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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Da Russians are coming...

    Russian back yard, AFAIC they can do whatever they want there...
  2. Rules

    From the album Brain32 Album

  3. My bet is you wouldn't have it in WinXP. Last change with the TV image was in May, it brought advanced shaders with it and my guess is something went wrong with the *.fx script...
  4. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    ESRB notice: Foul language Anyway this one is epic:
  5. All stock for testing, Desert terrain, HarrierGr3: I noticed the problem with the F-18A flying at night over Iraq, the office was lit up by it so much it felt like flying a Christmas tree. However F-15C and E are OK so I can't catch a pattern here but quite a few moving maps are lit like that in the night... Anybody knows any way to tone them down?
  6. Arrrgh this was suppose to go in the SF2 section as this is merged SF2 with latest patch...
  7. img00003.JPG

  8. I basically have only one RWR.lst applied to all planes with TEWS on the same path in the AVIONICS.INI, true you have to update every single AVIONICS file but once you do that, it all good. ;)
  9. Yeah I've been using brighter since I was making skins for il2, awsome tool.
  10. Yes they use normal FM which puts player in quite a disadvantage, however even like that they are still nowhere near a match for me. The only really irritating fights are MiG-17 vs F-4(even "E") as the lil' MiG's flying on Normal setting turn like go carts so I often run out of fuel before I get an angle on any of the little suckers. Also for those guys flying more modern scenarios, I think their missiles are either more powerfull, or they are more resiliant to players missiles. Don't know, it's hard to say what goes on in modern BVR/VVR furball so I might just be a bad looser on this one lol
  11. OMG, there's an AWACS role and it's working?!?!
  12. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Brutal, I don't see a point in such a play, congrats to Spain all this makes your victory even more epic Just to remind what I said when the championship started
  13. Haha I remember those day, my buddy had 32MB of EDO on P1 166MHz, we were like: "Dude do you secretly work for NASA or what?"
  14. AFAIK no, but I agree it looks really pretty, even better than the single seater
  15. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    That's were I am from the begining
  16. 28 miles is pretty low, I've read PS-5 is able to track up to 70-90km(I have 90km in my ini's ), although Gripens are meant to work in data link mode of some kind where their tracking range should go up to 160km
  17. It's a skin , readme is in the archive.
  18. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Yeah I'm watching it parallel actually, Argentina had quite an offensive at the end of the game, the long shot by Messi was awsome...
  19. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I'm watching Nigeria getting robbed vs S.Korea...
  20. Hmm I don't know what's in the ini(I have my own version). Anyway while data for PS-5 radar is scarce most sources say it can detect a fighter sized aircraft at 120km.
  21. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Even if they loose which should be a miracle as I don't really think Greece can do it, they would have to loose by a lot. I gave a prognosis for Argentina - Greece = 3:0

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