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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Somali pirates target navy ship - Pic sez it all

    Well they did fly a bit when the ship returned fire...
  2. Which Time period do you fly?

    I voted 1980+, I used to be a die hard propeller head, but when IL2 online died I went modern. Korea is great too, the mix of the two
  3. Achmed the dead terrorist

    Yeah it's old but funny as he11
  4. Wikileak Apache video

    OK guys here's one of the things I'm talking about I'm no pro photographer, but check the size of the thing carried by the man I marked, if that's a camera then camera manufacturers should re-think their design...
  5. Wikileak Apache video

    I'm quite sure I saw an RPG-7 being carried by one of the KIA enemy. When I say quite sure I mean, I wan't proof it wasn't becuase if that was not a RPG-7 then it was a really good toy replica and as far as I know people don't carry toy replicas of RPG-7 in a freakin' war. I just don't get the part when that black van comes into the scene, although I'm the first to say things like "you either do war or you don't, once the war starts it's too late for civil actions" I don't see why was that van considered a threat or a legitimate target(meaning since we already have terms such as "legitimate targets" coming into the play). Me personally if I was in that Apache, I would probably do the same, they had a friendly armour and infantry coming there and they did everything to make life easier for their buddies on the ground, that's what soldiers do...
  6. Hey Dan can you tell me if Bump maping is enabled on "old" SF2/V/E/I series planes I know there are no normal maps supplied with the Feb or Mar2010 patch but I was wondering if models are set up(mapped) with that in mind?
  7. Yes I applied one very succsesfully, it called "Reinstall Everything Professional Ultimate Edition v.2.3.156." Sorry bud, but that's the only way...
  8. Yeah but he said extract and upload...
  9. OMG........It's

    Happy Birthday Wrench
  10. I'm guessing the ol' one you released some time ago...
  11. In short it does not work in DX10... You will probably loose the entire HUD like that if you use DX10...
  12. Both work, BUT effectFire.fx is what TK uses for afterburner Generally: effectFire.fx - all fire, afterburners and other similar effects effectLightning.fx - smoke effects and everything similar to that twColor1.fx - everything else.
  13. Maybe it's because I pick my hardware VERY carefully but I never had a HDD failure and/or data loss. *knocks on wood, spits 3 times over his left shoulder, turns around 16 times counterclockwise and sings YMCA backwards on Romainan*
  14. OK this one really has a ton of bugs, doesn't TK have beta testers?
  15. I installed the new one, I wan't to check it out...I'm so good at fighting AI needs some help
  16. I like the coloured subititles because "He's firing a missile" now means I'm the one the missile is being fired on, not the O-1 flying over Antartica while we are fighting over Bering straits lol
  17. USAAF vs VVS

    I've read quite a few, but can't remember the source right now, they are all mostly 3rd party so to say(german and other) as neither side officially or unofficially supported those stories AFAIK.
  18. Veteran...

    Well since they don't listen good ideas, I'm trying the opposite approach with giving them all the bad ideas so they only have good ones left
  19. Veteran...

    If there is it probably only allows and encourages unauthorized moves in aerial traffic for Arabs but only those with terrorist record...
  20. South Korea/North Korea

    Yeah I can imagine how this will go, S.Korea: Sends a polite and peacefull protest note to N.Korea, N. Korea responds: "Great Leader FTW!!!1 teh pwnzor", lets all die from hunger now for our Great Leader, yaaaaaaaah long live communism yaaaaaaaaaaay. we have MiG-15's yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! UN: Bla,bla,bla we are of no importance whatsoever and are here only to recieve ridiculous pay-checks and do nothing so don't fight anymore you naughty boys or we will have to spent 5 miliseconds discussing the "crysis" although we don't really give a F' as usual... 6 months later - repeat all fo the above...
  21. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    A few results of light under-influence evening with my buddies(rough translation to english): Chuck Norris built the house he was born in. Chuck Norris earned a bilion on "Who want's to be a millionare?" Everybody can piss their name in snow, Chuck Norris can piss his name in concrete. Chuck Norris can fart when he has dhiarrea. Chuck Norris can start a Yugo on first attempt, every time! And a dozen more I can't remember now lol
  22. Holy s**t....

    Happy birthday
  23. I had that idea from 2006. lol Waiting is the key it seems...

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