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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Ho Lee Crap

    Same here for mobile phone usage while driving - 100$ fine if the catch you. However I can't say I'm opposed to that as most people I meet who drive and talk on the phone make horrible mistakes. The streets here are much narrower than in USA(atleast judging by pictures, movies etc.) so I often get in situation where a guy is handling a curve(or even just driving strait) by cutting me off completely from opposite direction, I often have to come to a complete stop and pray he will correct his trajectory in time Not to mention abuse of priority right, idiotic way of lane switching etc...
  2. F-117 First Flight

    I bet that caused a few "UFO sightings" lol
  3. WWI color pictures

    http://www.worldwaronecolorphotos.com/ Pretty interesting, found it completely accidentally...
  4. Haha although, F-21 is a bit different story...
  5. Happy Birthday Fubar512 !

    Happy Birthday
  6. Kazakhstan AF pictures

    Powerfull air force, their officials say pilots fly 100hrs a year, that's very good...
  7. Defecting Korean in Defective plane...

    Sure looks like MiG-21 buddy Bigger pic here: http://www.fox43.com/news/nationworld/la-fg-north-korean-plane-20100819,0,4708336.story And I pretty much clearly see the shape of delta wing although it's covered in rubble...
  8. Nope that's Willy's baby (Willy Messerschmitt) Kurt designed somewhat similar* jet for India - Marut. *-interpret this widely please lol EDIT: Not easy to properly spell "Messerschmitt" is it lol
  9. Yeah but we will get Lightning for that
  10. Israel goes F-35

    Wow that's nice, so in a nutshell USA is paying Israel 4 bilion$ to be able to give them for free 2,75 bilion $ worth top military equipment that USA is paying for in the first place? I wonder what would my country have to do to be such a good friend to USA, we are already in Afganistan, maybe if we would single-handedly submit N.Korea or something, for that kind of free money I'm willing to attack N.Korea by myself with old AK-47, and a 9mm pistol
  11. Israel goes F-35

    This link is interesting regarding the financial part of the deal: http://defensetech.org/2010/08/16/israel-places-order-for-20-f-35-jsf-u-s-picks-up-the-tab/
  12. 65 years ago

    My 1$,45C. 1. Nukes killed more people than they should because of lack of today's knowledge, drinkin' black rain? No thx. 2. Many German and even Japaneese cities saw major destruction by massive bombing, the so called "terror bombing", same thing although with conventional weapons but that makes it OK I guess... 3. The world was sick and tired of the most brutal war ever fought in history of mankind, EVERYBODY wanted it to end - ASAP. 4. You don't teach women and children to use guns if you plan to surrender, you don't teach people to put on some explosive crawl under a tank and blow themselves to pieces taking the tank with them. Sure I completely believe that certain elements in Imperial Japan wanted to end it painlessly, but certain elements are often not enough, you either surrender or you don't. Nobody will wait for ages until you make up your mind especially at the end of WW2. 5. Stalin started the war together with Hitler, they splitted Poland in half, made some war crimes, you know, the usual stuff. It was always a curiosity to me how quickly has that been forgotten, not to mention brutal war crimes done by Red Army in Germany in 1945 did anybody in the West even flinch on that? The primary mission of every soldier in Germany in late spring 1945 was running in direction of the Americans, hint - not to attack Conclusion being a big superF'inpower in a war is great as everything you do is quickly and easily forgotten, if you are small everybody will step on you even if you are just defending yourself. Go figure why everybody and their mother want's to have nukes today...hehe, NOBODY on international political scene will take you for much more than a dirt under your fingernail if you don't have it...
  13. Haha I was reading it twice and still didn't get it. It even made sense Cavaliers were H versions as those were UBER fast, but wherever I've read it said - converted D-25...
  14. You need to put the .TGA into skin folder, not main folder
  15. Yeah this one was obviously the "tall tail" Mustang, although AFAIK Cavalier Mustangs were regular D-25's but you never know with prototypes...
  16. Wow first time I see something that is equally "pretty" as the H-19
  17. Heh, not sure as I land without it so I didn't notice. However a quick glance at the data.ini of the F-15E for example shows this: [upperLandingLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-0.015,3.198,-0.920 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Brightness=0.10 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 <----- Try reducing this value until you are happy with results CanFlash=FALSE IsLandingLight=TRUE
  18. Well I watched "Desert Aces" and Epstein and the others did have quite a specific english accent(not bad, just specific), also I know a couple of Israellis and you can hear that same accent when they speak english too...
  19. Yeah neither did I but flying at night over virtual Iraq tends to rise such questions
  20. Cure for afterburner, you have to change in respective .ini Like this: [EmitterType001] Name=EagleAfterburnerEmitter EmissionType=ORIENTED_EMITTER UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=8000.000000 EmissionRate=0.000800 EmissionVolume=0.010000,0.010000,0.010000 EmissionVelocityTableType=CONSTANT EmissionVelocity=0.000000,-120.000000,0.000000 HasLightSource=TRUE LightColor=0.405,0.396,0.342 LightRange=5.0 <-------This used to be 200 which was fine for old series(no bloom and stuff), but TK's planes in SF2 have value of 5 and it works perfectly

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