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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Well on a more postive note, since the introduction of the mission editor, I don't longer go commbuilding hunting I mean I must admit that yesterday I even selected the GODDAMNEVILCOMMBUILDING as the target, I missed the poor lil' fecker
  2. LOL yeah that's the real designation :D
  3. Happy Birthday Erik

    Happy Birthday
  4. Did you try Silent Hunter 4?
  5. On a bit different topic... What you say is very true but I find that amazing, in an essence all "hard-core" sims I can think off could be dumbed down practically to the arcade shooters level. I can't think of any game aside maybe Falcon4(for which I really can't remember) that couldn't be set to have "win all" button. And all that most usually with like 3-4 options - easy, medium, hard, uber Yet I do have to agree with your point, I just find it funny if not completely insane that people actually dumped those games just because they didn't like how they play on "Hard". If same philosophy would be applied to all games on the market, would any genre ever survive? I mean to be honest, flight sims are just about the only games I can play on hard(highest difficulty) settings and that's just the FM part, avionics wise LockOn is the top of the stuff I'm willing to spend time to learn...more than that and you loose me lol Most(All actually, but just in case) games aside flight sims I play it's on medium and sometimes even on easy ( ) settings, should I be ashamed of that? Is my manhood at lower level or what? Yeah well maybe this rant of mine is for another topic, but it just spiked my eye right now
  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I just gave you +1 for noticing it
  7. Yeah, for all I care he can re-use textures from GermanyCE, but if we get a bunch of new options I'm all into it again...
  8. I agree there's a terrible lack of communications lately. Even one-sided would be good, for example those updates on twitter were a great idea, they didn't have to be on a daily basis but nothing? I mean just look at the "Inside peek" subforum on TW site - it's total wasteland...
  9. Who knows, but I bet 9/10 of us here will run CAT extractor BEFORE the game exe
  10. Eur Bans Claims That Water can prevent Dehydration...

    Yep they tried the same thing with bananas. The irony is my country is to sign the admission treaty on Decemeber 9th this year, irony number two is, I don't know a single person that supports our country entering EU I just wonder in what way will they frame the referendum for us to enter anyway Personally I just hope to see deutsche mark again, Clara was so nice and pretty
  11. WTF?

    Iraq was a secular state btw...
  12. Youtube

    So true, I especially h8 that as I watch a lot of NBA or other basketball related videos, the comments are very often....ugh
  13. What will they do if God forbid they ever get endangered by somebody, perfom HAKA and look at the sky?
  14. I don't thnik it'll work in real life

    Oh man those bastards were awsome, they would flank you, supress you while the other one is throwing the grenade and a bunch of other never before seen stuff and that was freakin 1998, not to mention HL didn't lack in graphics department one bit in that time not only that but they were leading the cutting edge actually, all that with unbelievable performace on mid-range machines...there's just no developers like that anymore...
  15. MW3 slated by users

    Yeah I like movie style campaigns, I just don't do MP with FPS' genre anymore(I Quaked my ass off in the ol'days), so if MW3 campaign is good that's all I need. BF3 has a really decent campaign but it's a bit buggy, AI can stop and you have to reload the level like 10 times to advance level etc. Also I came to the very end of BF3 campaign and I just couldn't manage to click the mouse in the right nanosecond to fight with the main badguy, that was ridiculous I consider it finished but I didn't actually see the end, will find it on YouTube. They should re-consider the way they tried to simulate hand to hand combat as that was IMO a complete disaster for BF3 singleplayer....
  16. Ofcourse it's not, my point was merely that since we don't have HMS, LOAL and stuff like that simulated everything in AIM-9L/M class in game pretty much falls into the same engagement scenario...
  17. Yeah probably, I had no sttuter on ATI just the main screen resolution issue...which was already solved with the beta patch
  18. Any RL comments I've heard about put it(the old R-73) in in front of AIM-9M(that's partly why IRIS-T was made) so while certainly not better or in line with modern AIM-9X or IRIS-T, poor performance sounds too exaggerated to me...
  19. Yeah it's unbelivable but I think we are all like this. With me it's like: Phase #1 -Idea comes to mind - "Hmm what could I do, what could I do...oh wait...yeah that would be awsome!" Phase #2 -new enthusiasm drives the wip at incredibly high pace Phase #3 -at 60%-80%(sometimes even 95%) of your wip you get a message from your buddy - "Hey dude, you know me and others are planing this and this and this, what do you think about that? - Oh man that would be super-awsome let's start right now. Phase(oh who am I kidding, phases would mean there's some level of organization), so basically at this point the old project get's a "Meh! Maybe later." The new projects runs it's life up to phase #3
  20. I would say: "First!" But somebody already downloaded it
  21. Much as I like Americans

    Yup I agree what I would control though are dangerous snakes, spiders and scorpions.
  22. It's known and being handled, don't even try on Hard as they self-destruct at about M1, eventually they will be completely ready even for Hard mode...
  23. Didn't we have this like...eons ago? I mean sure it's nice n' all but...
  24. I never had technical issues with the patches, OCT patch is the first one actually with that menu bug and switching themes in Win7...

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