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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Well yeah there are pricks everywhere, half of the topics there is of a same nature like this one however...and sure as hell nobody messed with me when I complained there... I don't see FC2 being more complicated, sorry... As for optimization just the other day I installed LockOn v1.0, thats from 2003, it still runs like crap on my machine... Now sure like I said, I'm a fanboy, but I also like facts and I do know what's under the hood here. Maybe it's about priorities in a flight sim...but I think BoB is definitely "next-gen". As for what f***ed it up, the answer is as old as the PC games themself - money. It simply had to be released....
  2. Perfect, just the other day I was hoping to see this soon and wham, two days later you release it
  3. Call me a fanboy and hang me high I don't give a fu*k, but this stuff you will not see anywhere else. Yes currently in like 5 fps until the patch comes out(beta patch announced for late today or tomorrow) but still...daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn... Just check some of theese screens: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3244760/1.html
  4. NOISENORMAL.bmp is actually a bump map texture for the terrain and since there's only one, you can go crazy with resolution with no performance impact whatsoever and when I say crazy I can tell you that even with 4096x4096 res noisenormal.bmp I didn't record even 0.1 fps loss lol
  5. You can bump the planes, but you can also bump the ground
  6. NNormal

    From the album Brain32 Album

    Bumping the ground...
  7. Wait for the patch X-Ray, things are F'ed up now... I must say I didn't expect it will bit THIS bad, I remember I could play IL-2 on a really silly setup and it ran fine...
  8. NF4 issues?

    Shouldn't be, unless Stary lost the ini with mapping coords then it would probably be a major PiA...
  9. AC/DC disbanded

    Dude that was cruel lol
  10. Ofcourse they are not buddy that is the point. The original serials were scratched OFF and so all that is left are numbers written with a pen(!!!). It's impossible to verify the origin of those migs as one could write any serial that would match the story. We had about 20 mig's that were like that...like I said even UN inspection was pissed about it but thankfully nothing was done. All in all I can not confirm or deny with 100% certainty the origin of those Migs, you know how it goes when something is hard or even impossible to verify...stories emerge but one really can not know for sure.. BTW thx for the serial numbers but I'm quite sure that even if I find some serials of our migs (and here nobody competent to talk about it likes to) none will match with the list...
  11. Indeed L-159 seems like a very good airplane, still supersonic component is IMHO a must, not for prestige but also for everything that comes with supersonic planes. But a good mix would be a perfect solution and L-159 really seems to be an awsome solution Well yeah that's all true and known but generally maybe better not to mention too much. As for the serial numbers we had a few with numbers scratched off, I recall that once some international inspection noticed that and wanted to start an investigation, fortunetly somebody stopped it lol OK I searched some of my stuff(been writing this reply for like 20 mins lol) and even found something about it: As for serial numbers of other planes...I'm not sure if I could find out about all of them...but if I do, I will let you know...
  12. nepoznati Mig

    From the album Brain32 Album

  13. Interestingly enough that is the Martin-Baker company that later made ejection seats, also if I didn't mix something up this baby was told to be better than a Spitfire in many ways but never made production... I didn't know we have it as a mod btw...
  14. Yeah, well the game got old and so did the topics there so I kinda faded :) Ugh I forgot, they most definitely by any means were NOT former East German, Hungarian or Ukranian, we had a weapons embargo and neither we or anybody else ever broke it. As for the MiG's we couldn't keep them airworthy not because of finance issues but because the airframes were crap, our tech guys actually did wonders with them according to the people that flew them but when the airframe is done, it's done. Some things you can not replace... As for finance we could finance 40 F-15's if needed, don't know how to put it, it's complicated we need to put our country in place first. I mean really our former Prime Minister is in Austrian jail due to corruption and embezzlement, abuse of power, etc. etc. the stuff is crazy and can be even called high treason as also former vice president of the government was prosecuted, minister of defense got 4 years, and I pretty much lost count on all the affairs everybody has their finger in everything, the global economical crisis would barely scratch us had there been no theft on the very top of the state... Currently we spend like 0,00005% of BDP on military. Pretty much just enough to support all the administration that came there due to nepotism, also to keep those few mig's operational and to support operations in Afganistan and in some peacekeeping missions...
  15. I could bring to life including additional 3D work if needed. I just suck at making the basic shape and proportions correct of the canopy framing and stuff like that, if you have that done....it's trouble free.
  16. Yeah the MiG's are in horrible condition, the best examples(that fly now) are again from - Germany That would be former Eastern Germany ofcourse, we had those, some Hungarian and some Ukrainian, but EGerman ones were in best condition and if my sources are correct those are the ones that are airworthy now. We did send some of them to Romania for upgrade in 2003 but they were not upgraded to Lancer standard, all we got was new paint(lol) and NATO compatible GPS and comm devices...and that is what makes the "bisD". I was out of my mind happy when I've heard about the German offer, but like I said, if my government ever made a smart decision...
  17. Hehe, let's just say I would rather drive an old Ford Escort than an old LADA Samara
  18. Why change? Maybe because we have like 3 migs and they barely fly? We have a horrible case of airforce degradation the situation went beyond panic line a while ago. We used to have 40 MiG-21's and 12 Mi-24's. And now all we came to is those few MiG's Now while those F-4's are indeed old as hell they are "ICE" version that's miles above anything we ever had... So the potential benefits are: - keeping our fighter jet component(!!!) - transferring to the western technology (missiles, technicians, infrastructure) which we plane to use in the future anyway and will have to transfer to sooner or later anyway... Negatives: - they are f*** old and we will have to cut it to scrap in a few years too Now I'm aware of the costs and I know transferring to Phantoms is not cost-free at all(the planes themselves are a give-away, a freebie), but still it might not be so crazy afterall. In any case we can say a huge Danke Deutschland for thinking on us when nobody does as they always did In fact the original idea was for us to get their older EF-2000's but as our incompetent corrupted government didn't leave a penny to be wasted on anything but their personal enrichment...we can forget about that or the Gripens which are in fact so perfect for Croatia tactically it's as if the Swedes made it just for us lol. Btw. the Swedish offer was VERY good! Also the USA gave us a really good offer - F-16C's for 1$ but under condition we pay for the MLU upgrade(50 mil$ a piece), this was also quite generous but yeah sorry for our freakin' politicians... All in all now I can just hope our airforce will survive and endure the political(corruptive) punishment...
  19. Yes I did and I love it
  20. That's great news, I installed BlackSea v.1.0 terrain only once, and never removed it since that day
  21. CA Classic messes up the forums for me. I know you guys are working and Clean Cut works fine and looks nice enough but I thought you guys would like to know about that. OS is Win7 Browser is Opera: Version 11.01 Build 1190 Hope it helps...
  22. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    Pears and apples as we here would say. I don't see just how is all that you wrote in any way connected with the text you quoted... Maybe you misquoted Nathan?
  23. Really?

    Nope, kill the law writers and those that vote for those laws

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