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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. LMAO I feel your pain, YT is not a shade of what it used to be before. I just kick them in the nuts by changing my IP
  2. Well if you heard first time about it then yeah I guess you might think so, however that does not have any connection to reality. I know too much about the game being an old il-2 freak but I would have to write a 20-page essay on what is new, improved and never before seen about the Cliffs of Dover. The game will advertise itself when it comes out anyway. As for me personally I only don't like the theme...BoB? Really? Again? Wait really? But anyway I'll take what I can as there's nothing on this level out there and probably will not be for some time...
  3. Oh yeah, I can't even imagine what you had to go through with that, not just the *.ini but I'm guessing figuring out the hierarchy was madness. Massive respect for that one buddy
  4. "Easier" is a forbidden word in the world of TW modding...
  5. Well British radars will be modeled already for Battle of Britain, also planned on nightfighters....so basically ;) Anyway the guy always thinks in advance when making core engine, who thought we will have carrier ops in il-2 when it first came out?
  6. Korea will come immidiately after Battle of Britain atleast that was the plan as let's call it division #2 of the Storm of War development team started working on Korea parallel with the Battle of Britain scenario. However they had to pull them all on Battle of Britain so they can finish it sooner so I don't know what is planned now and how it's all going. Several years ago O.Maddox even mentioned Vietnam
  7. THIS IS NOT TRUE! While it's a really cool work, this is a modification of default, stock MiG-9 cockpit
  8. I don't care for modded il-2 as that game was never meant to be modded it's not like ThirdWire games. To enable mods people had to hack the game thus no suprise if it's not running smooth anymore as it was never designed for all those things. I have been playing the game since it came out in 2001(Original IL-2) and went with it for every version ever made including some betas and since 2005 I was online player only and the game always ran VERY smooth and you could scale it with options very well
  9. Actually il-2 was one of the most optimized games ever, I could run it at apsolute max settings years ago on a PC that would be a joke for today's standards. How can you compare it with FSX is honestly beyond my comprehension lol
  10. I have 4850HD using 10.12 drivers with no problems... Never heard about any kind of fps lock unless you use V-sync
  11. Typical western line of thought, native workers are too expensive, how will you buy your 18th golden BMW with platinum doorknobs if you employ the "expensive" native worker, some poor barefooted guy in the middle of nowhere will make it for half a cent per year income. Sure the quality sucks but it's not like you are going to buy that s**tty stuff you make anyway...
  12. Hmm where did you get the terrain in the background?
  13. Hmm first of all - J-20? Now second is if you change the name of the texture(from J-20.bmp to F-40.bmp) then you need to change the name in the *.lod file too with the hex editor, the *.out file has no effect on the game...
  14. Happy New Year...

    Happy New Year
  15. With my luck when I would wake up after that I wouldn't remember that dream. Ofcourse if I dream about chasing Abe Lincoln on a pinky unicorn through a forrest made of paperwork I decided to put down for next week I'll remember every freakin' detail about it...
  16. Check it out here: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=17765
  17. Merry Christmas to all

    Merry Christmas!
  18. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Hi guys just to let you know I didn't forget or something, I'm just very busy. @NGHENGO I'll send you a PM with details as soon as I can...
  19. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Guys I have several hi-res(1024-1024) templates, each containing several textures for various places, Italy,Croatia,Bosnia,Greece, with variations like mountains, forests, farms, etc. I started this same project ages ago on my own, but making entire terrain, tiling it and on top of that making textures was a bit too much for me... Now I barely have the time to play the game right now however if you have interest in finishing all that, they are yours.
  20. Can you clone stuff? I didn't notice such option but that would be super awsome...
  21. I did, SA-2 and HAWK. Also tanks, AA guns and stuff. I made a really cool mission Shakak vs MiG-21PFM in the Syrian valley in which I placed two dozens 57mm AA guns...crazy show time
  22. W00t? So everything else is working? No effect shader switching, ini dancing, etc needed? Niiiiiiiice

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