use BMP. DDS in this case is out of the picture entirely...
  10. img00004

    From the album Brain32 Album

  11. To each his own I guess, this skin: ...is made of five 2048x2048 textures, I didn't loose any details as you can convert to JPG at various quality levels(I convert at highest possible quality), performance loss is not measureable so I don't care for that either, the only difference I got from this is the fact that in *.bmp the skin takes 61,5 MB's and when I converted it to JPG it takes only 6,5 MB's so go figure it's a 90% reduction. Sure for people with really really really old computers it might be an issue, mine is built in 2008 so not the latest and greatest either but there is apsolutely no performance issue with it, I see no reason whatsoever to keep gigabytes of skins on my hard drive just to keep it in BMP for no gain whatsoever...but hey like I said to each his own.
  12. img00003

  13. Actually all TW models can now use JPG skins, I discovered that by accident. This is quite good since LOD's are locked now and we can't hack them for using DDS thus if you are a compact mod maniac like me you can use JPG's
  14. Iran displays captured UAV

    Or stop making it in China
  15. Yeah I had a great expirience the other day, I was flying the Fulcrum, merged with some F-18's, heard the "missile launch!" call and usually I would hit Esc and click refly trying to avoid the merge next time, but this time....I tried to spot the missile(AIM-9M) and when I did I pulled angle on it to drain as much E as possible from it and started dropping flares. To my amazement - it worked, the missile missed!!! I haven't had so much fun with SF2 in a while...
  16. In an essence you are right buddy, it's just that my imagination quicky surpassed the possibilities of the TE and general possibilities of terrain making in SF series. I still have a bunch of hi-res tiles on my HDD that never saw the light of day except in some screenshots, from Korea, Balkans, Afganistan, South America...some finished, some half finished, some I don't even remember. I really hope new terrain making possibilities will make terrain modding a bit easier, I learned(mind you not mastered like our dedicated 3D guys) 3DMAX in the mean time, if you ask me with current terrain making methods I find 3D work easier and more rewarding in the end...
  17. Actually I like this much better than previous "bolt of Zeus" IRM missiles that would hit no matter what envelope you or ai fired from...
  18. Well I just tried to brake legacy Hornet, 0% ammo, all stations empty, fuel at 25%, max pull. And I finally managed to brake it - at 19 G's Sorry guys I just don't see the problem... Maybe you got battle damage you didn't notice? you often don't notice you got hit and damage textures don't show so you can't even check with outside view...other than that all I can think of are planes with VERY sensitive elevators that allow you to unintentionally pull insanely high G's for maybe a microsecond but enough for the game engine to register it as catastrophic event, in that case you can either: a - mess a bit with the FM, some simple fix on the elevator might solve the problem very effectively b - mess with joystick sensitivity in game options
  19. Yup number one reason I don't do terrains anymore is I just grew fond to my mental health too much, and also when I heard TK is planning new terrain engine I learned I might be able to do terrains AND keep my mental health which should be awsome.
  20. Strange, I've been pulling up to 15G's with no consequences, flying on "hard" setting...
  21. Gripens in Swiss Air Force

    Don't know, I think it's a political thing as Falcon offers I've seen are not so favourable, though ofcourse you rarely if ever see the complete deal in available sources...
  22. Fun - funny...common mistake among non native english speakers. I mean I'm non-native too but been using english for far too long lol
  23. I'd say it's anything from this weekened to Spring 2012... Oh wait...darn, I sense a "no s**t Sherlock" poster coming...
  24. Iceland will be Red. Blue will move in to gain air superiority and support the invasion in an effort to regain control of Iceland. That's why the NAVY and F-14 are in the spotlight, I suspect there will be no blue land on the map and that A-7 will be our main groundpounding machine. Why I think so? First like HGBN noted he mentioned something about terrains being smaller, well...if you check out GE, distance from Iceland coast to the nearest next coast is roughly 1000km in all sane directions. We might get Faroe Islands but - there's only one civil airfield there(to my suprise), runway lenght ~4000ft Ofcourse Greenland is an option if we got further North but I don't think so.

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